Straight Up with Sherri

Thursday, February 10, 2005

ON A MISSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I was on a mission. I had heard from an oper’tive that there was going to be a meet-up. Yeah, a clandestine meeting; a gatherin’ of right-wing kooks that opposed the systematic surgical procedure of murderin’ children. Okay, so I’m thinkin’- “Hey! I’m one of those kooks! I need to make sure I get on down there and help ‘em out. In fact, I know of a bill that’s about to hit the House of Representatives’ floor within days that PROTECTS "ABORTION DOCTORS!” I was determined to join them in their organized deesplay of shoving religion down the throats of unsuspectin’ people just trying to kill their baby instead of lettin’ mommy and daddy get mad at ‘em. Heck, I might even help them with their chants about how women should just donate their bodies to the government for medical testin’! I mean, that’s what we pro-lifers are all about, right? Jist trying to get into some woman’s womb and tell ‘er what to do. We just can’t stand the idea of women and doctors making good decisions about her future and health. Heck, we even want them there doctors to tell her that there is a link between having an abortion and bein’ invaded with breast cancer later on down the road. I mean—we are serious kooks! We actually think she oughtta know about somethin’ like that.

Okay now, so- this is what I do. I git GEARED up, and head on down to the Capitol.

ALL GEARED UP!!!!! Posted by Hello

When I got to security, I grew very nervous, seemin’ as how I was so heavily armed!

My audio comunication tool.......... Posted by Hello

My photo-imagin' dee-vice............. Posted by Hello

My Box of Doc's........... Posted by Hello

I made it through and was off to find my fellow kooks in crime. I found a few oper’tives, I could tell ‘em right away. They was a wearin’ big red stickers that said “Pro-life Works.” I started handin’ out my flyers to ‘em, and jist askin’ em to read it. I was lurkin’ through the tundra, I was a lurkin’ through the pagin’ area; I was handin’ out my flyers to everyone I could. Finally, about 11:00 am, I settled at the elevators, wantin’ to catch ‘em all as they were coming. Suddenly, I heard this voice say, “Hey, you can’t do that.” It was a poo-lice officer, and he was pointin’ at me. I figured he surely must be comfused. So I looked up at ‘im with my warmest smile and sweetly replied, “Sure I can.”

“No, no you can’t.”

“Sure I can.”

“No, you are not aloud to hand those out.”

“Well, sure I am.” Still smiling and speaking as sweetly as a sugar coated gumdrop.


“Well, why not? I don’t understand.” No I am looking rather confused and startin' to wonder why this man continues to argue with me….

“You can’t hand stuff out like that inside the Capitol.”

“Uhhuh, sher can. Look, here I have this folder FILLED with information from the FCCLA that they gave me, and another folder from the Georgia Right To Life people, and then I have my little flyers.”

Now he grabs his walkie talkie and says, “I got a 318…………..” This is when I thought, “WOW! THIS guy is SERIOUS!” He puts his talkie thing back into his belt, grabs me by the arm and says, “You’re coming with me.” Uh oh! He takes me to another uniformed officer. This one is a bit bigger. “Ma’am, you can’t…….” Yes, we went through the exact same conversation. Finally, they clarify that the other groups handin’ our their stuff had a meetin' room where they gathered and handed out their stuff there. What I was doing was walkin' through the public halls, handing out my stuff to just anybody.

“Oh. Okay. Now I get it, I understand.” I smiled, said, “Sorry,” and turned to leave. I couldn’t make it to the door! One of ‘em grabbed my elbow and said, “No, you can’t go that way, we’re going this way.” So, I was escorted ALL the way OUT of the building!

I reached into my pocket, called a fellow oper’tive. She was just in time. As I was hittin’ the sidewalk, she pulled up, I threw my Box of Doc’s into the back (there was a poo-lice car behind her so we couldn’t talk, I gestured that I’d call ‘er), she drove off, and I BRAVELY headed back inside.

I hope you all enjoyed my attempt to poke fun at myself, but I would like to take a moment and be a little more serious.

These police officers are excellent men, and they are true heroes. Not only did they treat me with respect, but also they are dedicated to doing their job. They put themselves at GREAT risk each and every day in order to protect our families and our elected officials. I may use a little humor in telling my story, but I want to make it clear that these officers have and deserve my utmost respect, admiration, and appreciation. They very easily could have and probably often do, run into an activist that treats them very poorly and insists on making an ugly scene. At all times they handled themselves very professionally. I tip my hat to them both; to them ALL!

Some of you may wonder why it would be illegal to pass out flyers inside such government buildings. Imagine what it would be like to visit these wonderful places if it were legal. Heck, we can’t stand waltzing into Dillard’s and getting attacked by the perfume soldiers. I happen to think this is a very good law. It is perfectly legal for me to hand out my flyers to my elected officials, or take flyers to their offices. There is no attempt here to stifle free speech. This law is wonderfully designed to give us the freedom to lobby our elected officials and also allow others to do the same, without being offended or mobbed by 50 activists with their own agendas.

I didn’t realize that what I was doing was against the law, but I sure do now, and I respect this law. My experience with these officers didn’t ruin my trip to the Capitol, nor did it dampen my spirits. In fact, it made my experience quite funny, and lead me to do something I would never have done otherwise. Since I was no longer armed with my Box of Doc’s, I spent the rest of my day walking around talking to every House Representative I could find. About 90% of them were wonderful, even if they disagreed with me. There was one man that treated me with utter rudeness and pure disrespect. He literally gave me the “talk to the hand” gesture, made a “tthhhhbb!” sound with his lips, and walked away form me. (He was a Democrat) Another man wasn’t interested in hearing a word I said; he was not as rude as the other man, but he was rude. (He was a Republican) Most of them were GREAT! They discussed my issue with me. They challenged me with alternatives, reasoning, etc. A lot of them told me I was “preaching to the choir.”

My point is this. These elected officials are people, just like us. There are good ones and bad ones on both sides of the aisle. I may not always respect them, or the decisions they make, or the way they treat me; but I will ALWAYS respect the system that allows me the opportunity to have access to my Representatives.
One last note: Next time you see a police officer or a fireman, tell them “THANK YOU” for all their service to their community.


  • Hysterical, Sherri! And is that a little green football you're holding????? Too Funny!!!!! But I don't understand the foil hat. Surely that's for the MOONBATS!!!!!

    Pete in S.C.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:34 PM  

  • I find myself oddy attracted to your twisted sense of humor, and then even more by your guts and brains.

    You sure know how to "mix things up"

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:49 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger, at 7:24 PM  



    but I will put your link back up!


    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 7:58 PM  

  • Sherri

    You are insane. Where do you come up with this stuff? The music is just hilarious touch.

    A friend from MS

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:37 PM  

  • testing...........

    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:03 PM  

  • testing again.....

    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 10:03 PM  


    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 11:06 PM  

  • LOL does this "knew" format include the misuse of homonyms?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:13 AM  

  • LOL!!!! anonymous-- LOL!!!




    Good catch!!!!

    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 4:28 PM  

  • d4336


    YOu stated: but many people have many valid reasons for such decisionsBACK IT UP! give me a valid reason to kill an innocent child!!! c'mon! give me one!!!

    Don't revert to "in the case of saving the life of the mother--don't evn try to use THAT as some moral excuse to say "MANY VALID REASONS!"


    By Blogger Straight Up with Sherri, at 1:56 AM  

  • Fiesty, intelligent, strong willed and
    good looking to boot! Where are all the smart conservative women? Down south? We need more women like you in MN. Well Done.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:25 PM  

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