Straight Up with Sherri

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The City of Liquid Nitrogen

Anne Morse, in a NationalReviewOnline feature, tells us about a vast population of human beings that are known to exist by only a few people. The estimated 400,000 people is about the same number of people in Omaha, NE where I live. But the undiscovered do not enjoy the sun and fresh air of my temperate climate. Instead they live in liquid nitrogen tanks; cryogenically frozen for later use in experiments, harvested for parts, or in a few instances, allowed to mature into "normal" human beings and walk the face of God's great earth.

We grow these humans much as we would sorghum, and we treat them with less dignity. The Culture of Death has now become engaged in the practice of both creation and destruction. Perhaps evil has bounds beyond our imagination.

I certainly respect Anne Morse; her story celebrates the victory of those who survive. I, however, remain depressed by the plight of those who do not.

Right Wing Nut Job


  • What is our world coming to? Does this mean that we are preserving human life in liquid nitrogen, only to destroy the very life that was being preserved in the first place? And for what? This reminds me of a scene out of Frankenstein or something. It makes you wonder what other life forms (aliens) could be preserving in tanks for future experiments. This is scary to me.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:03 PM  

  • With mankind's love and fascination for anything "new and improved" it was just a matter of time that human life would be used in the same text as the new fall harvest of wheat or whatnot. The value of human life is falling faster than the U.S. dollar.

    Anonymous 5775 EK

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:53 AM  

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