Greer Orders DCF to Break the Law!
The Florida judge presiding over the Terri Schiavo case ordered the state agency charged with protecting vulnerable adults to make no attempt to take the brain-injured woman into protective custody late Wednesday. The order appears to be in direct contradiction to a state statute that requires the agency to act.
Judge Greer did not make any attempt to address the validity of the law, he just puts himself and his autocratic ego above the law. It's another case of George Greer saying, 'Because I say so, that's why!'
Right Wing Nut Job
When is the US just going to start bombing the brown people in iran and syria? We need something new to do.
Anonymous, at 7:27 PM
My word!
I thought this was all about oil and Haliburton, now we are back to race again????
How much oil does Syria have. I better call ROve and find out.
How is Sherri?
Anonymous, at 7:40 PM
Isn't that just a big lie. No one has WMD.
I have to go now. Heading to bingo!
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM
When can we start to take our Social Security private accounts to the racetrack?
I've got a lock in the early double at Fair Grounds for Friday
Anonymous, at 8:19 PM
Nope all of you are wrong....what needs an in depth debate is if Britney Spears is pregnant.....
OT...this sucks my mom is coming down soon and since she's been sick and the meds are making her hair fall out I was going to try and put some extentions in...want to make her feel a little better...using a less damaging way...and Ive been trying to dye the synth hair all day....hmmm....wonder if a rinse or something will work...
Anonymous, at 8:38 PM
Not under the currently proposed legislation
But our Glorious Leader says that he doesn't have a plan.
Are you Jeff Gannon/Jame Guckert? Maybe our Glorious Leader has given you his plan - we've all been awaitin' for it!
Anonymous, at 8:55 PM
right wing...LOL....nice....
ya i can understand your pain my brother started going bald when he was 18..he clung to the pseudo mullet for a few years before he gave up and finally shaved his head...if this doesnt work I'll be more then willing to pay for her to have it done thing i have to work on is trying to get her not to do my dishes and laundry...order of the day..relaxation....
Anonymous, at 8:59 PM
Some African-American lady in line at the store today was sayin' that "they should just let her go be with the Lord". I couldn't believe what I was hearing!
So I beat her with a bad of potato chips and my case of Old Milwaukee.
The nerve of some people!
Anonymous, at 9:02 PM
another OT...did anyone see anything about the US Sanfran today...heard something about some ppl being punished but had to grab the dog when fed ex came...
Anonymous, at 9:02 PM drink old milwaukee thats just.....wrong...hehehehe
Anonymous, at 9:04 PM
The case is full of great ironies. A large part of Terri's hospice costs are paid by Medicaid, a program that the administration and conservatives in Congress would sharply reduce. Some of her other expenses have been covered by the million-dollar proceeds of a malpractice suit - the kind of suit that President Bush has fought to scale back
Anonymous, at 9:06 PM
Shouldn't we take Fidel off of life support?
I don't think anyone will mind too much > maybe the nutbars will all go sit on rafts around Cuba
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM
That is Congress' Constitutional duty
But, but, but, didn't DeLay and Frist just usurp the Constitution last weekend?
We don't need no stinkin' Constitution we just need to continue to build the theocracy and the rest will take care of itself.
Anonymous, at 9:12 PM
Hearing jusr ended
Now we wait for a ruling...
My information says that Gibbs tokk about twice as long as Felos....
Don't even get me started on that JOKE they call tort reform!
Putting caps on Doc's and medical care professionals was about UNconservative as you can get... IMHO!
I even went to my state capitol PERSONALLY and lobbied against it...
we lost by ONE VOTE!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 9:12 PM
So you know when are we expected to hear something?
Anonymous, at 9:16 PM
RWNJ - nothing wrong with bald men. It ain't the hair us ladies are interested in anyway!
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM
It is too bad that Gibbs is completely incompetent
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM
Sarah D
No, but the Schindlers are headed to be on Hannity and Colmes right now...
Straight Up with Sherri, at 9:17 PM
The people outside hospoce are chanting
"Give Terri Water!"
Straight Up with Sherri, at 9:24 PM
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