This evening, Sherri had decided to participate in the vigil being held in front of Michael Schiavo’s house. She got wet when Mr. Schiavo turned the sprinklers on her!
"Tomorrow we will be dry -but Michael Schiavo will still be himself"
Michael Schiavo has cared for his vegatative wife for 15 years before you grandstanding trash showed up to call him a murderer. Your self-indulgent moralism and willful ignorance are astounding.
In the month during which the GAL conducted research, interviews and compiled information, he sought to visit with Theresa as often as possible, sometimes daily, and sometimes, more than once each day. During that time, the GAL was not able to independently determine that there were consistent, repetitive, intentional, reproducible interactive and aware activities. When Theresa's mother and father were asked to join the GAL, there was no success in eliciting specific responses. Hours of observed video tape recordings of Theresa offer little objective insight about her awareness and interactive behaviors. There are instances where she appears to respond specifically to her mother. But these are not repetitive or consistent. There were instances during the GAL's visits, when responses seemed possible, but they were not consistent in any way.
Pity you lot can't dedicate all this energy to someone who could use the help. You know, one of the hundreds of thousands of homeless, who all have perfectly functional brains that can feel hunger?
Why aren't you folks paying attention to the baby in Texas who was "unplugged" over his mother's objection because she was indigent? What facts support your opinions? How can Terri be "treated" when her brain is gone? What about all of the people who die because they can't afford medical care? Or do you just show up when you might get you picture on TV?
I was just suggesting that Michael turn on the garden hose in a letter to the editor. You people are disgusting and shoudl be ashamed of yourselves, a bunch of thickwitted bible-thumping morons.
Here's my letter: I hope Michael Schiavo buys a shotgun.
Regardless of political stripe, all Americans should be alarmed and outraged over Congress's recent meddling in that most private of family decisions, the decision to remove someone from life support. More shocking is that the party driving this blatant power grab is the Republican Party, who swept to power promising to "get the government off your back."
Of course, this isn't what their base, the radical Christian right wants at all. In the face of judicial decision after judicial decision that upheld Michael Schiavo's claims, these Bible-thumping busybodies refuse to accept their loss, gathering on a private citizen's lawn to pray for him and his braindead, peristently vegatative wife. In the meantime, their allies in Congress are cynically using this poor woman to score a wedge issue for 2006.
Give me a break: these people are harrassing Mr. Schiavo, and if I were him I would turn my dog loose on them or soak them with a garden hose.
Perhaps if we had sensible laws surrounding euthanasia, this sad and tawdry situation wouldn't be playing out on our TV screens. Unfortunately, whenever a state like Oregon attempts to address the issue the GOP, that brave party of states' rights, rugged individualism, and getting the goverment off your back, springs into action to defend the right of the Christian right to impose their particular worldview on the rest of us.
Did I say soak these praying, braying nincompoops with a garden hose? That was a typo: I meant boiling pitch. Frenchy L'Amour
For those who are interested in the report written by the guardian ad litem who was picked by Governor Jeb Bush, here's the link. It's a pdf document, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to read it. Very, very interesting!
For those who are interested in the report written by the guardian ad litem who was picked by Governor Jeb Bush, here's the link. It's a pdf document, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to read it. Very, very interesting!
I read the report by the guardian ad litem, and it was, indeed, interesting. All the wingnuts who listen to the right-wing talk show hosts to tell them what to think are showing themselves to be anything but compassionate or conservative. A true compassionate would recognize the immense heroism of Michael Schiavo in caring for his wife and fighting for what she wanted. A true conservative would see the danger in Congress' inserting itself in a matter that has been competently, contientiously, and very carefully adjudicated. (Are you aware that only 3 senators were present for the voice vote for this bill???) But it's a lot more fun to call some poor guy a lot of names and pretend that you're the brave one for getting hit by a sprinkler after your heartless harassment. Only the stupid and/or ignorant would treat Mr. Schiavo that way. May God have the mercy on you that you refuse to extend to Mr. Schiavo.
Sherri, you're a very cute and sweet woman, but I think you're being misled.
Ms Schaivo is brain-dead. The court ordered physician who examined Ms. Schiavo has said so, in many ways. Ms Schiavo won't be coming back. It is a very sad, and heart wrenching thing, but keeping her alive will serve no purpose other than to prolong her husbands, her families, and possibly her own agony. If she is forced to remain alive, she will live in a world filled with darkness, confusion, and pain, for the rest of her days. As an American, you have the right to protest, but think of the pain that everyone involved is feeling. Your protests are not helping anyone other than yourself. Please consider that.
Any chance those sprinklers are on a timer like everyone else in the world with a sprinkler system has?
Oh. Of course not. Because Michael is evil incarnate along with each and every one of the 23 judges that have looked at this case and ruled in his favor, and affirmed his right as Terri's proxy to fulfill her wishes.
In the last weeks Mr. Schiavo was seen on Good Morning America stating that he had nothing to gain when Terri passed away. No money or anything! Frankly, this sounds a bit odd, con't you think? Lots of questions are being raised at the mere fact that this man found a "fiance", had children with her but still refuses to let Terri go. But still he wants to convince America tht he has nothing to gain.
In the last weeks Mr. Schiavo was seen on Good Morning America stating that he had nothing to gain when Terri passed away. No money or anything! Frankly, this sounds a bit odd, con't you think? Lots of questions are being raised at the mere fact that this man found a "fiance", had children with her but still refuses to let Terri go. But still he wants to convince America tht he has nothing to gain. Forgot to sign before. CBT2025
Apparently this Mr Schiavo is a loser. I find it hard to believe that after 15 years of being marriied to someone in Terri's condition, that this man can not find something else to do. Ok, so he has a fiance', but how does she really feel about this lingering situation. What does she have to gain? Does this man have areal job? How does he have so much time to just hang around and control every little aspect of Terri's life? He claims that he is doing all of this out of love. Mr. Schiavo, how do you hurt the ones you love? CBT2025
The feeding tube has been removed! How did this happen? For the last 12 days people have been expecting Terri to die. But she is still hanging in there. If you believe in GOD then you already know that GOD always get the final say! Where there's a will there's a way! CBT2025
Are the courts really going to allow Terr to starve to death? For the past 12 days Terri has hung there, no food or drink. I even saw on the news how little children were arrested outside the hospice for trying to bring Terri water or sneak Terri water as the media put it. If children are able to see and understand what is going on, then why on earth can't we as adults put an end to this? CBT2025
Terri's mother and father make another plea to the courts, Mr. Schiavo and his fiance (Jody). Finally there is reconsideration in regards to reinserting the tubes. This is great news for Terri's parents, but really is an insult after 12 days of Terri literally starving to her death. CBT2025
The reconderation of reinserting the tubes is on one hand a good thing, but on the other hand a slap in the face because I really do feel tht the courts expected Terri to die within a few days of her tube being removed. But that goes to show who really is in control. GOD is, Hang in there Terri. CBT2025
Jesse Jackson prays with the family outside the hospice and Terri is only allowed to have communion twice. And now her husband the "pig" wants to agree to allow an autopsy after death! Hang in there Terri. CBT2025
Tired of Listening and not sounding off? Tired of waiting on hold to get your voice heard? Sherri is committed to offering that soapbox. Stop in to see what Sherri is stirring up in the world of news and politics. No story too small or too big. Just be warned of one thing. Sherri doesn't like her news on the rocks, shaken, or stirred. With Sherri, she gives it Straight Up!
Integrity is my most precious value. My core values are based in Christianity. I love my God, my Savior, my Children, and Israel. My motto: Don't change minds, change LIVES! I am a single mother of 3 beautiful children. I am a conservative that understands that this country's forefathers created America to be The Land of Opportunity, NOT the Land of Entitlements. I have worked on campaigns as a Campaign Manager, a Consultant, and a Director. I love to sew, and collect coffee mugs!
I find it interesting (that is a CONSERVATIVE word for what I really want to say) that Michael feels compelled to nourish his LAWN bit NOT HIS WIFE!
Amazing that hw is willing to WTER the GRASS- grass must be thirsty in the hot Florida sun- BUT NOT TERRI!!!!!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 11:29 PM
forgive the typos!~~ LOL!!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 11:30 PM
Straight Up with Sherri, at 11:31 PM
An abortionist did that to me and a group of pro lifers who were picketing his house. Thank God it's getting warm down there!!
Marine Momma
Anonymous, at 11:31 PM
my charm is showing with the typos!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 11:33 PM
He is pure walking evil.
I guess it's cool that as long as people are outside of his house...
he won't get any sllep :)
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM
For those who aren't familiar with the case, go to The University of Miami's Theresa Schiavo page.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM
Michael Schiavo has cared for his vegatative wife for 15 years before you grandstanding trash showed up to call him a murderer.
Your self-indulgent moralism and willful ignorance are astounding.
In the month during which the GAL conducted research, interviews and compiled information, he sought to visit with Theresa as often as possible, sometimes daily, and sometimes, more than once each day. During that time, the GAL was not able to independently determine that there were consistent, repetitive, intentional, reproducible interactive and aware activities. When Theresa's mother and father were asked to join the GAL, there was no success in eliciting specific responses. Hours of observed video tape recordings of Theresa offer little objective insight about her awareness and interactive behaviors. There are instances where she appears to respond specifically to her mother. But these are not repetitive or consistent. There were instances during the GAL's visits, when responses seemed possible, but they were not consistent in any way.
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM
Pity you lot can't dedicate all this energy to someone who could use the help. You know, one of the hundreds of thousands of homeless, who all have perfectly functional brains that can feel hunger?
Anonymous, at 3:34 PM
Why aren't you folks paying attention to the baby in Texas who was "unplugged" over his mother's objection because she was indigent? What facts support your opinions? How can Terri be "treated" when her brain is gone? What about all of the people who die because they can't afford medical care? Or do you just show up when you might get you picture on TV?
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM
I was just suggesting that Michael turn on the garden hose in a letter to the editor.
You people are disgusting and shoudl be ashamed of yourselves, a bunch of thickwitted bible-thumping morons.
Here's my letter: I hope Michael Schiavo buys a shotgun.
Regardless of political stripe, all Americans should
be alarmed and outraged over Congress's recent
meddling in that most private of family decisions, the
decision to remove someone from life support. More
shocking is that the party driving this blatant power
grab is the Republican Party, who swept to power
promising to "get the government off your back."
Of course, this isn't what their base, the radical
Christian right wants at all. In the face of judicial
decision after judicial decision that upheld Michael
Schiavo's claims, these Bible-thumping busybodies
refuse to accept their loss, gathering on a private
citizen's lawn to pray for him and his braindead,
peristently vegatative wife. In the meantime, their
allies in Congress are cynically using this poor woman
to score a wedge issue for 2006.
Give me a break: these people are harrassing Mr.
Schiavo, and if I were him I would turn my dog loose
on them or soak them with a garden hose.
Perhaps if we had sensible laws surrounding
euthanasia, this sad and tawdry situation wouldn't be
playing out on our TV screens. Unfortunately, whenever
a state like Oregon attempts to address the issue the
GOP, that brave party of states' rights, rugged
individualism, and getting the goverment off your
back, springs into action to defend the right of the
Christian right to impose their particular worldview
on the rest of us.
Did I say soak these praying, braying nincompoops with
a garden hose? That was a typo: I meant boiling pitch.
Frenchy L'Amour
Anonymous, at 5:08 PM
For those who are interested in the report written by the guardian ad litem who was picked by Governor Jeb Bush, here's the link. It's a pdf document, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to read it. Very, very interesting!
Anonymous, at 7:27 PM
For those who are interested in the report written by the guardian ad litem who was picked by Governor Jeb Bush, here's the link. It's a pdf document, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat to read it. Very, very interesting!
Anonymous, at 7:30 PM
I read the report by the guardian ad litem, and it was, indeed, interesting. All the wingnuts who listen to the right-wing talk show hosts to tell them what to think are showing themselves to be anything but compassionate or conservative. A true compassionate would recognize the immense heroism of Michael Schiavo in caring for his wife and fighting for what she wanted. A true conservative would see the danger in Congress' inserting itself in a matter that has been competently, contientiously, and very carefully adjudicated. (Are you aware that only 3 senators were present for the voice vote for this bill???) But it's a lot more fun to call some poor guy a lot of names and pretend that you're the brave one for getting hit by a sprinkler after your heartless harassment. Only the stupid and/or ignorant would treat Mr. Schiavo that way. May God have the mercy on you that you refuse to extend to Mr. Schiavo.
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM
Sherri, you're a very cute and sweet woman, but I think you're being misled.
Ms Schaivo is brain-dead. The court ordered physician who examined Ms. Schiavo has said so, in many ways.
Ms Schiavo won't be coming back.
It is a very sad, and heart wrenching thing, but keeping her alive will serve no purpose other than to prolong her husbands, her families, and possibly her own agony. If she is forced to remain alive, she will live in a world filled with darkness, confusion, and pain, for the rest of her days.
As an American, you have the right to protest, but think of the pain that everyone involved is feeling. Your protests are not helping anyone other than yourself. Please consider that.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM
Any chance those sprinklers are on a timer like everyone else in the world with a sprinkler system has?
Oh. Of course not. Because Michael is evil incarnate along with each and every one of the 23 judges that have looked at this case and ruled in his favor, and affirmed his right as Terri's proxy to fulfill her wishes.
The sprinkler thing is just more evil, obviously.
Anonymous, at 10:15 PM
In the last weeks Mr. Schiavo was seen on Good Morning America stating that he had nothing to gain when Terri passed away. No money or anything! Frankly, this sounds a bit odd, con't you think? Lots of questions are being raised at the mere fact that this man found a "fiance", had children with her but still refuses to let Terri go. But still he wants to convince America tht he has nothing to gain.
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
In the last weeks Mr. Schiavo was seen on Good Morning America stating that he had nothing to gain when Terri passed away. No money or anything! Frankly, this sounds a bit odd, con't you think? Lots of questions are being raised at the mere fact that this man found a "fiance", had children with her but still refuses to let Terri go. But still he wants to convince America tht he has nothing to gain. Forgot to sign before. CBT2025
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM
Apparently this Mr Schiavo is a loser. I find it hard to believe that after 15 years of being marriied to someone in Terri's condition, that this man can not find something else to do. Ok, so he has a fiance', but how does she really feel about this lingering situation. What does she have to gain? Does this man have areal job? How does he have so much time to just hang around and control every little aspect of Terri's life? He claims that he is doing all of this out of love. Mr. Schiavo, how do you hurt the ones you love? CBT2025
Anonymous, at 10:07 PM
The feeding tube has been removed! How did this happen? For the last 12 days people have been expecting Terri to die. But she is still hanging in there. If you believe in GOD then you already know that GOD always get the final say! Where there's a will there's a way! CBT2025
Anonymous, at 10:09 PM
Are the courts really going to allow Terr to starve to death? For the past 12 days Terri has hung there, no food or drink. I even saw on the news how little children were arrested outside the hospice for trying to bring Terri water or sneak Terri water as the media put it. If children are able to see and understand what is going on, then why on earth can't we as adults put an end to this? CBT2025
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM
Terri's mother and father make another plea to the courts, Mr. Schiavo and his fiance (Jody). Finally there is reconsideration in regards to reinserting the tubes. This is great news for Terri's parents, but really is an insult after 12 days of Terri literally starving to her death. CBT2025
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM
The reconderation of reinserting the tubes is on one hand a good thing, but on the other hand a slap in the face because I really do feel tht the courts expected Terri to die within a few days of her tube being removed. But that goes to show who really is in control. GOD is, Hang in there Terri. CBT2025
Anonymous, at 10:16 PM
Jesse Jackson prays with the family outside the hospice and Terri is only allowed to have communion twice. And now her husband the "pig" wants to agree to allow an autopsy after death! Hang in there Terri. CBT2025
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM
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