ACLU Caught Red-Handed?
ACLU caught red-handed?
Changes view of precedent when it favors Christian group
The ACLU's support of a legal precedent used to gain recognition of a student homosexual group has reversed now that the ruling is being used to back the rights of a Christian club on campus, claims a public-interest law firm.
The Associated Student Body at Kentridge High School in Kent, Wash., has rejected the Truth Bible Club because it required all members to adhere to a code of Christian conduct and voting members to sign a statement of faith. Also, the name of the club was deemed "offensive" and "proselytizes."
The case is governed by the Equal Access Act, a federal statute that requires schools to treat student clubs equally, notes the Arizona-based Alliance Defense Fund, which is defending the Truth Bible Club.
In Prince v. Jacoby, ADF argues, the Ninth Circuit held that denying official sponsorship of a club violates the Equal Access Act.
ADF points out that in 2003, shortly after Prince v. Jacoby was decided, the ACLU sent an information letter to school officials in Washington state explaining the case "makes it clear that student clubs promoting tolerance for gay students are entitled to the same resources as other clubs."
But now, the ACLU has filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Truth case that takes the opposite position.
The ACLU now wants to strike down the Prince case if it will be used to allow a Bible club on campus, the ADF's Tim Chandler told WorldNetDaily.
"This goes to show how far the ACLU will manipulate the legal system to further their radical agenda," said Chandler, a litigation specialist who is working on the case.
"They are backtracking," Chandler said. "They used these laws to get what they wanted – equal rights for the gay-straight alliance – and now that they've gotten that, they want to retriact it so the Bible club doesn't get the same benefits."
An ACLU of Washington lawyer did not respond to WND for comment by press time.
The ACLU argues that the Equal Access Act only requires schools to allow clubs to meet on campus but does not require them to have equal access to all other benefits, such as funding and yearbook recognition.
The ACLU insists Prince should be overruled to avoid giving Truth any benefits beyond the right to meet on campus.
ADF spokesman Greg Scott said Truth applied for ASB status three times and was rejected each time. After numerous requests and demand letters to the principal and district counsel went without response, ADF filed suit.
ASB status is required to receive funding from the school, recognition in the yearbook, and access to the public address system and other forms of on-campus advertising. Non-ASB groups are permitted to meet on campus during non-instructional time, but cannot receive any other benefits.
Scott notes that in the Prince case, the successful petitioners were part of a religious club seeking Equal Access.
"The ACLU is obviously engaged in religious bigotry – in cases concerning homosexual groups, they argue that Prince fully applies, but now, when it clearly applies, using the ACLU's own standard, to a religious club, they are seeking to overturn the Prince decision," he said.
Naaaaawwhhhh.... Say it isn't soooooooo!
I took off the anonymous.
I know that is very strange for me to have done.
As I understand it- you only need to register- you don't have ot actually have a blog...
All the problems with blogger have been quite a nuisance. But there is a big announcement coming soon. A special project is in the works. The blogger problems will no longer be an issue....
I am sure you have seen many changes take place here at SUWS since its conception, the biggest of which is that it is no longer about Sherri... it is much bigger, in fact is has become a team effort....
Stay tuned....
Tell airdog to come on over- I will change the comment filter back- but when I can't be here to keep an eye on things- I will be restricting who can comment...
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:16 PM
Re: new anonymous policy
LOL awwwww Sherri is on the run now.
Anonymous, at 4:06 AM
Re: new anonymous policy
LOL awwwww Sherri is on the run now.
Anonymous, at 4:09 AM
The ACLU was started by communists or communist sympathizers who's very aim was and is to tear this country down. They should have been laughed out of court decades ago and never taken seriously. The fact that they have the enormously unpopular and terrible impact that they have is our betrayal by the party of past power the democrats. Who should all be booted out of office as a new and hopefully cannot be much worse party emerges. RHINO Republicans are almost as bad maybe even worse if John McCain is an example. Checks and Balances are supposed to work on judges also and until we get some men of real courage our government is not going to work properly.
Alnot, at 5:16 AM
Somehow I find it highly ironic that they would sue under the basis of a violation of "Equal Access" when their intent is to start up a club that refuses to allow everyone to join when other student clubs have no such restrictions in place.
You can flame me, but this is just beyond silly. If an etnic and gay club in the same school have no limitations on who can join, there's no justifieable reason to allow a bible club to discriminate on membership.
They shouldn't be barred from forming whatever club they like, but they have no reason to take an uncomprimising stand and sue for some quick pocket money (yes, they're sueing for monetary damages as well).
Anonymous, at 10:45 AM
justapoint = Right Wing Nut Job
Anonymous, at 1:55 PM
Should we also allow a satanic cult on school grounds?
Anonymous, at 5:53 PM
Stick with the topic just because you do not believe in it doesnt make it evil go home!
Anonymous, at 6:14 PM
LOL Stick to the topic you would have a fit if a satanic cult tried to hold meetings at our schools. We cant keep the people we have in america out of poverty so your right lets add a few more million UNWANTED babies around grreat idea then opur taxes can go up and we can pay for these single mothers even more to live as they please.
Anonymous, at 6:34 PM
LOL you have no idea how many kids I have I have been married over 15 years 2 kids and I do teach them well. I also dont mind the schools teaching them as well. It takes 2 to tango don't blame this on the men if you really want to lay blame. Blame women, they are the ones who wanted to enter are work force and in doing so its much harder to have a parent around all the time. years ago a man could support his family and a women could stay home but nowadays (thanks to womens lib) they can't!!
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM
Put you bible down and wake up to the real world!!
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM
They are both to blame but still doesnt make it evil. its a fetus not a kid.
Anonymous, at 6:49 PM
LOL I dont think there is a so called god. The sooner you know that the faster you can move into the real world.
Anonymous, at 6:50 PM
I'll gladly keep my Bible and not live in your world. GLADLY!
Of course you would that way you dont have to think for yourself. Just pick up a book and let that tell you what to do. Get a mind of your own.
Anonymous, at 6:52 PM
Well I and The Country you live in disagree. Sorry.
Anonymous, at 6:57 PM
Yup thats a kid I am talking abortion by law when it is allowed don't be stupid. That is much much farther along then when abortions are done. And I have seen much worse then that in my job.
Anonymous, at 7:06 PM
Wow "wrong" Are you trying to play "god" now and tell me I am wrong? wooohoooo May you be struck down by lighting!!
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM
Laws are what we live by you live by your own set of laws. (the little bible). live by ours!! thanks.
Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
I am not passing judgement you are. And I also have 2 degrees I will match smarts with you anyday.
Anonymous, at 7:16 PM
You will live by man made laws or goto jail if you dont like it then change it. Why should WE (America)live by your laws? (BIBLE)
Anonymous, at 7:18 PM
LOL I have gotten it back took 4 years of working but I did. We don't live in a church. Thats what makes this country so great we have the right to choose!!!! We are allowed to use our minds, don't need a book to tells us right from wrong that for the weak minded.
Anonymous, at 7:21 PM
I am passing judgment on right and wrong. YOU BET I AM! Judgment by God's standards.
We don't live by your god's standards. try this again.
Anonymous, at 7:23 PM
We should live by God's laws because that is the BEST way to enjoy the life God gave you.
Thats your opinion!!!!
don't try and foce it upon us.
Live by it all you want I will never try and stop anyone of any religion to stop living as they want BUT don't shove it on everyone else.
Anonymous, at 7:25 PM
And we have moved on frowm that. Thank Sam (thats me, my own god).
Should we just ship everyone out who desnt believe in you god?
Anonymous, at 7:27 PM
I have to go shortly (have to pick up my daughter from church).
Live as you wish but don't try and push it on me!!
Anonymous, at 7:29 PM
LOl why must you resort to name calling? I have said nothing mean or disrespectful to you or anyone.
But yet you call me childish?
Anonymous, at 7:30 PM
AMERICA was founded on God's laws.
Try again we took it from Indians!!!!
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM
Too sorry of a parent to go to Church WITH your child? How nice. Things just keep getting clearer and clearer about you
I let her chose what she wants to belive in I don't force it upon her like way to many other parents do.
Anonymous, at 7:33 PM
That not disrespect. You couldnt keep up with the topic I will even ask again.
Should we also allow a satanic cult on school grounds?
Anonymous, at 7:35 PM
LOL So its not ours at all!! Then stop trying to force your bible on it
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM
1st off it is a study for kids from 12 to 17 so no even if i wanted to I couldnt go. 2nd Its better then telling her she cant go isn't it? Or should I FORCE my beliefs on her like others do?
Anonymous, at 7:38 PM
See you can't even answer the question. Should we also allow a satanic cult on school grounds?
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM
It is not ours. It is God's.
He created it.
That is what you think. that does not make it so.
Should we also allow a satanic cult on school grounds?
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM
Should we also allow a satanic cult on school grounds?
keep up now!!
Let her choose, but "go on your own, honey." So supportive (you have no idea about my family do not make cracks about my family.
I have not and won't make cracks about yours.
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM
Planned Parenthood is not a satanic cult.
simply answer the question.
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM
Too sorry of a parent to go to Church WITH your child?
whay would you say stuff like this?
doy you think your god would call me a sorry parent for letting my child goto church?
Anonymous, at 7:49 PM
I guess you are done.
And Sam bless you!!
Anonymous, at 7:50 PM
I yes I took her the first month to let her see if she wanted to look into it more. She does go with family members. HURT? she has THANKED me many times for letting her go. Even he preacher has thanked me. So once again don't talk about stuff in my family that you dont know!!
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM
LOL you know what I am talking about. ANSWER the question. I will spell it out for you. Should we let Kids meet at school in a "club" that worships the devil?
Just like a math club.
Anonymous, at 7:56 PM
Yes you do. You make cracks about other people's families
show me.
Too sorry of a parent to go to Church WITH your child?
whay would you say stuff like this?
doy you think your god would call me a sorry parent for letting my child goto church?
please answer
Anonymous, at 7:57 PM
I know it hurts her that you don't go with her.
She is being brought home as we speak I will let you talk to her if you want to.
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM
Yes you do. You make cracks about other people's families
show me.
Too sorry of a parent to go to Church WITH your child?
whay would you say stuff like this?
doy you think your god would call me a sorry parent for letting my child goto church?
please answer
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM
No I don't know that he died for me I don't believe it. I msy even be wrong NO ONE KNOWS for sure. but i can live with that.
Anonymous, at 8:00 PM
LOL you know what I am talking about. ANSWER the question. I will spell it out for you. Should we let Kids meet at school in a "club" that worships the devil?
Just like a math club.
this one too keep up.
Anonymous, at 8:01 PM
LOL Not trying to drag her into anything she is mature enough to hold a coversation without comments like.
Too sorry of a parent
All you are proving here is that you received a VERY BAD education
Let her choose, but "go on your own, honey." So supportive
Anonymous, at 8:06 PM
SHOULD we let Kids meet at school in a "club" that worships the devil?
just answer the question stop side stepping.
and please answer why you have bashed me?
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM
Yes you do. You make cracks about other people's families
show me
Anonymous, at 8:09 PM
You have yet to answer the issues I raised.
ok what is it shoot!!
Anonymous, at 8:10 PM
opur taxes can go up and we can pay for these single mothers even more to live as they please.
This goes on everyday many people live off the govern no no our tax money. not a bash it is the truth.
P.S. not directed at you.
Blame women, they are the ones who wanted to enter are work force and in doing so its much harder to have a parent around all the time. years ago a man could support his family and a women could stay home but nowadays (thanks to womens lib) they can't!!
YOU agreed!!!
P.S. not directed to you!!
I don't force it upon her like way to many other parents do.
MANY parents do force it on thier kids. not a bash a truth.
P.S not directed to you.
Anonymous, at 8:17 PM
Now you turn.
SHOULD we let Kids meet at school in a "club" that worships the devil?
Too sorry of a parent to go to Church WITH your child?
whay would you say stuff like this?
Anonymous, at 8:20 PM
Nope, chase your own tail, I will watch. When you wouldn't answer them, I didn't waste my time. Wate your own
i did answer them at the end of each one read it all
Anonymous, at 8:21 PM
lol ok here
now im non anon.
Anonymous, at 8:23 PM
lol ok here
now im non anon.
Anonymous, at 8:23 PM
SHOULD we let Kids meet at school in a "club" that worships the devil?
already answered that one, sigh, pay attention
Math club don't worship the devil that I know about.
But we all worship something. If it is not God, it is of Satan. There is no in between.
Money is not evil, but to worship it is. Etc, etc, etc,
Anonymous, at 8:28 PM
All I am trying to point out is if you want to allow "clubs" that sit and talkand worship your god them we have to let the same kind of club to sit and talkand worship the devil you cant have it one way and you are not willing to do both I doubt!!
Anonymous, at 8:31 PM
Is it over? Wow Thanx for the amusement, and the education.
KC, at 9:11 PM
KC, you have even fewer posters on your blog than Sherri. Maybe you and Sherri can each take 1.5 of Sherri's reader base?
Anonymous, at 10:23 PM
RWNJ, let's call a spade a spade: practically everyone here expresses their opinions (with at least the semblance of forethought) except for Sherri.
On the rare occasion where she does post more than just a reprint of a WND story or something similar, it consists of empty sentence fragments like "Love it" or "Riiiight". No thought goes into her posts, as opposed to the posts of practically everyone else here.
I understand she has a problem with diction, but she should at least try IMHO.
Anonymous, at 12:43 AM
Otherwise why would anonymous even care about what Sherri posts or comments?
Sherri was interesting "back in the day." But she's in a rut now, so I come here for RWNJ and levi. I can't speak for the other anonymous posters, of course.
We can be Christian about it.
Ahem. You must be Christian about it. Any other behavior on your part (name-calling, broad stereotyping, knee-jerk reaction, etc) is a failing, and one which you must work to correct, with God's guidance. Or so it goes. And that's your "weakness," in a sense.
Some are weaker than others in that respect. RWNJ so far has been the strongest by far, but he does also go a little loopy sometimes.
Anonymous, at 1:25 AM
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