Straight Up with Sherri

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

An Iraqi Terrorist Cell was Involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing?

Some of this may be old news to Glenn Beck fans, or those who have just kept themselves informed, but to some of you it may be new information.

Two important names to remember:

David Shippers

Jayna Davis

David Shippers shared today on Glenn Beck that not only does he have no doubt that Iraq was involved with the Oklahoma City Bombing, but he knows of at least two terrorist cells in the US right now, and feels that Chicago is the next terror target.

Here is some GREAT sources for information on the Oklahoma Bombing:

Jayna Davis interviews with Glenn Beck

David Shippers interview with Alex Jones


  • Bill Clinton even pardoned terrorists. The career bureaucrats in the FBI care more about their retirement pensions than their fellow Americans. Their pensions will be the first thing to go if the terrorists ever succeed in nuking just one of our cities so justice has a way of eventually catching up no matter how hard you run from it.

    By Blogger Alnot, at 8:30 AM  

  • Do your knuckles scrape the ground when you walk? Right, it was Islamic terrorists that blew up the building in Oklahoma. Get off your knees and start using your brains. I can't wait for people like this to grab onto to the Kansas education fight right now too. Hey, any of you religious zealots read/watch Inherit the Wind?!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:04 PM  

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