Let’s think about this for a moment. It is the left that accuses the right of being bigots. Hmmmmmm and what was their brilliant poster boy caught saying last week? It is the left that accuses the red staters (in fly over country) of being stupid. Who is whining about how difficult it is for people to correctly register, vote in their proper district, and actually vote properly? It is the left that says the right sees things in too black and white. Who is it that claims America is the "world's biggest terror state" and the poor terrorists are “freedom fighters?” I just can’t handle the battle of wits with people so unarmed. I like to write about things a little more challenging to the brain cells.
These type professors are lacking the exercise of their brain cells by shutting down open discussion. This is why they must resort to screaming “racist” and “Halliburton” every time they enter a debate with the big boys.
So I am not going to spend my time bringing up Ward in order to discuss his ridiculous ramblings. I will, however take a moment to laugh at his inability to create anything on his own. He must manufacture things in order to get anyone to pay attention to him. Why does claiming to be a Native American (I happen to consider myself a Native American- I was born here in America- at least that is what my birth certificate claims)? Because without this claim, nobody gives a hoot what he says. If the identity or race of one’s parents is what gives you credibility in order that people will bother to listen to you, I’d say you really must be a MENTAL MIDGET!
So check out the latest on Wacky Ward, and get a good chuckle. Laughter is great exercise and good for the soul.
While it is technically true that anyone born in the United States is a Native American, the term is generally understood to encompass that group of aboriginal peoples who inhabited this land before it was "discovered" by white men.
The term "Indian" is much more inappropriate, in that the indigenous people of the Americas have no India ancestry at all.
Why in hell so many white people of European descent claim to have "native" blood or "Indian" blood is simply beyond me.
The reality is that it is tough to get a job, because whites assume you are an uneducated, falling down drunk.
The reality is that many "reservations" (the word means to keep back, or set apart) are no better than many third world countries. The conditions are appalling.
White men like Ward Churchill need to enjoy the privilege they are born with, and not take one of the few jobs a real tribal member with an education can hold.
Okay , I'm done. (climbing down off of soapbox).
Peace to all.
---Lady Redhawk
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM
Lady Redhawk-
Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:00 AM
"I happen to have a very good friend whom is a professor". Ouch. Please refrain from calling others mental midgets and then proceed to butcher grammar while trying to sound sophisticated. (Hint: you should have stuck with "who").
Anonymous, at 7:01 PM
I am still looking for an editor!
The misuse of who and whom is certainly less mentally midget than the onslaught of rambling from the likes of WARD!
See- a mental midget would try and defend the misuse and then call you a name- like a grammar nazi or something to that effect. ( or is it affect?) LOL!!
But I like to be corrected-
still think that these guys are mental midgets.....
Straight Up with Sherri, at 7:14 PM
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