Joins Kerry in touting bill to make Election Day U.S. holiday
Who wants to allow felons the right to vote? Hillary, Kerry, and Boxer to name a few. This is the epitome of INSANITY! We are talking about a group of people who cannot abide by the law.
A good way to see how badly the lefts ideology is for America is to look at how it works on a much smaller scale. We all know of a friend or a family member that just always seems to be broke. Their hand is out and they are always whining about something or another. No matter how many times someone “helps” them out, they always end up in “need” again.
I know of a man that lamented over how horrible it was that he was unable to provide for his family because he had no transportation. One of the Deacons of his church went out and bought him a car. Flat out paid cash for the car and gave it to him. Once he got the car, he ended up working about 5 days in the next month. One excuse after another. Then the bills were so far behind, he pawned the car. The very same Deacon turned around and then sold this man a truck for $10.00. This same man ended up dragging his wife and kids from place to place, stealing checks and forging them and is presently serving time in State Prison for the SECOND time for forgery and theft by taking.
THIS IS NOT A MAN THAT I WANT MY POLITICIANS PLAYING TO FOR VOTES! Can you imagine the campaign promises? “I think we need to drop the sentences for forgery from 5 years to 2 years. Heck, nobody got hurt; let’s just give them probation. For those already serving, they need to be eligible for benefits for 6 months after their release so they can get back on their feet.” WHY NOT?
We have seen the Democrats play this game forever. They constantly tell the seniors that they will give them this, or give them that. They pander to minorities, promising them free stuff. Both parties milk the Latino voters over the issue of illegal immigration. One group proposed on the O’Reilly Factor the other night that America increase spending on Cash and Food benefits for the poor to an all-time high of over $50 BILLION. There are only 300 million PEOPLE in the U.S.!
I’m not against the poor. I’m one of the “poor.” The problem here is that there is no incentive for people to CHANGE their situation if there is always someone there to bail them out of everything. I have no problem with government programs in place to help people who need temporary help, or are unable to work. I don’t want single mothers working 60 hours a week because then no one is with the kids, and I don’t want them breaking into my home.
What I DO want is a system that encourages people to take care of themselves? If we keep promising each special interest group their own special program, it is the people who understand the true heart and meaning of America that are getting the shaft. I don’t begrudge the rich their money. I do begrudge the elites thinking that their greed for power gives them cart blanch to play charity with the sweat of hard working Americans.
Letting Felons vote. Forget it! If you can follow the laws of the land, then we will let you participate in making decisions on who gets to be the lawmakers of the land. Be warned. The bill they are trying to introduce has plenty of other parts to it. They will sell you the idea that the bill is meant to make voting EASIER for people. After the last election, I can see why. Letting felons vote has to be easier than slashing tires,
HEY they've found a new constituency. A captive audience (sorry). A new frontier in electoral fraud. How can I appeal to the felon vote?
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
I'm liking your blog. I will have to read more later
Rob Manktelow, at 3:35 PM
Sherri hits the nail on the head! This country has rewarded criminals and lazy citizens for far too long. Think about it, hard-working people like myself wake up every morning and go to work just to provide the necessities for myself: food, shelter, clothing. On the other hand, criminals live in a facility where they have food, clothing, television, computers, even school! (Which us hard-working people pay out of our taxes) Now, to add insult to injury, Democrats are trying to allow them to vote?! What is that? Why should convicted felons have the same privileges as me? I work twice as hard and get a pat on the back for being a good citizen...
Anonymous, at 11:13 PM
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