Straight Up with Sherri

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Turner Salutes FOX!

Another rare day at Straight Up. We have two posts today so please be sure to check out both of them while you are here!

We are still discussing tort reform, but I thought it might be fun to lighten things up a bit.

I tend to find great amusement in the amount of public displays of sour grapes from people who refuse to leave the ivory towers and join us little people. This past election has revealed some interesting things. I was once told that to really know what someone is like, watch them in a time of crisis. When all is well, true character is never challenged. Consider the events of the last four years. We got a real peek at our President due to the terror of 9/11. As the likes of Michael Moore and Osama would have us believe that President Bush decided to read little books instead of dealing with an attack on America that sent people jumping out of burning skyscrapers; I saw a man that with all the things he must have been dealing with at the moment that he was informed that we were under attack, he thought of the children in that classroom above all. Americans rallied behind our country, our flag, and our leader- President Bush. Through the muck and mire of UN tactics and their venom for Bush, he stood in front of them time and time again and gave some of the most incredible speeches I have ever heard. Bush has been called Hitler, a liar, evil, etc. Every step of the way, I have never seen him lose his patience, bend his will, or compromise his strong stance on the issue. He has exercised great strength, compassion, and understanding. I like what I see out of this man while taking the heat.

But when we take a look around and see how others are handling the heat, well let’s just say it can get quite amusing. Between the imitation of Hulk Hogan by Democrat darling Dean, and our beloved Dan (the narcissist) Rather, I have found great enjoyment. The UN has lost all credibility to anyone with a moral barometer, Moore has found himself wringing his (empty) hands over the award nominations, CNN is drowning in arrogance, and the Democratic Senators are sending Boxer and the morally bankrupt “leaders” on a parade of who can waste more of your money campaign for the last week. Just when I think they have taken enough self-inflicted damage, the fringe Left finds another way to show their real character in tough times;
Ted Turner lashes out at FOX News Channel. (Oh, and another story on this here)


Here's Ted as he embarks into the CNN retirement plan:

And this is Ted leading us in a rendition of one of my childhood favorites, "Itsy, Bitsy Spider."


  • LOL!!

    Hmmmm... You mean he might miss this:

    and this:


    Oh- well- the purpose of this thread is to get a break from all the seriousness of the political "circus."

    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 11:03 AM  

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