Uncle Sam Wants You (Not to Spend Any of that Money YOU Paid into Medicaid/Medicare)
Here's More:
Treatment Decisions for Dementia Patients:
The Search for Normative Boundaries
Issues Summary for The President's Council on Bioethics
Rebecca Dresser:
"So another reason for not giving full weight to advanced directives would be the judgment that many people actually want to give their families and doctors some flexibility at the bedside. So that would be consistent with an autonomy perspective on handling these problems."
"Now, a couple hard questions regarding this issue of how and when to treat a supervening illness in a dementia patient. These are both questions that courts have struggled with."
"One is that when you're evaluating the benefits and burdens of different medical approaches, including foregoing treatment, is it appropriate to consider not just the burdens and benefits of the treatment intervention itself? So, say, it's a feeding tube, you know, the pain involved in putting that in or any restraints that might be necessary if the patient is uncomfortable with the feeding tube."
"But is it also appropriate to consider the kind of life that a successful treatment will bring the patient? So this gets into the quality of life consideration."
I also mispell and have lots of typos too!
As RWNJ sweetly point out-- It is part of my "CHARM!!!!!"
Straight Up with Sherri, at 12:43 PM
Right Wing Nut Job,
We already have Star Chambers- the ethics committees of hospitals and hospices.
Jerri Lynn Ward, J.D., at 2:18 PM
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