Quality of life is meaningless without life!
in LaGrange, Georgia,

FAX : 404-657-8733
Criminal Justice Division:
The State Healthcare Fraud Control Unit of the Law Department works in conjunction with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Audits and is responsible for prosecuting cases of medicaid fraud and patient abuse in facilities receiving medicaid funding.
Mary Beth Westmoreland
Deputy Attorney General
Criminal Justice Division
Phone : 404-656-3349
FAX : 404-651-6459
Now let's make our voices heard.
I guess these officials don't list their email addresses.
But wait, there's more:
It seems that Probate Judge Donald Boyd (706-883-1690) is not very concerned about Georgia law.
For some unknown reason, he has allowed Mae's granddaughter, Beth Gaddy, to remain in charge of Mae's execution, even though Ms. Gaddy is not the next of kin, as required by law! That distinction belongs to Mae Magouirkin's brother, Mr. A. B. McLeod (256-236-1331) and sister, Mrs. Lonnie Ruth Mullinax (205-408-7598) both of nearby Anniston, Alabama.
If you wish to complain about Judge Boyd, try the State Bar of Georgia.
May I suggest:
President Rob Reinhardt
Phone : 229-382-6135
FAX : 229-386-5949
Georgia Dept of Human Resources
Phone : 404-657-9639
FAX WRITTEN REPORT TO : 404-657-5737
Troup County DFCS
504 East Depot Street
LaGrange, Georgia 30241-4631
Director: Willie Rutledge
Phone : 706-845-4200
FAX : 706-845-4221
Division of Aging Services
Two Peachtree Street, NW, Suite 9-385
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3142
Phone : 404-657-5258
Fax : 404-657-5285
Finally, there are City Officials:
Tom Hall, City Manager
Meg Kelsey, Assistant City Manager
City Hall - 3rd Floor
200 Ridley Avenue
Phone : 706-883-2000
Fax : 706-883-2020
Lukken, Jeff - Mayor 706-883-2010
Dekmar, Lou - Chief of Police 706-883-2612
Edmondson, Rev Willie - City Councilman 706-882-7817
Gore, Dr Tom - City Councilman 706-884-2641
Hall, Tom - City Manager 706-883-2010
Moore, George - Mayor Pro Tem 706-884-5923
Right Wing Nut Job
Hiya RWNJ! You're not kidding the man doesn't have an email addy. Checked around the internet and I think he's the only AG without one in the US!
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM
It is probable that this lady was on Medicare. In cases of Medicare Fraud, we need to contact CMS and the Attorney General of the United States.
Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D., at 10:33 PM
Well, he might not have an e-mail address posted on his official Georgia web site, but he does have a "campaign" web site, with his personal introduction of himself, and THEY have an e-mail address. Certainly that office won't be insensitive to nationwide displeasure if he doesn't correct this situation.
AG Thurbert Baker's web site is:
the e-mail address on the contact page is:
Suzanne., at 12:34 PM
If someone knows Ken Mullinax - have him call Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer. She spoke out courageously and eloquently on behalf of Terri Schiavo
The State Senate of Georgia
Senator Nancy Schaefer
District Office 50th District
P O Box 294
Georgia State Capitol
Turnerville, Georgia 30580
313-B Legislative Office Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Phone 706-754-1994
Fax: 706-754-1803
Phone: 404-463-1367
Fax: 404-656-6579
Senator Nancy Schaefer spoke these words in the State Senate Chamber in the Capitol of Georgia, on March 24, 2004.
"Thank you - Mr. President I rise for a point of personal privilege"
"Tuesday morning - of this week, we began our Senate session with a message delivered by the Chaplain of the Day. His text was taken from Matthew 14 about King Herod and how the authority of that day had lost their conscience to the point of calling for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. I believe the element that called for the head of John the Baptist was the same element that crucified Jesus Christ. It is also the same element that is taking the life of Terri Schiavo. As the authorities said it was legal in the day of John the Baptist and legal in the day of Jesus Christ, authorities today say it is legal to starve a living, breathing women to death in Florida.
The whole world is watching America commit the murder on national TV of a young woman who was never offered the first moment of rehabilitation by her husband who clearly abandoned her 12 years ago. Is not our authority today calling for the head of Terri Schiavo? Would the authorities in Herod's Day call for the head of Barabbas? Of course not. Would the authorities today call for the starvation of a person on death row? Certainly not. What is being done to Terri Schiavo would never be done to an animal. She has been without food and water since last Friday afternoon. Couldshe die on Good Friday? I urge you, however you can, to speak up for the life of Terri Schiavo. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence about the rightto life. He said: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creatorwith certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." According to the Declaration of Independence, the right to life is aDivine right. Will you join me in a moment of silent prayer for Terri, the Schindler family, and for our Nation."
"Thank you”
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
Judge Boyd's e-mail address is dboyd@troupco.org
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM
Judge Boyd's e-mail is dboyd@troupco.org
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM
email addy for the Georgia AG
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
We should e-mail radio personalities as well. I've been e-mailing all the talk shows I listen to. I also sent out a general e-mail to friends and family. If you need an idea for how to word an e-mail, feel free to get ideas from mine and edit it to fit your needs:
Dear __________
I was wondering if you are yet aware of the situation of Mae Magouirk, the 81-year-old woman who has had hydration and nutrition removed despite the fact that this goes against the clear provisions in her living will. She is not terminal, comatose or vegetative, but her granddaughter (who had financial but not medical power of attorney) has decided that "Grandmama is old and I think it's time she went home to Jesus." Mae's brother, sister and nephew are fighting to save her life but time is running out.
I have attached below an e-mail I wrote earlier, giving more information. WorlNetDaily has a front-page article covering the situation, and I have listed more resources for getting information at the bottom of the e-mail.
Thank you for considering this situation . . . I hope you will help bring it to the attention of the public.
[signed by me]
The text I attached can be found here on my blog: http://www.xanga.com/item.aspx?user=purple_kangaroo_Angela&tab=weblogs&uid=238438533
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM
I am a multiply disabled woman that is semi beridden. To me the Teri Shivo and Mae Magourik case are terrifying. These were the things that happened in Germany in the 1930's and 40's under the Nazi rugime. With the likes of Michel Shivo, Betty Gaddy, Peter Singer, Jack Kevorkian, and Derrick Humphries, this country is not a safe place for elderly and disabled persons. I am terrified!
Also it seems when I try to email the people like the Goergia's Atty General, Judge Boyd, the Bar Association and others, my mail is not going through. Is it possably that there are so many people emailing that mine cannot get through? I have tried from both my email addresses.
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM
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