Pat Anderson Speaks Out About "No Abuse Found" of Terri Schindler [Schiavo]
[former] Schindler Attorney Pat Anderson explains the coverup re DCF
you may have read that:
"Florida state investigators found no evidence that Terri Schiavo had been
abused or exploited by either side of her family, according to documents
released by the Department of Children and Families."
Pat Anderson explains how deceptive that all is:
"Everyone should be aware that Judge Greer ordered the release, only, of
the old abuse reports....not the records of the current DCF investigation.
All of us involved in the Schiavo case knew that DCF was not doing any
"investigating" last year, even though five of Terri's teeth were pulled
last April, allegedly due to deterioration. However, this year, for
whatever reason, the DCF received more reports and decided to investigate
for real this time. But when they went before Judge Greer, saying their
investigation showed evidence of abuse and neglect and asking for an
emergency tube re-insertion order from him, not only did he refuse their
request, he enjoined them from further access to her!"
"Do not be deceived by this little PR ploy. It's the current reports I
want to see." - Pat Anderson
Interesting! I hadn't realized this, Sherri. It was the old reports that were released....
I too, then, want to see the new reports! Where are the new reports!?
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
Those reports are still worth having a look.
Even though they are old, I think that there is a good case to demand an investigation into how members of the DCF had handled the old complaints.
Specifically, there is one complaint from 2003 that relates to Morton Plant Hospital. The medical staff at the hospital seem to be the source of the complaint to DCF. The (non)-investigation was totally deficient. The investigators seemed to have done nothing despite holding the investigation open for 60 days.
In this complaint it was alleged that Michael Schiavo had attempted (again) to withold antibiotics from Theresa when she had a UTI, kidney stones and pneumonia. This is a new complaint and is not associated with Carla Sauer Iyer's affidavit. It is a complaint that relates to Theresa's stay at Woodside hospice.
Now get this, in 2000 Michael Schiavo admitted that he had attempted to allow Theresa to "pass on", when he refused to allow her to be treated with antibiotics for a UTI. He admitted this under oath, and he said that he would not do it again. Yet, the staff at Morton Plant Hospital complained because Michael had insisted that Theresa be discharged before she was healed of the complaint, and then she was admitted a second time in worse condition and he was attempting to have her discharged again, and that this was AGAINST THE MEDICAL ADVICE GIVEN TO HIM by doctors at Morton Plant Hospital.
The "no abuse found" and the claim that Terri was in a low risk category seemed to stem from a telephone conversation with George Felos and Michael Schiavo. The report mentions the litigation and that meant the investigator was not prepared to intervene even though Theresa's life was being endangered. Further to this conclusion, the investigator did not bother to go and see Theresa and instead relied upon the inaccurate information that was provided by Felos-Schiavo.
The people responsible should be sacked from the DCF. The duty of care that should be the standard in any investigation of this sort was breached. The investigator had no right to make so many assumptions, including the statement that Theresa was in a coma and had been that way for 15 years.
The report that I am referring to indicates that the medical staff who made the complaint stated that Theresa was "awake", and that means she was not in a coma.
This is a total travesty of the justice system in the USA.
Maggie, at 11:39 PM
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