President Bush Signs the Bill!
Terri will be taken to a local hospital for a 90 minute procedure to re-insert her feeding tube. This must be done under anaesthesia, and in her fragile state they must be very careful. The Schindler family attorney stated that after Terri was taken from Woodland Hospice, he would be calling the shots.
We're not sure what he meant, but it sounds like the tide has definitely turned.
Posted by Sarah D. for Sherri
It's amazing to watch this real-life drama unfolding in front of us. And especially because we have our own representative, Sherri, taking part in what's going on!
Sherri, your actions are the definition of altruism.
Anonymous, at 2:54 AM
Yee haw Sherri! Great job keeping us all informed. I knew Congress & GWB would come through; and all the prayers. Bless you for all you have done! Hang in there girl.
Anonymous, at 3:40 AM
Sherri...two words, Thank You.
Can you or anyone tell me why none of the discussion in court or Conmgress seems to have addressed the conflict of interests of Michael Schaivo? It is not whether he is good or bad or in between, it is simply that having a de facto 2nd wife and 2 children by her impeaches his credibility regarding Terri's wishes, expressed or otherwise. You could not even be seated on a jury with such a conflicting relationship regarding either the defendant or plantiff. I just do not understand.
Anonymous, at 6:24 AM prior posted question
1.)if anyone can answer my question but prefers not to do so on the blog, my email is
2.) Sherri....if have an opportunity to meet Col James Gritz, please tell him thank you. If you can take him to dinner, do so on me....advise me the cost of the dinner, for you and him, and I will pay for it via PayPal immediately. Just tell him it is a"Thank you" for "Showing Up." He will know what that means.
Anonymous, at 6:32 AM
Is there a way that we can get a current video of Terri? Some liberals are calling the video's shown outdated and believe that Terri is in a PVS state.
Darnell Clayton, at 8:31 AM
In the meantime, Terri is STILL starving to death.
Thanks, Jeb, for doing NOTHING to SAVE TERRI.
Thanks, W, for allowing the executive branch to be held hostage by the judiciary, ditto Congress.
Weaklings ALL, and Terri is still being tortured by starvation.
Please Lord, protect her and sustain her.
Anonymous, at 8:59 AM
The judge assigned to this case has called a 3 pm court time for the case. My understanding is the guy was appointed by clinton.
Marine Momma
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM
I am in school right now and we just got done learning about CPR and then we got into the case about Terri Schiavo (T.S.) I think that it's sad that her husband wants her to die and be in a better place for all the suffereing to end and yet her parents won't let her go. How can someone watch their child suffer knowing that they can not wake up, she is brain damaged.
This is some information that I got from a website stating what a Vegetative State was
This term is commonly, but incorrectly, referred to as "brain-death." It can follow a coma. People in a persistent vegetative state cannot think, speak or respond to commands and are not aware of their surroundings. They may have noncognitive functions and breathing and circulation may remain relatively intact. They also might move spontaneously and even grimace, cry or laugh. Some people might regain some awareness after being in a persistent vegetative state but others might remain in the state for decades. Source: National Institutes of Health
I think that Terri should just be removed from the feeding tube and just be in a better place. Also even if she did wake up, by a miracle, I don't think that it's going to happen how could she live like that. She was the one that put herself into the vegetative state anyways. She was the one that had the eatting disorder. I am not bashing her or anything it's just sad.....15 years of being like that, how could.......
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM
HIdden Nook, how did you get that URL embedded in your message like that, so that it just be clicked? What syntax did you use?
Anonymous, at 2:00 PM
According to this article in the SP Times, Greer approved videoing Terri.
The granted motion requires Michael to provide a videographer to record Terri's parents' time with her after the feeding tube is discontinued. Is this being done? It could possibly help in the upcoming hearing.
Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
The Rightwing Nuthouse posted the names of those who voted against Terri.
G-d bless you, Sherri!
Tom, at 2:57 PM
Dear sherri the most important thing is that you are eating and drinking i pray that the operation is done in a careful matter
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM
"Bush has signed the bill.
Terri will be taken to a local hospital for a 90 minute procedure to re-insert her feeding tube. "
umm - wrong
but par for the course regarding the FACTS in this case
Anonymous, at 6:00 AM
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