Straight Up with Sherri

Monday, March 21, 2005


With Michael Schiavo, it is like listening to a 4 year old tell you different accounts of how they ended up with chocolate on their face and the brownies are missing.....

Only with Michael, it is blood on his hands, and the food and water is missing.........

Larry King asked Michael what Terri said about her wishes. Michael said that Terri said "No tubes for me". Michael got really nervous and Felos butted in. Michael was then rolling his eyes and biting his lip.

Makes me want to have a town hall meeting with Michael. You know, a little heart to heart chat with the people. C'mon Michael, sit down for a little Q and A!

Amazing how so many Americans are willing to believe ANYTHING that comes out of this man's mouth, let alone a JUDGE! I realize he is legally blind, but DEAF TOO?

Who wants to let the media in to see Terri so YOU can see for yourself, and who says "NO! NO !NO!!! Pay NO attention to the man behond the curtain, listen to ME!"

BTW Michael, thanks for watering ME along with your lawn last night.
So kind of you to supply the nurturing needs of your grass and bushes as you deny the same to your wife.

Hat tip: Sarah D and spunkie! THANKS! YA'LL are ON TOP OF THINGS!


  • Hey Sherri, good to have you back! RWNJ and Sarah D. did a great job! Savage is on ripping the Dems and handful of Repubs who voted for Terri's death last night. Good commentary! It's all over the news about scumbag adulterer Michael messing up his 'part' on Larry King saying he didn't kow what Terri wanted. A cornered animal acts just like he's acting today. Can you list the politicians in Fla who are not on the side of Terri just in case this goes to Jeb? I called the judge but can't do the entire list of pols right now.
    Marine Momma

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:50 PM  

  • Marine Momma

    Thanks for the welcome back.

    I am so exhausted, I don't feel I am doing justice to you all right now...

    I will be clearer in the morning!

    Over 250 emails, spending time with the kids, downloading pics, monitoring the blog, posting, keeping up with breaking news and listening to FOX!

    YOU ALL HELP SO MUCH, keeping me up to date on things!


    I have a short list of the 9 REPUBS and THE SCUM KING! I will get a FULL list up TONIGHT!


    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:01 PM  

  • It is sad how people can ignore a person because they have some type of disability. In Terry's case her only disability is that she cannot feed herself. If Terry were a baby would they try to stop feeding her because everyone knows that babies cannot feed themeselves until they get a certain age.I guess people think that it would be too big of a burden to keep feeding Terry through a tube to keep her alive.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 AM  

  • It is sad how people can ignore a person because they have some type of disability. In Terry's case her only disability is that she cannot feed herself. If Terry were a baby would they try to stop feeding her because everyone knows that babies cannot feed themeselves until they get a certain age.I guess people think that it would be too big of a burden to keep feeding Terry through a tube to keep her alive.

    CS 4617

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:36 AM  

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