Greer's Pastor Speaks Out!
‘No need to wonder’ about Calvary Baptist Church's pro-life commitment
Her name is Sharon. You don't know her, but God does. She matters to God, she matters to me, and how she is treated should matter to you. She will never engage in stimulating conversation or ponder political debates. She will never read a book or write a paragraph. She will never marry or raise children or even earn her own keep. But she matters.
Sharon is my handicapped sister. She is mentally impaired, severely so, and has been from birth. My brother and I watched our parents care for her and somehow we learned an intuitive almost unspoken lesson. Her life is valuable, as valuable as that of her two brothers, both active in ministry. Whatever difference exists between her IQ and mine, imagine the gap between mine and God's! Yet he loved me and valued me so much that He would send the Jewel of Heaven to buy me back. He made me and redeemed me and that is the heart of our conviction about human life—everyone matters to God. Which brings us to Terri Schiavo.....
Rice is senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater
I am usually very weary of judging others, especially fellow Believers. I know it is not my place to judge others. It is however, EXPECTED of me to use DISCERNMENT! This helps keep us from false teachings and safe from the grasp of evil. I was unfamiliar with Bill Keller and his ministry until a reader sent me one of his "devotionals." We covered this before, but I had since moved on. I have a fight for Terri's survival as my focus, as well as stopping this nation from becoming a nation that no longer values life and is ruled by judges ideology rather than the Constitution.
Well, I just can't ignore this Bill Keller anymore. THIS man is a TRUE Apostate. I some of you have shared with me the emails you have gotten from him when confronting him about his stand for DEATH unto Terri. I thought maybe I should share this one with you, along with some advice. If you are involved with this man's ministry in any way- RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
Here is the email:
sad..that every actual doctor who has actually had to examine her..independently..for over 15 years now..have ALL testified under oath she is in a is only the SPIN form websites that state for Judge this fine Christian man ahs been treated by fellow Christians is the exact reason why many who are lost want NOTHING to do with see..Judge Greer ahs to deal with EVIDENCE AND FACTS..not emotional internet appeals ...and since BOTH SIDE have been able to present EVIDENCE AND FACTS in dozens of county..state..and federal courts over these past 12 years..there has not been ONE COURT that has upheld the position of the parents..Internet spin and emotional appeals mean is FACTS..and TRUTH that do..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
(I took the liberty to bold some points I thought very telling!)
- Judge Greer is no "fine Christian man."
- Greer does NOT have to deal with evidence and facts- he dismisses MANY facts, and IGNORES MUCH OF THE EVIDENCE!
- BOTH SIDES? NO, Bill, go drink some kool-aid! The Schindlers have had their evidence shut down at every turn.
I'd like to invite any of you who would like to share- to please do! I will post some of MY emails from Mr Bill in the comments section........
Hi Sherri,
I glad to hear that some people still believe in God and the Church. The people must stand up for Terri's life. Apparently, her husband has forgotten who the maker truly is? I wonder what will be going through his mind on his judgment day! CBT2025
Anonymous, at 9:29 PM
Sherri I have a question. Why does it take so long for the comment to load when you want to leave one? Just wondered as I had not seen that in the other blogs and wondered if it was a server issue or what. My IT ignorance is showing.
jlfintx, at 9:48 PM
I agree 100% with everyhting that Rice has mentioned in this blog. It is up to God if we live or die and somebody's life should not be placed in somebody else's hand. This case is similar to abortion which I am totally against.
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM
I agree 100% with everyhting that Rice has mentioned in this blog. It is up to God if we live or die and somebody's life should not be placed in somebody else's hand. This case is similar to abortion which I am totally against.
CS 4617
I forgot to put my info for my HUMN 410 Class.
Anonymous, at 5:46 PM
Sorry about ALL this frustration in posting comments. It is quite frustrating for me as well; I LOVE reading the comments from all of you!!!!
As for my emails with Bill.
here is the first
Hello, sheep.....maybe you should do some homework instead of accepting what you read from some website..if you took the time to do some research, you would know Terri had an eating disorder since she was in high school.
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
And #2!
you are a complete fool.....go to the 1993 malpractice case and you will find out that the spin you are getting is absolutely false....and that she died laying next to her toilet after purging herself...this woman battled with bulimia since high school..that's what killed her..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
and #3
like I to the COURT DOCUMENTS...not the website her PARENTS put up....what else do you expect them to say??????..go do your OWN homework..if you really care about FACTS
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
LOL!!!..try going to the COURT WEBSITE..and get the actual court docs..especially form the 1993 malpractice case..not a renegade website..under the title..TERRISHOPE....I know you don't want REAL FACTS..but quit wasting my time..
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
(what really cracks me up about this one is that the malpractice suit was in 1992-- the Gaurdianship hearings were in 1993! LOL!!! He is BRILLIANT!)
I find it very interesting that he ASSUMES I need to do homework... Hmmmmm, LOL!
oh-- amd I need to read the documents! LOL!
oh- and here is another.... don't read well..or you would have understood my point was to get FACT outs..that weren't being well as address three serious issues..bulimia..the importance of a Living Will..and not putting of getting saved..maybe you should take time to READ what I wrote instead of assuming.
You will be in my prayers, be richly blessed,
Bill Keller
Bill is such a charming guy!
I wonder is he got his ministering tips from John Kerry???
Well, tune in tomorrow. Hopefully the comments will be working better. Until then.....
be richly blessed! LOL!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 6:47 PM
Concerning Bill Keller...
I've been getting the LivePrayer devotionals for quite some time and was looking forward to getting the devotional on Terri Schiavo that he announced was coming up. I felt for sure that he would be on the side of Terri and her family because he seemed like a true conservative Christian. Imagine my shock and awe after I read the devotional! It doesn't make any sense to me that someone who could be so conservative, particularly on the life issue, could be so blind to what's going on in the Terri Schiavo saga, blind enough to side with the rogue judge George Greer and with the good-for-nothing "husband" Michael Schiavo. If he personally knows Greer, as he seems to, methinks Greer is putting on a front for his church buddies. I can't believe Bill responded the way he did to you either. How childish. Court documents, especially from a Florida court, are about as reliable as the New York Times front page. Bill might want to read a little more than a left-wing Florida newspaper and court documents from activist judges.
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM
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