U.S. Circuit Judge United States Court of Appeals Eleventh Circuit Born: October 14, 1954 Pensacola, Florida Date of Appointment: July 30, 1999 Entered on Duty: August 9, 1999 Education: University of Notre Dame, B.A., 1976 University of Notre Dame, J.D., 1979
Previous Employment: Law clerk, Hon. Joseph W. Hatchett, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 1979-1980 Assistant county attorney, Hillsborough County, FL, 1980-1981 Private practice, Tampa, FL, 1981-1986 State county judge, Hillsborough County, FL, 1986-1990 U.S. Magistrate, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, 1990-1994 U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida, 1994-1999
U.S. Circuit Judge United States Court of Appeals Eleventh Circuit Born: Augusta, Georgia December 9, 1948 Date of Appointment: October 3, 1997 Entered on Duty: October 3, 1997 Education: University of Reading, 1968-1969; Randolph-Macon Woman's College, B.A., 1966-1968, 1969-1970; Emory University School of Law, J.D., (cum laude), 1973, Order of the Coif and Notes and Comments Editor on the law review. Previous Employment: Law Clerk to the Honorable Elbert P. Tuttle, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, 1973-1974; associate, Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy, 1974-1980; partner Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy, 1980-1984; Judge, State Court of Fulton County, GA, 1984-1990; Judge, Superior Court of Fulton County, GA, 1990-1994; U.S. District Judge, Northern District of Georgia, 1994-1997. Committee Appointments/Professional Organizations: Member, Codes of Conduct Commmittee for U.S. Judicial Conference, 2002-present; Federal Judges Association; American Judicature Society; Fellow, American Bar Foundation; Fellow, Georgia Bar Foundation; Honorary Fellow, American College of Construction Lawyers; Georgia Women's Forum; Altar Guild, Cathedral of St. Philip Episcipal Church; Leadership Atlanta, 1987-present.
U.S. Circuit Judge United States Court of Appeals Eleventh Circuit Born: Albertville, Alabama June 3, 1950 Date of Appointment: September 10, 1992 Entered on Duty: October 2, 1992 Education: University of Alabama, B.S., 1972; Graduated Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, J.D., 1975. Previous Employment: Alabama Attorney Generals Office, 1975-1992. Professional Organizations: Federal Judges Association; Chairman, Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules, 2001-present; Member, Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules, 1997-present
How long has it been now. Last time it was six days, and she recovered fine. I wonder if the nurses are maybe slipping her water when no one is watching. I know I wouldn't be able to stand by and watch that.
Schiavo's brother simply recounted hearsay from Michael. He alleged that Terri's Dad threatened Michael over not receiving money from the malpractice lawsuits.
What is absurd about this is that parents of adult children cannot recover from injuries to those children unless they die. Is Michael suggesting that the Schindler's were expecting kickbacks from Michael
It makes not sense that the Schindlers' would spend their retirement fund to retaliate against Michael for failing to kickback some of the malpractice recovery to which they would never have been entitled.
Hey Sherri girl! It's me Lorraine! Just got back from Hospice. Lot's of people there... obviously because of Sean Hannity being there. I was told that Hannity & Colmes will re-air at 2:00 a.m. EST. Just to answer the question about how long Terri was without food and water the last time; it was 6 days. I guess I need to sign up for a Blogger ID, ey?
Alright guys, this is a womens topic post scroll past if you must:
Why is it that Terri's doctor would prescribe pain for her monthly cramps? How did he know she had cramps? If she is so unaware, so vegetative - that starving to death will be painless - why the pain meds for her montlhy aches and pains?
Did the doctor continue to prescribe the cramp meds after rehabilitation was stopped? And is this related to the fertility treatments they had been receiving before her collapse?
Sarah, the nurse that Hannity talked to tonight said that Terri would put her hands on her tummy and say 'pain' and 'Mommy, pain'. That's how they knew she was hurting at that time. Hitting the bed for tonight, Sherri my prayers are going up for you. Hang in there :)
Can someone please tell me where is the CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE? Mrs. Schindler asked for that not to happen until Tuesday, but now it's Wednesday. How many people are actually at the hospice, and why aren't they acting in this desperate hour. They are too complacent!
Anonymous, if you have been following the case very closely, you will realize that there are many, many qualified people who say that Jay Wolfson is just plain wrong. That is what the issue is all about. We must give these people a chance to be heard.
But of course you would say this because it doesn't fit your agenda. Of course a GAL appointed by the court to represent Terri Schiavo is WRONG .. because he speaks the truth and not what you want to hear.
Things like this:
Throughout the course of the litigation, deposition and trial testimony by members of the Schindler family voiced the disturbing belief that they would keep Theresa alive at any and all costs. Nearly gruesome examples were given, eliciting agreement by family members that in the event Theresa should contract diabetes and subsequent gangrene in each of her limbs, they would agree to amputate each limb, and would then, were she to be diagnosed with heart disease, perform open heart surgery.
or this:
Within the testimony, as part of the hypotheticals presented, Schindler family members stated that even if Theresa had told them of her intention to have artificial nutrition withdrawn, they would not do it. Throughout this painful and difficult trial, the family acknowledged that Theresa was in a diagnosed persistent vegetative state.
or how about from the FIRST GAL:
As part of the first challenge to Michael’s Guardianship, the court appointed John H. Pecarek as Guardian Ad Litem to determine if there had been any abuse by Michael Schiavo. His report, issued 1 March 1994, found no inappropriate actions and indicated that Michael had been very attentive to Theresa.
or what about this:
Of Michael Schiavo, there is the incorrect perception that he has refused to relinquish his guardianship because of financial interests, and more recently, because of allegations that he actually abused Theresa and seeks to hide this. There is no evidence in the record to substantiate any of these perceptions or allegations.
All of his statements in his report are based upon E V I D E N C E and testimony. why is it so dam hard for you people to face FACTS and TRUTH?
GAL is a guardian ad litem .. an attorney appointed by a court to represent someone who cannot speak for themselves .. usually a child or an incapacitated person, such as Terri Schiavo.
A GAL is paid by the COURT ... to represent the best interests of the child or incapacitated person.
And anonymous: There are many conflicting expert opinions in this case. The fact is that no new information, including medical diagnoses has been allowed in court for many years. Why has Terri never had an MRI? If your child were diagnosed with brain damage would you settle for a CT scan only? I doubt it.
This report was written two years ago. How is that "many" years?
And apparently you know little about court-appointed attorneys, Nut Job. While a private attorney can charge upwards of $400 per hour (and most do), court appointed attorneys make less than $75 per hour depending on the region of the United States.
What on earth would the Court have to gain? Another absurd statement. GALs do NOT represent the best interests of the Court but rather are there to represent those who cannot represent themselves.
They appoint GALs in child neglect cases and elderly abuse cases and incapacitated person cases, among others. Do you EVER speak anything even remotely truthful?
And the GAL's report was based upon:
The entire court file of thirteen years, including items of evidence, has been reviewed and studied, with oarticular attention given to decision points in the case history that are reflected in motions to and orders by the Court. The case review has included clinical and medical records, discussions with members of the family, caregivers, and with medical, legal, bioethical and religious practitioners and scholars and the conduct of independent research into the substantive issues in this case. The GAL has met regularly with Ms. Schiavo, his ward.
All court records were accessed and reviewed, including all items of evidence in the case. Extensive discussions were held with family members and caregivers along with the acquisition and review of background data and information from the case file to assist the Guardian Ad Litem in becoming as personally acquainted with his ward, Theresa Schiavo as possible, in the short time available.
The Guardian Ad Litem has made numerous and frequent visits to Theresa at the hospice where she resides, including an arranged visit with her parents to observe interactions. The Guardian ad Litem has met with and discussed aspects of Theresa’s case with hospice staff, physician cardiologists, gastroenterologists, internists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, trauma specialists, anesthesiologists, swallowing disorder specialists; speech pathologists specializing in rehabilitation, swallowing tests and swallowing therapy; and with clergy, elder law specialists, bioethicists, and health policy specialists.
In addition to reading the nearly 30,000 pages of court records, the Guardian Ad Litem has conducted a review of the medical literature and has received thousands of unsolicited documents, sources of referral, claims regarding successful interventions, and wishes of good luck.
Now, is that enough to base his FACTS on .. or after all of that is it still his OPINION?
Florida statutes explicitly (for better for for worse) allow a judge to also appoint hiimself guardian. That's preciisely why that action has never been determined procedurally incorrect.
The bottom line is, it's perfectly sanctioned in the state of FL. Perhaps that statute should be modified to help prevent this situation in the future.
Tired of Listening and not sounding off? Tired of waiting on hold to get your voice heard? Sherri is committed to offering that soapbox. Stop in to see what Sherri is stirring up in the world of news and politics. No story too small or too big. Just be warned of one thing. Sherri doesn't like her news on the rocks, shaken, or stirred. With Sherri, she gives it Straight Up!
Integrity is my most precious value. My core values are based in Christianity. I love my God, my Savior, my Children, and Israel. My motto: Don't change minds, change LIVES! I am a single mother of 3 beautiful children. I am a conservative that understands that this country's forefathers created America to be The Land of Opportunity, NOT the Land of Entitlements. I have worked on campaigns as a Campaign Manager, a Consultant, and a Director. I love to sew, and collect coffee mugs!
Greta was pathetic. Why didn't she ask about the bone scan?
jlfintx, at 10:22 PM
Does he expect us to BELIEVE that Michael is keeping a promise to Terri??
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:30 PM
my heart can't take this.... waiting on news about Terri....waiting on news about my grandma....
man-- this is HORRIBLE!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:31 PM
Sherri, please don't take Godd's name in vain. Just kidding, trying for a little levity,
jlfintx, at 10:33 PM
That lawyer on Greta makes me want to upchuck. "He's a good judge, he is a Christian, blah, blah. Can you say brown nose.
jlfintx, at 10:35 PM
Here's a little info on the three judges....
Charles R. Wilson
U.S. Circuit Judge
United States Court of Appeals
Eleventh Circuit
October 14, 1954
Pensacola, Florida
Date of Appointment:
July 30, 1999
Entered on Duty:
August 9, 1999
University of Notre Dame, B.A., 1976
University of Notre Dame, J.D., 1979
Previous Employment:
Law clerk, Hon. Joseph W. Hatchett, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, 1979-1980
Assistant county attorney, Hillsborough County, FL, 1980-1981
Private practice, Tampa, FL, 1981-1986
State county judge, Hillsborough County, FL, 1986-1990
U.S. Magistrate, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida, 1990-1994
U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Florida, 1994-1999
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:36 PM
Frank M. Hull
U.S. Circuit Judge
United States Court of Appeals
Eleventh Circuit
Augusta, Georgia
December 9, 1948
Date of Appointment:
October 3, 1997
Entered on Duty:
October 3, 1997
University of Reading, 1968-1969;
Randolph-Macon Woman's College, B.A., 1966-1968, 1969-1970;
Emory University School of Law, J.D., (cum laude), 1973, Order of the Coif and Notes and Comments Editor on the law review.
Previous Employment:
Law Clerk to the Honorable Elbert P. Tuttle, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, 1973-1974; associate, Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy, 1974-1980; partner Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy, 1980-1984; Judge, State Court of Fulton County, GA, 1984-1990; Judge, Superior Court of Fulton County, GA, 1990-1994; U.S. District Judge, Northern District of Georgia, 1994-1997.
Committee Appointments/Professional Organizations:
Member, Codes of Conduct Commmittee for U.S. Judicial Conference, 2002-present; Federal Judges Association; American Judicature Society; Fellow, American Bar Foundation; Fellow, Georgia Bar Foundation; Honorary Fellow, American College of Construction Lawyers; Georgia Women's Forum; Altar Guild, Cathedral of St. Philip Episcipal Church; Leadership Atlanta, 1987-present.
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:36 PM
Ed Carnes
U.S. Circuit Judge
United States Court of Appeals
Eleventh Circuit
Albertville, Alabama
June 3, 1950
Date of Appointment:
September 10, 1992
Entered on Duty:
October 2, 1992
University of Alabama, B.S., 1972;
Graduated Cum Laude from Harvard Law School, J.D., 1975.
Previous Employment:
Alabama Attorney Generals Office, 1975-1992.
Professional Organizations:
Federal Judges Association; Chairman, Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules, 2001-present; Member, Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Criminal Rules, 1997-present
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:37 PM
WOOOPS! THat was a typo! GOOD GRIEF!
Marine momma
just that my uncle was holding her hand told her it was okay to give up... she squzzed his hand and shook her head -NO!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:39 PM
How long has it been now. Last time it was six days, and she recovered fine. I wonder if the nurses are maybe slipping her water when no one is watching. I know I wouldn't be able to stand by and watch that.
Anonymous, at 10:46 PM
I had to turn the station.
Schiavo's brother simply recounted hearsay from Michael. He alleged that Terri's Dad threatened Michael over not receiving money from the malpractice lawsuits.
What is absurd about this is that parents of adult children cannot recover from injuries to those children unless they die. Is Michael suggesting that the Schindler's were expecting kickbacks from Michael
It makes not sense that the Schindlers' would spend their retirement fund to retaliate against Michael for failing to kickback some of the malpractice recovery to which they would never have been entitled.
Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D., at 10:52 PM
Actually all of that is mostly conjecture, but the depos, med records and police report are documented facts.
jlfintx, at 10:55 PM
This court is going to order the tube put back in. Just don't know if it is at 10pm cst or later.
jlfintx, at 10:56 PM
Sue Bob
Nothing that comes out of his mouth makes any sense.....
makes my skin crawl..
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:57 PM
The USDOJ thread is being contrary and want let me post. However, the blog is really working well, did you spray some WD40 on it or what?
jlfintx, at 11:19 PM
Hey Sherri girl! It's me Lorraine! Just got back from Hospice. Lot's of people there... obviously because of Sean Hannity being there. I was told that Hannity & Colmes will re-air at 2:00 a.m. EST. Just to answer the question about how long Terri was without food and water the last time; it was 6 days. I guess I need to sign up for a Blogger ID, ey?
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM
Alright guys, this is a womens topic post scroll past if you must:
Why is it that Terri's doctor would prescribe pain for her monthly cramps? How did he know she had cramps? If she is so unaware, so vegetative - that starving to death will be painless - why the pain meds for her montlhy aches and pains?
This makes no sense.
Anonymous, at 11:32 PM
Did the doctor continue to prescribe the cramp meds after rehabilitation was stopped? And is this related to the fertility treatments they had been receiving before her collapse?
Anonymous, at 11:35 PM
Sarah, the nurse that Hannity talked to tonight said that Terri would put her hands on her tummy and say 'pain' and 'Mommy, pain'. That's how they knew she was hurting at that time.
Hitting the bed for tonight, Sherri my prayers are going up for you. Hang in there :)
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM
It would be sooooo discouraging if that nurse ends up getting a book deal out of this unless all proceeds go to a relevant charity.
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM
That comes from this site. I'm not certain of the timeline.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM
Why don't you all try reading some facts from Terri Schiavo's Guardian Ad Litem?
The truth might blow all your little minds!!
Anonymous, at 11:50 PM
I hadn't noticed that Wolfson mentioned her menstrual cramps in his report.
Go back and see if he mentions the meds for cramps, or how she has managed for 15 years not to aspirate her own saliva.
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM
RWNJ - Do you all have Reverend Robert Johansen's op-ed?
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM
Can someone please tell me where is the CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE? Mrs. Schindler asked for that not to happen until Tuesday, but now it's Wednesday. How many people are actually at the hospice, and why aren't they acting in this desperate hour. They are too complacent!
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM
Anonymous, if you have been following the case very closely, you will realize that there are many, many qualified people who say that Jay Wolfson is just plain wrong. That is what the issue is all about. We must give these people a chance to be heard.
But of course you would say this because it doesn't fit your agenda. Of course a GAL appointed by the court to represent Terri Schiavo is WRONG .. because he speaks the truth and not what you want to hear.
Things like this:
Throughout the course of the litigation, deposition and trial testimony by members of the Schindler family voiced the disturbing belief that they would keep Theresa alive at any and all costs. Nearly gruesome examples were given, eliciting agreement by family members that in the event Theresa should contract diabetes and subsequent gangrene in each of her limbs, they would agree to amputate each limb, and would then, were she to be diagnosed with heart disease, perform open heart surgery.
or this:
Within the testimony, as part of the hypotheticals presented, Schindler family members stated that even if Theresa had told them of her intention to have artificial nutrition withdrawn, they would not do it. Throughout this painful and difficult trial, the family acknowledged that Theresa was in a diagnosed persistent vegetative state.
or how about from the FIRST GAL:
As part of the first challenge to Michael’s Guardianship, the court appointed John H. Pecarek as Guardian Ad Litem to determine if there had been any abuse by Michael Schiavo. His report, issued 1 March 1994, found no inappropriate actions and indicated that Michael had been very attentive to Theresa.
or what about this:
Of Michael Schiavo, there is the incorrect perception that he has refused to relinquish his guardianship because of financial interests, and more recently, because of allegations that he actually abused Theresa and seeks to hide this. There is no evidence in the record to substantiate any of these perceptions or allegations.
All of his statements in his report are based upon E V I D E N C E and testimony. why is it so dam hard for you people to face FACTS and TRUTH?
Anonymous, at 12:17 AM
Anonymous: stupid question, but what is a GAL?
Anonymous, at 12:22 AM
GAL is a guardian ad litem .. an attorney appointed by a court to represent someone who cannot speak for themselves .. usually a child or an incapacitated person, such as Terri Schiavo.
A GAL is paid by the COURT ... to represent the best interests of the child or incapacitated person.
And it's not a stupid question.
Anonymous, at 12:25 AM
New Charles Krauthammer.
And anonymous: There are many conflicting expert opinions in this case. The fact is that no new information, including medical diagnoses has been allowed in court for many years. Why has Terri never had an MRI? If your child were diagnosed with brain damage would you settle for a CT scan only? I doubt it.
Anonymous, at 12:28 AM
This report was written two years ago. How is that "many" years?
And apparently you know little about court-appointed attorneys, Nut Job. While a private attorney can charge upwards of $400 per hour (and most do), court appointed attorneys make less than $75 per hour depending on the region of the United States.
What on earth would the Court have to gain? Another absurd statement. GALs do NOT represent the best interests of the Court but rather are there to represent those who cannot represent themselves.
They appoint GALs in child neglect cases and elderly abuse cases and incapacitated person cases, among others. Do you EVER speak anything even remotely truthful?
And the GAL's report was based upon:
The entire court file of thirteen years, including items of evidence, has been reviewed and studied, with oarticular attention given to decision points in the case history that are reflected in motions to and orders by the Court. The case review has included clinical and medical records, discussions with members of the family, caregivers, and with medical, legal, bioethical and religious practitioners and scholars and the conduct of
independent research into the substantive issues in this case. The GAL has met regularly with Ms. Schiavo, his ward.
All court records were accessed and reviewed, including all items of evidence in the case. Extensive discussions were held with family members and caregivers along with the acquisition and review of background data and information from the case file to assist the Guardian Ad Litem in becoming as personally acquainted with his ward, Theresa Schiavo as possible, in the short time available.
The Guardian Ad Litem has made numerous and frequent visits to Theresa at the hospice where she resides, including an arranged visit with her parents to observe interactions. The Guardian ad Litem has met with and
discussed aspects of Theresa’s case with hospice staff, physician cardiologists, gastroenterologists, internists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, trauma specialists, anesthesiologists, swallowing disorder specialists; speech pathologists specializing in rehabilitation, swallowing tests and swallowing therapy; and with clergy, elder law
specialists, bioethicists, and health policy specialists.
In addition to reading the nearly 30,000 pages of court records, the Guardian Ad Litem has conducted a review of the medical literature and has received thousands of unsolicited documents, sources of referral, claims regarding successful interventions, and wishes of good luck.
Now, is that enough to base his FACTS on .. or after all of that is it still his OPINION?
Anonymous, at 12:45 AM
You are lucky I was sleeping!
The GAL was dismissed when he said tht MICHAEL SCHIAVO had OCNFLCIT OF INTEREST! THAT is when Greer appointed HIMSELF!
Stop cutting and pasting - bring the whole document!
Lucky I was sleeping...
Straight Up with Sherri, at 1:54 AM
Florida statutes explicitly (for better for for worse) allow a judge to also appoint hiimself guardian. That's preciisely why that action has never been determined procedurally incorrect.
The bottom line is, it's perfectly sanctioned in the state of FL. Perhaps that statute should be modified to help prevent this situation in the future.
Anonymous, at 2:35 AM
The 11th Circuit ruling directly addressed the above point about Greer serving both roles. Pages 26-27
Anonymous, at 4:25 AM
Sherri ... ever the ignorant.
I posted the LINK to the document because it's 38 pages long ... do you want me to post 38 pages?
I READ the entire document .. all 38 pages and no where does it say anything about a confict of interest. Perhaps you're thinking of the first GAL.
You need to go back to bed .... seriously ...
Anonymous, at 4:36 AM
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