No Proof BEFORE We Kill, But AFTER?
406.11 Examinations, investigations, and autopsies.--
(1) In any of the following circumstances involving the death of a human being, the medical examiner of the district in which the death occurred or the body was found shall determine the cause of death and shall, for that purpose, make or have performed such examinations, investigations, and autopsies as he or she shall deem necessary or as shall be requested by the state attorney:
(a) When any person dies in the state:
1. Of criminal violence.
2. By accident.
3. By suicide.
4. Suddenly, when in apparent good health.
5. Unattended by a practicing physician or other recognized practitioner.
6. In any prison or penal institution.
7. In police custody.
8. In any suspicious or unusual circumstance.
9. By criminal abortion.
10. By poison.
11. By disease constituting a threat to public health.
12. By disease, injury, or toxic agent resulting from employment.
(b) When a dead body is brought into the state without proper medical certification.
(c) When a body is to be cremated, dissected, or buried at sea.
Don't buy the spin that this is Michael's idea and he welcomes this.
Hyscience has a GREAT post on this topic.
Michael Schiavo and the autopsy scam
Just a quick post to ask a couple of "off the cuff" questions.
Michael Schiavo and George Felos now say that they want an autopsy to "prove" the extent of Terri's brain injuries. Can anyone please tell me why a rational person wouldn't have found out for sure through PET and MRI scans before they starved and dehydrated her to death?
A post mortem PET scan is useless, and an MRI after she dies will be of minimal value. Are Michael Schiavo, George Felos, and George Greer also directing the details and the extent of the autopsy by the Pinellas County Medical Examiner like they have everything else so far?
Are we hearing that a full blown autopsy by a known and neutral forensic pathologist is going to do bone scans, and extensive evaluation for abuse? Is Governor "weak knees" Bush going to blink again before the powerful George Greer and the culture of death, by failing to step-in and investigate the murder of Terri Schiavo?
Just a couple of things that I'd like to know - but I bet you can think of a few yourselves.
cross posted at BlogsForTerri
It just never is going to matter to you .. is it. No matter what he does .. you're still going to label him a liar. An autopsy is not required by law .. in many cases. But I'm not going to argue this point with you.
Earlier in the day Michael Schiavo requested an autopsy for his wife when she dies in order to prove that she was so severely brain damaged that she could never have recovered, as her parents insist.
George Felos, Michael Schiavo's attorney, said the chief medical examiner for Pinellas County, Dr. John Thogmartin, had agreed to perform an autopsy before her remains are cremated.
Did you catch the "agreed to perform"? If it were required, the medical examiner would state that as a fact.
The Schindler's are now exploiting their daughter ... one minute they are "resigned to the fact" and the next they have more politicians speaking for them. It's very sad that they are so desperate.
Did you see the pictures of Terri's CT Scan from 2002? You can call Dr. Cranford "Dr. Death" all you want, but you can't argue with medical FACTS .. something you seem to continue to want to pretend don't exist ...
I think at the time of the trial in 2002 there had been eight neurologists who examined her. And of those eight neurologists total, seven of them said beyond any doubt whatsoever Terri is in a vegetative state. Her CT scan shows severe atrophy or shrinkage of the brain. Her EEG is flat and there's absolutely no doubt that she's been in a permanent vegetative state ever since 1990.Why don't you post those pictures?
Anonymous, at 8:39 PM
Sherri said it herself. She and any Terri supporters dont want to look at or see or hear anything that doen't agree with them. Thier "god" himself could come down and say this is the way it should be and they still would say Greer was behind it. Dont make any mistakes these people (Sherrri and others here) are not interested in any FACTS!! unless it supports them!!!
Anonymous, at 8:50 PM
I find it interesting that you assume that Michael actually ASKED for the autopsy. The TRUTH is that the autopsy MUST be given due to Florida STATE LAW!
Why would he want to prove that Terri was truly Brain dead AFTER SHE WAS DEAD? WHY NOT PROVE IT BEFORE WE KILL HER! The mental loops you are willing to jump through to justify starving a woam to death are not only amazing, but very telling. I am NOT the LEAST BIT ASHAMED TO SAY THAT I WOULD RATHER PROVE IT BEFORE WE KILL SOMEONE RATHER THAN AFTER!
If you want to buy the spin- GOd Bless ya!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 9:53 PM
you wouldn't believe it if it came up and spoke to you .... YOU are the people who believe the "spins" and mistruths .... why is an autopsy required by state law?
No criminal act.
No unattended death.
No alleged suicide.
etc .. etc .... i THINK that Michael asked for it because it's being reported that way .. same way that it's being reported that Dr. Thogmartin, the Medical Examiner AGREED to perform the autopsy. it if was REQUIRED by law, he wouldn't have to AGREE to do it.
and it's already been proven OVER and OVER and OVER that she has no brain .. what more do you want? WHAT?
it's been said over and over that her movements are not reactions to anything ..
what more does it take?
oh yea, the mayo clinic guy that didn't even EXAMINE her ... that stood in her room for 90 min .. he didn't even do a comprehensive neurological exam. now if a doc looked at your kid and diagnosed without an exam .. what the HELL would you think?
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM
FYI, Sherri .... it's not REQUIRED ...
In any of the following circumstances involving the death of a human being, the medical examiner of the district in which the death occurred or the body was found shall determine the cause of death and shall, for that purpose, make or have performed such examinations, investigations, and autopsies as he or she shall deem necessary or as shall be requested by the state attorney
if the Medical Examiner didn't seem it necessary or the state attorney didn't request it ... it's not REQUIRED ...
you don't even know what you're talking about
Michael Schiavo didn't HAVE to have an autopsy. there is enough information about the cause of death for a doctor to sign a death certificate.
seriously, before you post such nonsense, you really need to do some fact checking.
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM
MAybe you should go set Linda Vester straight as well. "Several of you Tuesday set me straight: Michael Schiavo (search) may have "agreed" to an autopsy on Terri when she dies, but it's not as if he had many options. In cases where a body is to be cremated, Florida law requires an autopsy. "
I do know in Texas they are required after an execution or in any event when a person dies alone.
jlfintx, at 11:12 PM
they have proved it for the last 15 years!!!!!
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM
I do know in Texas they are required after an execution
lol did you watch watch medium
Anonymous, at 11:28 PM
no, what is medium?
jlfintx, at 11:28 PM
READ (c)
Straight Up with Sherri, at 12:17 AM
I have been here just a few short days. Does anyone know why Sherri won't ever respond to people when she is wrong on certain items? She seems to want to call people names post lies from time to time but when anyone calls her on it she shuts up! What is that all about?
Anonymous, at 12:39 AM
406.11 Examinations, investigations, and autopsies.--
(1) In any of the following circumstances involving the death of a human being, the medical examiner of the district in which the death occurred or the body was found shall determine the cause of death and shall, for that purpose, make or have performed such examinations, investigations, and autopsies as he or she shall deem necessary or as shall be requested by the state attorney: (a) When any person dies in the state: 1. Of criminal violence. 2. By accident. 3. By suicide. 4. Suddenly, when in apparent good health. 5. Unattended by a practicing physician or other recognized practitioner. 6. In any prison or penal institution. 7. In police custody. 8. In any suspicious or unusual circumstance. 9. By criminal abortion. 10. By poison. 11. By disease constituting a threat to public health. 12. By disease, injury, or toxic agent resulting from employment. (b) When a dead body is brought into the state without proper medical certification. (c) When a body is to be cremated, dissected, or buried at sea.
Anonymous, at 1:02 AM
From how I understand what Sherri posted, it's required by law if Mr. Schiavo has her cremated. But if he really didn't want an autopsy, then he could just bury her. No autopsy required then.
So much for the big gotcha...
But, yeah, other anonymous, these folks seem to live in a very special reality. Four neurologists say "PVS-yes," and one with a national reputation as a quack says "PVS-no," and they think it's "he said, she said." They think over 20-something instances of judicial review and they say Judge Greer is out to kill Terri. Fifteen years of this and they say don't rush to decide. This whole circus has been funded by right-wingers, strategized by right-wingers, seized upon by right-wingers and some opportunist on the left shows up and they think it's bipartisan. Yeah, whatever.
Anonymous, at 1:03 AM
aLL VERY VALID POINTS!! (that means Sherri wont respond)
Anonymous, at 1:05 AM
may want to check Fox News Wire right now. Federal Court agrees to hear Shiavo plea.
jlfintx, at 1:05 AM
I really don't understand why anonymous's don't put a 123 or whatever like the other one did. It is really hard to understand which anon I am responding to guys. It is just a request for a little courtesy. Is it that difficult to put a little symbol there so we know which one we respond to? Just sayin........
jlfintx, at 1:07 AM
I have a question: What do you suppose would happen if I were to walk into Terri Schiavo's room, get up on her bed, and start stomping on her. Up and down. Up and down.
Anonymous, at 1:39 AM
probably get cheers from the death culture SD. Really, you know you would be arrested.
jlfintx, at 1:40 AM
Yeah. Let's see what the right to die side have to say.
Anonymous, at 1:41 AM
Yup you got us Sherri an auyopsy has to be done BY LAW.
An attorney for the Schindlers, David Gibbs III, said her family also wants an autopsy. "We would certainly support and encourage an autopsy to be done, with all the unanswered questions," Gibbs said
then explaine this?
why does everone involved say they support it if it has ti be done.
Very good points by anon(s)
and one of you is learning (she won't respond when she has no answers i have know her for years and thats the way she works)
Anonymous, at 1:44 AM
I think she has the right to die but i think thats a sick question sarah!!
Anonymous, at 1:46 AM
have you all seen the 11th circuit's latest announcement?
jlfintx, at 1:48 AM
Someone has kno you for years Sherri! Wow!
Hey. Remember back a bit when Michael Schiavo was going to cremate Terri, no autopsy.
What has changed?
Anonymous, at 1:48 AM
Anonymous, at 1:50 AM
Yes. I believe it's too late.
While Terri is in her "angelic" state, with her "stuffed cat" under her arm, and looking "beautiful", I think at this point it's too late.
Anonymous, at 1:53 AM
Another question:
A man sneaks into the hospice and rapes Terri. Should he be convicted of a crime other than necrophelia?
Anonymous, at 1:54 AM
Why does she need a stuffed animal, music and atmosphere if she is just filled in the head with an inkwell?
jlfintx, at 1:55 AM
Inkwells need atmosphere I guess. Not water.
Anonymous, at 1:58 AM
Oh, to add to that:
A man rapes Terri, and she becomes pregnant. Do we wait to starve her to death before the baby is born - or after?
Anonymous, at 1:59 AM
That's easy-we abort of course. But maybe we wait until it is being born and do a partial birth abortion.
jlfintx, at 2:00 AM
Ah yes. The baby wouldn't matter much anyway. BUT - the feminists should raise a stink about the rape yes?
Anonymous, at 2:06 AM
Now you people are just being sick this is a great way to try and get a point across!!
Would you want someone talking about your daughter , or sister, or mother in this fashion?
Have a little respect.
Anonymous, at 2:09 AM
Nah, remember that guy named WJC? They were strangely silent when claims were made against him. Just certain women have to be raped before they will make any noise.
Well, Sarah, I have the flu and am going to bed. Hope you schooling is going well. Good to see you again as I don't go to LGF anymore and have not noticed you over at DL. Have a great day.
jlfintx, at 2:09 AM
YLB-I really don't give a rat's ass about what you have to say. I will not take the trouble to show your blatant hypocrisy in that last statement. You are a real piece of work. Don't you have a job by the way-how do you stay up all hours of the night anyway?
jlfintx, at 2:10 AM
Night jlfintx, hope you feel better.
You have some kind of problem? She's a vegetable right?
Anonymous, at 2:11 AM
And I don't hide behind anon postings thats why i use ylb i do think it get hard to follow at times i would take that option away.
Anonymous, at 2:11 AM
see ya sarah-take care and keep the faith
jlfintx, at 2:14 AM
yes she is And yes i do have a job mabey I work 2nd shift. thanks for asking.
will not take the trouble to show your blatant hypocrisy in that last statement.
please show me i have never shown disrespect for her i feel bad for her, her husband , and all involved.
Anonymous, at 2:14 AM
Why can't someone walk in there and punch her in the face?
Anonymous, at 2:16 AM
LOL! Yes, you too.
Anonymous, at 2:17 AM
you obviously have an ax to grind with sherri-either that or you have a crush on her. you do nothing but try and run her down and it makes you look pretty pathetic.
jlfintx, at 2:17 AM
You all have the flu up your way?
I managed to dodge it. Allergies are the name of the game here!
Anonymous, at 2:21 AM
LOL I am not trying to run anyone one down. 1. Just asked why she wont respond to good points.
2. I don't really care for the fact that i work hard to pay for her to sit at home all day and put food in her mouth.
3. I just want a few answers, you call me pathetic but i am not the one talking about rape and so on about this poor women. I shall say it again have a little respect!!
Anonymous, at 2:24 AM
yea, sarah it has been making the rounds. when one of us gets it the boss makes us go home until we are clear. funny that everyone still gets it though. we have signs on the doors telling us to wash frequently, but a bug is a bug.
jlfintx, at 2:25 AM
Respect? Why? She's a vegetable. She is nothing. We should harvest her organs at the very least don't you think?
Anonymous, at 2:26 AM
Do you really believe that after 15 years she said i line then back to her state that she is in? come on sherri you are smarter then that!
By ylb, at 11:40 PM
that was your post ylb-and now you say you support her. i am sure you are a very bitter person, but you seem to flip flop from one extreme to the next about sherri. i say you have a crush on her-prove me wrong.
jlfintx, at 2:26 AM
hey sarah-i think this guy has a crush on sherri-that is why he is here all hours of the night and day-what say you?
jlfintx, at 2:28 AM
I have heard (but not tried) the Zicam flu stuff. I DO use the cold remedy and it does work. Get the Zicam for flu -!
Really, the cold remedy does work.
Anonymous, at 2:28 AM
i will get it when it gets light-i just don't feel like getting up right now. but, thanks for the tip. i will certainly try it.
jlfintx, at 2:29 AM
No. It is a woman who has a crush on Sherri.
Hey ylb, what about me punching Terri in the face? Bang, bang, bang.
Anonymous, at 2:30 AM
I never said i support her or dont I was saying that i dont believe that Terri came out of her PVS said "i want to live" and slipped back in. Find anything i have ever said that was disrespectful to Terri if you do i will donate $200 to Sherris fund.
Anonymous, at 2:30 AM
Really, get the cold remedy while you're there. I haven't dealt with a cold in years now. The stuff really works.
(I Shit You Not)
Anonymous, at 2:32 AM
ylb-you would have to leave that offer open, i am just too sick right now to go search.
jlfintx, at 2:32 AM
jlfintx, at 2:32 AM
I'm not being disrespectful to Terri am I?
Anonymous, at 2:33 AM
nah, go ahead and stomp stomp stomp sarah
jlfintx, at 2:34 AM
Fine. I'll atone tomorrow. Maybe.
Anonymous, at 2:35 AM
Ok. A gang invades the hospice and takes Terri. They take her to a spot in the woods. No people around. They rape her, shoot her in the head, and leave her.
What does the prosecution say?
Anonymous, at 2:44 AM
Anonymous, at 2:54 AM
Sarah, your questions aren't as hard to answer as you seem to think they are. In your dumb scenarios, it wouldn't matter whether or not Terri experiences victimhood; if someone perpetrated any of those crimes on her, they would still be crimes.
This is about the law, not about your personal beliefs. You folks seem to confuse the two a lot. For example, it doesn't matter what you think about the Schiavo's marriage. It's still a marriage. I've read a lot of comments from right-wingers who say that since Mr. Schiavo is living with someone else, his rights as her husband don't count. That's a quaint notion, but not a legal argument. You also think that since you seem to know what's right for this woman you've never met and whose circumstances several of you seem to be only vaguely familiar with, the law apparently shouldn't apply. Sadly for you, the -how many judges has it been now?- have respect for the law and have consistently applied it.
You sheep are getting riled up over a procedure being done to one person which occurs every day. And the decision to discontinue life support has been made by several of your "heroes" on behalf of their own family members. But they can get you riled up at a snap of their fingers because you don't seem to think these things through before you go into your collective tizzies.
And another thing. There are over 60 other people at that hospice who you folks (meaning those of you who, like Sherri, took your opinions to her hospice) are robbing of their opportunity to die a peaceful death just so you can have your public tantrums. Why can't you take your protests to a public park somewhere and stop tormenting those poor people?
What you're doing is wrong and selfish on so many levels.
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
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