It’s NOT the SYSTEM, it’s US
At first I thought, there is nothing to say…..nothing left to write. I found myself haunted by the image of Terri’s “EXIT PROTOCOL.” I imagined her confused, scared, fighting. I recalled Katherine Adamson’s story. How can THIS be happening in America? What has happened?
America has changed. We are nothing like our forefathers. We are pathetic in comparison to the generation that endured the Great Depression. We are cowards in light of those that fought the evils of Hitler. The days of American idealism rooted in an avid fight for LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS have long passed. Today it is all about being POPULAR. The lures of fame, power, money, and affluence have become the cornerstone of our ambitions.
Even some of those that fight FOR Terri are wrapped up in the seduction of attention. I witnessed it for myself. I am talking about the ones that were dressed to a T, every hair in place, and rushing to every camera and microphone they could find.
Those truly fighting FOR Terri- have been fighting far before the cameras showed up. They had been begging and pleading for the media to start covering this and start doing the research. All the documents that I have had and read were distributed to the media back in 2003. Until the feeding tube was actually pulled, media didn’t want to do anything but talk to the family. They weren’t interested in doing any INVESTIGATING. NONE!
So how does this all come back to US? Why do you think the media showed up at the Hospice AFTER the feeding tube was pulled? This is the ULTIMATE REALITY TV SHOW! It has all the drama, politics, religion, and mystery. The media did not cover this as NEWS, they covered it as REALITY TV. How did we get to be a society where THIS is ENTERTAINMENT?
Most of us grew up learning the history of the Revolution, the Civil War and World War II when it was taught in a way that was based in America’s belief in the Constitution. We knew that not all was well, but we also still had a strong foundation of believing that we were ultimately good. We just trusted it. We know nothing about REAL struggle. We know nothing about a country pulling together despite differences in the interest of protecting what our country was founded upon.
All this has changed. We are IMMERSED in sound-bites. We are defined by political parties. Even those that KNOW the difference between liberal and democrat or republican and conservative fall into this trap. I think at times even I have. It is a daily struggle to resist the pop-culture we are engulfed in. It is a daily struggle to resist the temptation to justify evil with talk of relativism. Some use pure logic, some use pure emotion. Some debate morals, some debate law.
Bottom line. We are LAZY, folks. We have bought into the rhetoric of both sides. We have allowed the people running for office to DUPE us. We don’t do our homework. We are too busy. Who has time? We say “They are ALL liars.” We become ONE-issue voters.
They are not ALL liars. People do not pay attention at the local level. When this happens, the one with the most money usually wins. Their name becomes “familiar.” We all tend to trust something more familiar more than something not familiar. Ask yourself, “How do the ones with the most money, get the most money?” Answer: They are supported by those willing to give out BIG BUCKS to further their agendas. I have seen it! The simple everyday person doesn’t shop the candidates and donate. At least not enough of them to compete with the BIG money. DIRTY campaigns, as much as we claim not to like them, are very effective. So who do WE end up putting into office? Then as “parties,” who do we run against the other guy? Not the BEST guy, the guy that can win.
In America, WE have a HABIT of going about our business, not rocking the boat, until it is too late. Pearl Harbor and 9/11 are PERFECT examples. We wait until there are dead bodies, lots of them. We wait for the images that shock us. Even then, many of us don’t want to look. If we are prepared to see the death, we sometimes are still not affected! It is when it is a SHOCK that we seem to “wake up.”
What if this was not about just Terri? What if this was about going into a facility that housed, say, 300 people and not just one woman? What if we were heading into the facility and saying, “Hey, we need to just starve them all to death. They have no quality of life. They have no Living Wills. They all have at least one family member that can remember them watching a movie and saying- ‘I wouldn’t want to live that way.’- Besides, they are just draining the heck out of Medicaid and Medicare. Extensive testing? That costs money, and time. We did CAT scans. MRI’s and PET’s? Nahhhh, the doctors say they are needed to determine the TRUE condition of them, but the guardians have denied these tests be done. Again, time and money. Their rights? HONEY, they have NO RIGHTS! THEY HAVE NO VOICE. THE GUARDIAN IS THE VOICE. THE GUARDIAN HAS THE RIGHTS.”
What if it were not Terri, but a Cameron Diaz or Britney Spears? We would DEMAND that they be given every possible test, every possible therapy. What if instead of 300, it was 3,000 people?
All in the same day, and MAYBE you WOULD be upset. Before we EVER wake up, the body count will be above 3,000. IF we EVER wake up.
It’s not the system………’s US!
Sister, you got it right.
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM
Here's the Chicago Tribune (a Republican newspaper -- remember the Republican party was founded to combat slavery) on March 12, 1857, referring to the Dred Scott decision:
"We must confess we are shocked at the violence and servility of the Judicial Revolution caused by the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States. We scarcely know how to express our detestation of its inhuman dicta or fathom the wicked consequences which may flow from it . . . . To say or suppose, that a Free People can respect or will obey a decision so fraught with disastrous consequences to the People and their Liberties, is to dream of impossibilities. "
Terri's death now seems inevitable. She will be the Dred Scott of the 21st century. For all our sakes, we must see to it that she does not die in vain.
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
I hope this comes out right, but while we were all sleeping, the fox got into the den. I don't expect people to agree with me but the past 15 years the groundwork has been being laid by anti-life people and for the most part we have had a president who has been in support of death, Clinton. During the 8 years that he had office, more people than not were only concerned about their life, especially their pocketbooks. I will never, ever forget an interview the local did with a few so called pastors who said they knew what evil Clinton stood for but because of their pocketbooks they were voting for him. God help them at judgement. Clinton and people who think like him have silently and strategically placed judges like Greer in office. We are reaping what has been sown, plain and simple.
Marine Momma
Anonymous, at 1:23 PM
This is a sad sad day. I agree my grandson says "we're doomed."
Anonymous, at 1:27 PM
Marine Momma,
I think we'll see a huge backlash from this. It might not be loud and on the news, but the people will speak with their votes. A new litmus test for politicians will be Terri.
And, I still say that Kevorkian should be freed. Those who are cheering on Terri's murder should be agitating to get him out of jail. Why aren't they?
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
Sarah, they aren't pining for Kevorkian because they have alot more people who will do what he was doing. They're getting what they want, Jack sits.
I apologize for my bad 'tude, my heart has broken in a million pieces with this.
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
No apology needed. We are all heartbroken over this. I've been sick since I discovered that both my parents think it's okay to starve her to death.
It is indeed a sad day for our country.
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM
Sarah D., I understand. It was a helluva shock to me to find out that I'm more conservative than my rock-ribbed Republican, WWII Marine veteran mother! 8-O
I still love her and will respect her already-written wishes for "no heroic measures" when her time comes (may she live to be 100!), but we aren't going to talk about this one any more.
Anonymous, at 1:46 PM
If you have Fox News Channel on, pay careful attention right as they switch to a live shot of someone dressed to the T being interviewed. You can often see the showbiz attitude for yourself!
Many times (due to poor communication I guess) you can see the guest grooming and primming themselves, and making a radical transformation in expresssion before-and-after the segment begins.
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM
The Vatican condemns capital punishment. Ironic that you call for it on Good Friday.
Anonymous, at 2:04 PM
Most mammals die of dehydration
Think about it and you'll realize why.
Anonymous, at 2:05 PM
Anonymous, I wish you were brave enough to use a name. You don't have to have a Blogger account -- just select "Other" and enter a nickname.
But the fact is that you're right. I was out of line. I'm just so angry and sad right now that I don't know what to do. I apologize to everyone.
Sherri, would you please delete my comment at 1:58 pm? Thanks.
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM
"The cessation of eating and drinking is the dominant way that mammals die," said Dr. Ira Byock, director of palliative medicine at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire.
It's because they become incapacitated and can no longer get the food/water themselves. The "mammals" vs. "animals" classification is interesting, though.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM
Also, many communicable diseases in mammals cause vomiting, which can rapidly lead to dehydration, which becomes a vicious cycle.
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM
- So this is what its come too. Have we so sold out our principles for six pieces of silver that we have lost the will to fight for what we were taught to believe in. Lost the ability to think for ourselves whenever some deep pockets organization or influential bigwig with an agenda starts throwing the greenbacks around. Have we fianlly succumbed to the constant brain-dead yammering of the "no-personal-responsibility" post-modern "pregressives". Hearing our own judges site Euro law from a continent past, present and always steeped in communist/socialist/marxist ideologies makes you wonder if our jusdicial have taken leave of their senses. J. Bush wimped out on this, pure and simple. Why I have no idea. But something I heard a Dem Senator say on Fox the other day really pushed My button. "Oh this Schiavo 'thing' won't have any lasting effects politically. I can't see it effecting 2006 or 2008, not at all".... Well think again all you liberal whacko's. I don't like the idea of too unbalanced a plurality in our governmental structures. Thats never a good thing in the long run. But just maybe this madness has gone on long enough that for the next couple of terms its neccessary to get our country back to some semblance of social sanity. And to you Jeb Bush. What the hells the use of voting for conservative values if you don't stand behind them when the shit hits the fan. You're sure not your brothers equal sport. Disgusting.....
Anonymous, at 2:35 PM
Big Bang Hunter, that Senator was whistling past the graveyard. This will have a huge backlash on those who stood in the way of saving Terri's life, whether they are Republican, Democrat, or neither.
Do you think that all the angry, sad, frustrated, outraged people will just go away? Do you think that the fasters will ever forget how hungry and thirsty they were? Do you think that the disabled activists will forget how Terri was discarded? Will you ever forget any of this? Not a chance!!!
We all are here. We will remember. We will work to change the bad laws and throw out the bad judges. Stick around. This fight only began with Terri. Now it's much, much bigger.
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM
One thing about the political fallout is that it's difficult for a politician to directly campaign on human tragedy (remember the complaining about using firefighters in campaign commericals last year), so I doubt anyone will be using Terri's fight directly in their campaign advertising. That part of their platform will probably have to come from grassroots efforts.
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM
Mary from L.A. I'm afraid the dem. who was on Fox is right. People will forget. I used to be like you I thought my vote counted, but being from Ca. as you are, you know what happens when you vote on something here. It doesn't matter how big a margin something passes by, the courts invariably overturn the vote.I haven't missed a vote since I could vote, and I will continue to do so. This case is the saddest one I have ever seen. voting out people like Jeb Bush, means they will be replaced by people like Kerry and Clinton. I'll continue to vote Republican as they are the lesser of two evils.If we are to believe the polls 70% of Americans think Terri should die.It saddens me,but I will continue my voting in the hopes that someday things will improve. Don't be too hard on Geroge Bush and Jeb. The president has shown that he believes in the right to life as has Jeb.As much as we would like a different outcome,things just don't always turn out as we wish
Anonymous, at 2:56 PM
The Pro-Family and Pro-Life has been treated by the Republican Party- the same way the Democratic Party treats African Americans. It's all LIP SERVICE.
Anonymous, at 2:56 PM
Please..No one is in support of death. By purporting that, you're no better than the people you're criticizing. I don't suppose all the "media" people fixing their hair to look perfect can at all be compared to your posting pictures of yourself on your blog where you don't look like you just got out of bed.
Dorothy Parker-lite, at 3:05 PM
Sadie, you put your finger precisely on the problem: The courts overturning the will of the people as expressed in the popular vote.
Those polls are mutable, and will change as more and more of the truth about Terri's story comes out.
Our next job is to get the legislature to rein in the judiciary. After Greer's shenanigans, I think they'll be happy to take a bite out of judicial arrogance. Jeb isn't going to forgive Greer for putting him in the terrible position that no leader can afford to be in -- one of abject impotence.
Greer received a highly questionable campaign contribution last year from the offices of George Felos, one day after "Terri's Law" was struck down. Pretty suspicious! I sent another telegram to Jeb today exhorting him to investigate. A whole lotta sordid crap will come out in the next few days and weeks.
Anonymous, at 3:06 PM
The parent's latest appeal [to the 11th Circuit], which opens with the sentence, "This is a mercy killing case," asks the court to order the Florida hospice where Terri Schiavo is staying to immediately transport her by ambulance to a hospital for medical treatment to sustain her life.
Is it really that specific? It seems medically unsound to transport someone in Terri's condition before giving her medical treatment.
Anonymous, at 3:19 PM
ms democrat
Did you see the picture of me in the car with a body of a dog? plus, I was not referring to the "dressed to a T and every hair in place" as the media. Someone else made that assumption.
There were truly people there that were more interested in the attention than they were about the cause. These people are present on BOTH sides of the aisle and BOTH sides if the issues.
There are sincere people on both sides also.... I am not referring to them.
Thank you for coming by and voicing your opinion. Sincerely.
Straight Up with Sherri, at 3:21 PM
- Now I'm hearing the Media laying out excuses for Jeb "no-balls" Bush. "Well the Governor has done all he can. His hands are tied, and he's stated he won't step over the line, in spite of the pleas of the Schiavo family, since he could be held in comtempt of court if he did". Even if that were true, which it patently is not, the President could issue him any neccessary pardons, in the same way Clinton did on many occasions. Its a total BS gutless wimp-out on Jebs part. And then you see another liberal shill, Ms Bianca on FOX, wandering through a series of totally idiotic comments in which she manages to stand faithfully by her liberal ideologies even as she's saying that "No one should ever say that Terri's feeding tube should be removed" and in the same sentence "My own mother is in the same sort of predicamnet and I know I could never do that" but "President Bush had no problem putting to death 137 men on deaths row in Texas, and I see him as a complete hypocrit" and further "I condemn the poloticians like President Bush that have used this for political reasons". Come again. Bush tried to interceed. Does that mean she's against Terri's plight or not. Can anybody tell anymore what liberals believe in, if they ever believed in anything, other than avoiding the draft. Shes so blinded by her own bigotry against all things conservative, her brain washed idology, she can't even see she's equating cold blooded killers with an innocent woman that may well be the victim of an abusive, adultrous husband. Shes compelled to parrot the left talking points, even as she admits she couldn't stand to do these terrible things to one of her own. If these people are sane I hate to think what the insane of the left are like. Oh wait..... that must be the turkey herd we see carrying signs that say "We support our troops when they shoot their Officers".....
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM
Even if that were true, which it patently is not, the President could issue him any neccessary pardons
If it could be proven there was such a deal in place, that's criminal conspiracy, and there would be a call for impeachment. Think like a politician would.
Furthermore, almost ALL pardons occur in the last few days of a presidential term.
Anonymous, at 3:32 PM
Oh .. do you mean like your picture with Mr. Schindler .. all smiles? Is that your own 15 min of fame?
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM
well, there you go Sheri, you're busted. Judie got ya. All your hours of research, driving for all house of the night, no sleep, eetc. It was just so you could git her picture with Bob Schindler.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't RWNJ post that and not you?
SO plain to see this all about you....
you should just not bother getting involved and shop other sites leaving obnoxious comments...
/sarcasm off
a Freep bud
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM
Anon said "The Pro-Family and Pro-Life has been treated by the Republican Party- the same way the Democratic Party treats African Americans. It's all LIP SERVICE"
AMEN to that.
I have been doing some soul searching lately and looked in the mirror and do not like what I see. I have been hateful, arrogant, and mean spirited. I probably have offended to many to name but I want to make a blanket apology. I am no better than anyone else on this planet and it is Jesus Christ that is my hope. Please don't mistake my faith for what He really is like.
jlfintx, at 4:08 PM
well, there you go Sheri, you're busted. Judie got ya. All your hours of research, driving for all house of the night, no sleep, eetc. It was just so you could git her picture with Bob Schindler.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't RWNJ post that and not you?
SO plain to see this all about you....
If you're a regular reader of this blog, I'm far from the ONLY person who has said that Sherri thinks this is somehow about her .. or she's like the personal martyr for Terri Schiavo.
So why did we move to get a picture with him? Have we met him before? Hung out with the family? Went to Thanksgiving Dinner?
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM
Seems to me that you are the one making this about Sherri.....
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM
"Just following laws (read: orders) say W and the Governor."
remember everyone.. every single thing done in Nazi Germany was LEGAL!
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM
Judith, are you a regular over at LGF? It seems like there was a Judith over there that was very vitriolic towards people of faith over there.
Just curious.
jlfintx, at 4:30 PM
Nazi Germany? You do need help if you try and compare America to Nazi Germany.
And as far as the time put into this site it is not hard to do when you dont have a job and the state pays for you to live.
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM
Who are you talking about not having a job and the state paying for? What kind of statement is that?
jlfintx, at 4:40 PM
Schiavo has hours to live: father
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
They know who they are.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM
Schiavo's Hydration Level Raises Questions
This is horrifying.
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM
YLB "They know who they are."
Now, who is making baseless accusations?
jlfintx, at 4:45 PM
I pay my way through life also with hard earned money I was not talking about you but I know for a fact some here get a free ride from my money and im not talking pd , fd , and armed forces.
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM
Bless you my brother in arms. We weep together.
jlfintx, at 4:47 PM
A breakdown of diagnoses
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM
would be very concerned for his children - he is frighting.
i just read on blogsforterri - that he is not allowing the smallest of jestures for Terri to happen. Who is he gone to keep hostage after he no longer has Terri and her family.
Many Prayers for Terri on this
By keeka, at 4:16 PM
You are treading on VERY dangerous ground by making allegations like this. How DARE you bring his children into this.
Wouldn't YOU be pissed if someone fought you for 10 years to do what your spouse asked you to do?
Don't you DARE use God's name in vein for God would NEVER act like you are acting. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM
jlfintx said...
Judith, are you a regular over at LGF? It seems like there was a Judith over there that was very vitriolic towards people of faith over there.
Just curious.
I don't even know what LGF is. I am not volital towards people of faith. I'm volital towards people who constantly LIE.
You ARE aware that God sees lies in the same light as he sees a murder or rapist. Right?
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM
ylb said...
I pay my way through life also with hard earned money I was not talking about you but I know for a fact some here get a free ride from my money and im not talking pd , fd , and armed forces.
4:46 PM
yea wonder who that is ... LOL (cough cough author of this blog cough cough)
Anonymous, at 4:54 PM
So judith I guess you are a Christian? You seem to know so much about God so I assume you know Him well?
Yes, all sin is the same;BUT He does specifically mention seven sins that makes Him very angry.
jlfintx, at 4:56 PM
Anonymous, at 4:56 PM
Do writers work for nothing YLB? If she has a service where people talk and discuss is that not a service? Who are you to say what is a legitimate business endevour? What industry do you work in? You do realize that whatever job you have unless self-employment is not a constitutional right don't you?
jlfintx, at 4:58 PM
LOL sorry but you won't be able to push my buttons trust me I know Sherri away from here. I'm just trying to say that it doesnt seem right to bash the govenment that pays your way through life. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM
And p.s I have not called anyone a liar. YET!!
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM
What do you want me to prove?
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM
This is a good read.
"For some reason, the conviction of those who believe in the divine fills the scientific rationalists with unreasoning rage.
The refusal of the federal courts to hear the last-ditch appeals of Terri Schiavo's parents has caused some of their number to respond with glee. That response is doubtless due to the feeling that Republicans and conservatives have suffered a political defeat, so it can and should be dismissed as merely partisan and ideological.
But as you read this, in a Florida hospice, a woman is being starved to death, and nothing can stop it from happening now. This is not something that anyone should celebrate."
Anonymous, at 5:17 PM
Sorry mine are not numbered just tell me lol
Anonymous, at 5:23 PM
LOL how do you know i have something in my zipper?
Anonymous, at 5:26 PM
She knows that i know her just ask her she will tell you.
Anonymous, at 5:27 PM
Nope names not Kitty Kelly nice try though. what do you want to know just ask it wont hurt.
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM
Levi: Back to anonymous -- most mammals die of dehydration. Obviously, your Doctor of Palliative Medicine knows little biology. Old wild mammals who cannot access food or water are always eaten by others.
I used the word incapacitated (i.e. by injury). That occurs much more frequently than death by old age in the wild.
And please don't conveniently overlook the post about diseases.
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM
Why Terri Must Die
"I'm no fan of Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas. But the House majority leader is right in this case. It's not clear Terri Schiavo would want to die. A husband does not -- in my book -- have an absolute right to withdraw life-sustaining treatment for his wife."
Anonymous, at 5:31 PM
With all the lies you post, you're actually going to call me on the misspelling of a word?? LOL Priceless.
jlfintx said...
So judith I guess you are a Christian? You seem to know so much about God so I assume you know Him well?
LOL I know Him as well as you all know Terri and Michael Schiavo ... :)
To answer your question .. you don't need to be a Christian to look up stuff on The Bible Gateway.
If we are to believe the polls 70% of Americans think Terri should die.
LOLOL LIES!! 70% of Americans think that the government should have never gotten involved in this private family issue.
levi from queens said...
All right ylb -- I'll call your bluff. If we were playing poker, I would ask you to show your cards. I say -- you are a liar. Prove me false.
100s of people have asked others on this website many times to PROVE the insanity you post. The response always is: a) we don't have to prove; b) read WND (haha) or EmpireWhatever (haha) You don't feel you have to prove anything to post what do .. so why should anyone else?
Yes, all sin is the same;BUT He does specifically mention seven sins that makes Him very angry.
4:56 PM
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
Anonymous, at 5:41 PM
Yes, all sin is the same;BUT He does specifically mention seven sins that makes Him very angry.
ooops, hit the post button too quickly. Yes, there are the Seven Deadly Sins, right?
Pride, Greed, Envy, Wrath (Anger), Lust, Gluttony & Sloth.
So .. this blow ... Pride is a big one ... and anger ... you guys seeth anger every post ...
But again .. SIN is SIN and all are equal in the eyes of the Lord.
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM
Can you regroup for a moment and provide us with the word you meant to use?
This gave me the biggest laugh of the thread.
You DO realize, don't you, that the title of this ENTIRE THREAD is grammatically incorrect.
It's US should be It's WE. Look up the rule for object of a verb of being. (Please please please someone now try to object that in fact, this is not true, that it's another LIE by the LLL. LOL).
Again Levi, thanks for that gem!
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM
Can you regroup for a moment and provide us with the word you meant to use?
This gave me the biggest laugh of the thread.
You DO realize, don't you, that the title of this ENTIRE THREAD is grammatically incorrect.
It's US should be It's WE. Look up the rule for object of a verb of being. (Please please please someone now try to object that in fact, this is not true, that it's another LIE by the LLL. LOL).
Again Levi, thanks for that gem!
Anonymous, at 5:52 PM
The worms triumph and a woman dies
" All the candidates for wormhood have shared in the crocodile tears that accompany the warrant that Terri must die because there's no room for inconvenient vegetables at the American table. They're all so sad, so full of sympathy, such as it is, for Terri's mother, father and siblings. Some of them might even send flowers to the funeral, so deep is their distress and dolor, or at least a condolence card -- by Hallmark, of course, which is what you send when you want to send the very best."
Anonymous, at 5:52 PM
Sorry for double post. Blogger was working much better this morning, but some of the major Terri blogs are being overwhelmed too.
Anonymous, at 5:54 PM
"I'm no fan of Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas. But the House majority leader is right in this case. It's not clear Terri Schiavo would want to die. A husband does not -- in my book -- have an absolute right to withdraw life-sustaining treatment for his wife."
He most certainly does.
Ever since the New Jersey Supreme Court allowed a respirator to be removed from Karen Ann Quinlan and the U.S. Supreme Court declared that feeding tubes are medical treatments just like respirators, heart-lung machines, dialysis and antibiotics, it has been crystal clear in U.S. law and medical ethics that those who cannot speak can have their feeding tubes stopped. The authority to make that decision has fallen to those closest to the person who cannot make their own views known. First come husbands or wives, then adult children, then parents and other relatives.
Anonymous, at 5:58 PM
Time for dinner everyone leave levi alone while im gone. levi is getting very testy, be nice.
Anonymous, at 5:59 PM
that will get them going anon
Anonymous, at 6:00 PM
God is watching, michael will see his day in court - God sees lies and distortions and abusing the innocent
God is also watching all the people who have falsely accused Michael Schiavo of things he didn't do.
God is also watching all the people who have accused Judge Greer of things he didn't do.
God is also watching all the people who have accused the Schiavo family of things they didn't do.
God is also watching all the people who have accused Felos of doing things he didn't do.
Shall I continue?
Remember, when you point the finger at someone else .. you have three pointing in your direction.
Maybe you need to sing Amazing Grace some more.
Anonymous, at 6:05 PM
I know you have a difficult time reading and understanding, but it says husbands and wives, not ex-husbands and ex-wives.
See, you do nothing but distort facts to suit you.
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM
Everyone's probably aware that in addition to the circuit court appeal, the Schindlers are in court again (right now?) with Greer. From the AP:
Another legal maneuver included a late afternoon filing asking Pinellas Circuit Judge George Greer to order the reinsertion of the tube, claiming Terri Schiavo tried to say "I want to live" when her tube was removed. Barbara Weller, an attorney for the Schindlers, called the motion "our final shot."
My guess is that this won't be their final shot. The DCA will affirm lower courts, then be appealed to SCOTUS. The issue before Greer now will be denied, appealed to DCA, declined, then appealed to SCOTUS. So I bet there will be at least 5 more rulings in this case.
Anonymous, at 6:18 PM
Oh, and in case you didn't know? Michael and Terri are still married.
Anonymous, at 6:18 PM
Overlooked in the Shadows
"• In addition to the rights all people enjoy, Ms. Schiavo has a statutory right under the Americans With Disabilities Act not to be treated differently because of her disability. Obviously, Florida law would not allow a husband to kill a non-disabled wife by denying her nourishment. It is Ms. Schiavo's disability that makes her killing different in the eyes of the Florida courts. Because the state is overtly drawing lines based on disability, it has the burden under the ADA of justifying those lines."
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM
anonymous at 6:12 -- surely you are not asserting that Michael Schiavo is the husband and not the ex-husband of Terri?
Are they legally divorced? Ummm ... no.
So are they married. Um ... yea.
Anonymous, at 6:27 PM
Another legal maneuver included a late afternoon filing asking Pinellas Circuit Judge George Greer to order the reinsertion of the tube, claiming Terri Schiavo tried to say "I want to live" when her tube was removed. Barbara Weller, an attorney for the Schindlers, called the motion "our final shot."
She hasn't spoken in 15 years .. but all of the sudden she said: I want to live ....
Now that is the funniest thing I've heard all dam day.
OMG .. they will make up anything.....
Anonymous, at 6:30 PM
so anon at 6:27 -- you are3 asserting the primacy of a paper formality over the absolute facts. May you push papers for the Redundancy Department of Redundancy in perpetuity.
What basis in fact to have to state that they are not legally married .. bound by the marriage license that they both signed?
They are married. Period.
Bummer for you.
Anonymous, at 6:31 PM
Another legal maneuver included a late afternoon filing asking Pinellas Circuit Judge George Greer to order the reinsertion of the tube, claiming Terri Schiavo tried to say "I want to live" when her tube was removed. Barbara Weller, an attorney for the Schindlers, called the motion "our final shot."
Maybe next they can say, "She jumped off her bed, did the tango with Barbara Weller and said, 'Baby let's go out tonight and have a drink, I AM THIRSTY!!'"
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM
Lots of trolls cheering the death of an innocent helpless woman today. Nice.
How Liberalism Failed Terri Schiavo
"Part of the problem was simply judicial incompetence--especially the court's decision, in direct violation of Florida law, to act as Terri Schiavo's guardian at key moments of the case rather than appoint an independent guardian to represent her interests, separate from the interests of her husband and her parents. But the problem went deeper than incompetence: It also had to do with ideology--with a set of assumptions about what makes life worth living and thus worth protecting. Procedural liberalism (discerning and respecting the prior wishes of the incompetent person; preserving life when such wishes are not clear) gave way to ideological liberalism (treating incompetence itself as reasonable grounds for assuming that life is not worth living)."
Anonymous, at 6:35 PM
Talking about Felos, didn't he write a book about how he can go to a comatose person and know what they are thinking? Also, isn't his wife one of those weird holistic vibe type healers?
Anonymous, at 6:47 PM
I'm with YLB
if someone is on the government dole, we should take away their freedom of speech, their right to vote, and heck, their right to drink water and eat.
PULL THE TUBE on those with a lesser "quality of life" than me.
Give the criminals free room and board forever. Murderers especially. Let them abuse the government dole for their lawyers and appeal after appeal. But these women who are abondoned by men- off with their heads and rights.
In Oregon they even have free housing for drunks, they don't even have to quit drinking. okay, not free- the non-drunks who work pay for it. But those single mothers raising their kids, cooking the meals, doing the laundry, not breaking laws- spit on them.
Anonymous, at 6:54 PM
Well I'll be damned. He did write a book, of all things about spiritual litigation practice.
Litigation As Spiritual Practice
by George J. Felos What a f*ckin creep.
Anonymous, at 6:58 PM
Litigation As Spiritual Practice
"A book about the fantasy of one sick mind of a machismo armed with a legal degree and is a self proclaimed demigod who practices in the Courts of Florida with the intent of facilitating death for those handicapped or infirm."
"In this book, Felos claims he has the ability to psychically communicate with the souls of people in comas by SHOUTING at them, "DO YOU WANT TO DIE?? DO YOU WANT TO DIE??". In response, he hears voices in his head that he claims to be emmanating from the soul of the patient. Predictably, the answer Felos hears is "yes", which inspires him to take aggressive legal actions to dehydrate and starve a patient who has left no advance healtchare directives."
"This book strikes me as being authored by a new age nutcase at best, and a dangerous man at worst. In this book, Felos claims that he visualized a plane crash during a flight on which he was a passenger, which actually caused the plane to begin to crash. He writes that God Himself spoke to Felos to warn him: "Be careful what you think. You are more powerful than you realize." I wonder if the FAA is aware of Mr. Felos' claims!"
Anonymous, at 7:12 PM
Thanks Sarah D. I looked on Amazon because I'd read somewhere that Felos had written a book and an inkling of what it was about. He and his fruity wife seem to have quite a "scam" goin' on down in Florida, don't they?
Anonymous, at 7:16 PM
Florida is quickly becoming like the worst counties in California.
Anonymous, at 7:34 PM
I lost my post...I live in California (southern), was born in Oakland. Granted the bay area is pretty strange, but I don't think it even compares to Florida.
Anonymous, at 7:43 PM
the bummer is not for me. My life is not that of Terri. I have a very good life in the best place on Earth in which to live. It is hard that when your husband has left you for another woman by whom he has fathered two children that he still has the nerve to claim -- as a right of marriage -- that you wish to be dead.
and to be dead by the most horrible means imaginable.
By levi from queens, at 6:34 PM
is it a bigger bummer or a less bummer that The Schindlers, while Michael was still living in their home while he was taking care of Terri, encouraged Michael Schiavo to DATE and to even bring his dates home to meet them?
Levi, you asked someone earlier to state where you lied ~ you just did. He didn't leave Terri for another woman ... so would you friggin STOP making crap up for sensationalism purposes? It's getting really old.
Do you guys just pull this stuff out of your a**?
Anonymous, at 9:37 PM
Lots of trolls cheering the death of an innocent helpless woman today.
So people, because they don't agree with YOU, are trolls?
WWJD? Would He call people trolls?
*thinking* *pondering*
If people who have a difference of opinion Sarah Lee are trolls .. then I'm thinking YOU are a hypocrite.
Anonymous, at 9:39 PM
Keela = Hypocrite
Sarah D = Hypocrite
Levi the Queen = Hypocrite
Marine Momma = Hypocrite
Sherri the Stand Up = Hypocrite
When you point a finger at someone else .. you have three pointing back at you!!
Call them all evil. So are you.
Call them all murders. So are you.
Call them all satan's minions. So are you.
Anonymous, at 9:43 PM
Richard Alan Meywes being held by U.S. Marshals for soliciting the murder of MS or the judges over the Internet (with specific cash amounts).
I wonder if he was a poster on any of the major Terri blogs?
Anonymous, at 10:06 PM
So people, because they don't agree with YOU, are trolls?
Uh - FYI, I wasn't referring to the comments on this site at all. I will say it again:
Lots of trolls cheering the death of an innocent helpless woman today.
Anonymous, at 10:07 PM
Where have I called Michael Schiavo a murderer? Where have I called anyone satan minion and evil? I have no idea what in the world you are talking about.
This statement of yours is particularly ridiculous:
When you point a finger at someone else .. you have three pointing back at you!!
How do you like this: Hitler was an evil nasty murderer, and I hope he is roasting in Hell.
I'm really worried about those THREE fingers pointing at me!
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM
Was wondering when that would start.
Probably incited by the regs from this blog.
Anonymous, at 10:13 PM
Sarah D.
I really don't have the time to go back through thousands of posted comments to find the exact ones where you've called people names, calle d Greer and Schiavo murders, etc.
I know you've said it. You know you've said it. Don't deny it now because that makes you an even BIGGER liar than you already appear to be.
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM
Well, it seems that you have the time to accuse people of anything you wish to, but not the time to back it up. Your credibility is about bottom of the barrel now.
I haven't said that, and you know very well I haven't.
You are now in scroll-over country.
Anonymous, at 10:27 PM
Sarah, you're funny. Really.
You KNOW you have ... so why lie now?
And as far as this comment: Well, it seems that you have the time to accuse people of anything you wish to, but not the time to back it up. Your credibility is about bottom of the barrel now.
That is about the most hypocritical statement I've heard you say yet.
That is all YOU DO here .. accuse people of anything you dream up ... but don't have FACTS to back it up.
For God's sake, what is wrong with you????
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM
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