Why I Vote Republican
Okay, before I slam the point home on the “reproductive rights,” I will address the “is it life?” question. How do we know if life is life? Science is awesome! Science has taught us that all life has it’s own DNA. At the moment of conception- wammo- own DNA. WOOHOO! The DNA of an “embryo” (the first cycle of human life) is different from Mom or Dad. The key word here is DIFFERENT! We use DNA as an identifier in court cases all the time. It identifies one person to be different from another. (kinda like a fingerprint, but even better. DNA is easier to get from a crime scene than a fingerprint).
Okay, pay attention; don’t let me lose you here. I could buy into the “reproductive rights” thing under two different circumstances. 1)- women randomly became pregnant; no rhyme or reason, just became pregnant. People make the whole “reproductive rights” thing sound like women just wake up one day, and for no reason apparent reason, find themselves with child. That is not how it works. There are choices and actions we take to put ourselves in a situation where it is possible to become pregnant. These are your rights. You have the right to engage in activity that can result in pregnancy, or not! WOW- there’s your rights! No impediment of anyone’s rights there! 2)- women aren’t really just human. We are truly beyond. We are Gods. We choose life for people randomly. If I can choose weather one life has the right to exist, why not another? Oh, yeah, that’s right, it’s MY body! Oh, please! My body is right. If I choose to lay my body down, that is my CHOICE! Don’t get me wrong. The thought of being beyond human and truly having the right to CHOOSE life or death for others can lead to some amusing scenarios!! I can think of a few times when I would be less than gracious with such power.
I found this story and was just amazed. IT'S ABOUT DARN TIME! When it comes to passing laws, good laws are criticized by “pro-choicers” because they are afraid of the slippery slope. Once we pass laws that recognize that an unborn child IS a life, Such as Lacey’s Law, this opens the door for reversing Roe vs Wade. They know that once the LAW admits that the unborn child is a life, their entire case of claiming that abortion is not murder, falls like a house of cards. Even though we all already KNOW that it is a life, once the LAW admits it, they are left trying to defend killing an innocent child. How exactly does one do that? Ummmmmmm, but I want to finish college? I’m scared to tell my mommy and daddy. OH! PERFECT reasons to kill an innocent life- JUUUST PEEEEERFECT! How do these people sleep at night??? So what the "other side" tries to do is stifle ANY law that protects an unborn child. When you find yourself fighting to ensure that if someone kills a pregnant woman cannot be filed with any charges for the life of her child, don't you think it is time to re-evaluate?
Bottom line is this: I love the fact that the Republicans recognize that I am a woman. I am powerful, independent, intelligent, wise, and valuable; but, I am still a woman, nothing more, nothing less.
I know some of you are reading this screaming- “What about rape?” Well. Last I checked, the law is pretty clear about victim’s rights. I have yet to find where a victim is allowed to victimize another innocent party. I may be authorized to use deadly force against an intruder, but I don’t get to hunt down the intruder’s child and kill him/her. If someone steals my car- yeah, it stinks that I am out a car, but I don’t get to steal someone else’s, just because it’s not fair. I FULLY understand that it is traumatic and painful to be raped. It isn’t fair. But that does not authorize me to create ANOTHER victim. I don’t get to murder someone because they REMIND me of my pain.
Just wanted to talk STRIAGHT UP!
Being on the wrong side of abortion in two real world cases, I can only hope that others will not make the same poor choice and realize that it is a terrible, terrible choice, and there is nothing innocent about thoss choices, except the taking of an innocent lives.
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM
Being on the wrong side of abortion in two real world cases, I can only hope that others will not make the same poor choice and realize that it is a terrible, terrible choice, and there is nothing innocent about thoss choices, except the taking of an innocent lives.
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM
Two abortions, two postings-maybe that is a message.
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM
THANK YOU, SHERRI!! I am sickened by those that justify murder as their right but, I am frighten by a government that would give them that right. I agree with you whole-heartedly on every point you make in this post. Even a victim of rape can make something positive from a horrible tragedy - give a childless couple a baby that they would never have otherwise.
Even while Scott Peterson was on trial for double murder, they still referred to Lacey's baby as her "fetus"! His name was Conner, he was a person, and he had his life taken from him and those that were anxiously awaiting the chance to love him.
I have religious convictions just like many others do but this has absolutely nothing to do with religion. This is just a matter of right and wrong. No matter what your religious, political, ethnic, social, or personal beliefs are, everyone has boundaries. I suggest that we overturn Roe vs. Wade and give these women the "choice" to murder the child upon delivery. Of course many of you out there are saying, "That is sick! Who would do that?" This is my point exactly!
Thanks again, Sherri. You are doing an awesome job. I was directed to your blog as an assignment but have enjoyed it so much I have referred some friends.
Anonymous, at 12:33 PM
THANK YOU, SHERRI!! I am sickened by those that justify murder as their right but, I am frighten by a government that would give them that right. I agree with you whole-heartedly on every point you make in this post. Even a victim of rape can make something positive from a horrible tragedy - give a childless couple a baby that they would never have otherwise.
Even while Scott Peterson was on trial for double murder, they still referred to Lacey's baby as her "fetus"! His name was Conner, he was a person, and he had his life taken from him and those that were anxiously awaiting the chance to love him.
I have religious convictions just like many others do but this has absolutely nothing to do with religion. This is just a matter of right and wrong. No matter what your religious, political, ethnic, social, or personal beliefs are, everyone has boundaries. I suggest that we overturn Roe vs. Wade and give these women the "choice" to murder the child upon delivery. Of course many of you out there are saying, "That is sick! Who would do that?" This is my point exactly!
Thanks again, Sherri. You are doing an awesome job. I was directed to your blog as an assignment but have enjoyed it so much I have referred some friends.
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM
THANK YOU, SHERRI!! I am sickened by those that justify murder as their right but, I am frighten by a government that would give them that right. I agree with you whole-heartedly on every point you make in this post. Even a victim of rape can make something positive from a horrible tragedy - give a childless couple a baby that they would never have otherwise.
Even while Scott Peterson was on trial for double murder, they still referred to Lacey's baby as her "fetus"! His name was Conner, he was a person, and he had his life taken from him and those that were anxiously awaiting the chance to love him.
I have religious convictions just like many others do but this has absolutely nothing to do with religion. This is just a matter of right and wrong. No matter what your religious, political, ethnic, social, or personal beliefs are, everyone has boundaries. I suggest that we overturn Roe vs. Wade and give these women the "choice" to murder the child upon delivery. Of course many of you out there are saying, "That is sick! Who would do that?" This is my point exactly!
Thanks again, Sherri. You are doing an awesome job. I was directed to your blog as an assignment but have enjoyed it so much I have referred some friends.
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM
Rasclatt- You gotta be kidding me. If they don't like our rules, then by gosh they don't have to take our money.We have lots of good uses for that money right here at home. Screw 'em!
Sherri, I agree with all you say. Life is sacred.
---Lady Redhawk
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM
I would agree with you 100% if were an individualist like yourself. It is this self centered attitude that will eventually get the better of us. Let’s not forget how the rest of the world sees us, as the worlds bully; forcing U.S. polices and setting political agendas for other nations. U.S. is prodding down the wrong path! If the U.S. wants the rest of the world to accept their ideology, they should do it through less invasive means; by constructive dialogue. I believe the problem with U.S. foreign policy is the unfair practice of imposing geo-political agendas when a nation sticks its hands out for U.S. aide.WOW! I'm not sure where to even start.
First off- why do you think the title is "Why I VOTE Republican," and not "Why I AM a Republican. I am not sure what your definition of "individualist is-- but I am an idividual. (DUH!)
You WOULD agree with me? HUH? Do you agree with the facts? Do you agree with the conclusion? You base weather or not you agree with these things based on how I identify MYSELF? That makes NO SENSE! It is an issue. Do you agree with MY STAND on THIS ISSUE? Agreeing with me on THIS issue would not mean you agree with how I do or do not "define" myself. (although, I thought the TITLE actually clarified this.) I realize you are posting here out of "obligation" but at least make your post worth the effort it takes to do so. ( I am not PICKING on you-- so please don't get discouraged-- I am CHALLENGING you to put a little more effort into collecting your thoughts.) I believe you could state your position better is all.
America is the LAST country that is SELF-CENTERED! Have you even HEARD OF THE OIL FOR FOOD SCANDAL????
But-- if you feel that fighting against people flying planes into buildings, or fighting to see that the genocide in the SUDAN stops, or fighting for HUMAN RIGHTS on this planet is self centered-- I CAN'T HELP YA! And I certainly wouldn't want you raising any children or in charge of caring for a spouse. But that's MY opinion.
Setting political agendas is just a phrase used to demonize the U.S. for setting goals to help better the world. I know this may be hard to understand-- but when people are HAPPY-- they are less likely to try and tear down and hurt others. The ENTIRE movement to bring Democracy to nations starving for the least bit of human dignity for their citizens is not JUST a noble cause-- It is also about bringing true prosperity and happiness to people. If one doesn't live in a Democracy-- isn't one nothing more than a SLAVE to the STATE???
Less invase ways?? Have any example? You mean ivading Iraq? What on earth are you saying? DIALOGUE with SADDAM HUSSEIN?? Do you know nothing about the history of SADDAM. Dialogue and diplomacy was tried for OVER A DECADE! Again-- Have you heard of the OIL FOR FOOD PROGRAM? Have you heard of the wars that that madman waged? It is INSANE to claim that we are FORCING Democracy on people! THAT IS INSANE! Freedom is an ache in the heart. Freedom is the route of all we do. Why do you suppose people dream of hitting the lottery? They want the FREEDOM of doing what their heart desores-- not slaving in a job in order to try and find a LITTLE bit of freedom on the weekends.
As Lady Redhawk already pointed out-- Don't kill women and young girls for being raped and then show up at our doorstep to give you money to fund your sick culture. Don't expect us to FUND your terror projects.
Now-- would you like to stop repeating rhetoric and "HAVE A DIALOGUE????"
Straight Up with Sherri, at 8:34 PM
Levi form Queens
EXCELLENT POINT! Again-- we are interested in giving a hand UP-- NOT A hand OUT! BIg difference. I recommend that some of you read THIS post:
What Does Racism Have to do with FishingI think Bjamin7344 would very much like this piece as well!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 8:41 PM
Interesting thoughts, Sherri. I'm new to your blog and I'm enjoying it immensely.
I'm a chemist at a federal disease research facility here in Atlanta, so I know a little science. In considering the issue of abortion, I've found it instructive to remember that as soon as the zygote is formed from the union of egg and sperm, their combined genetic material yields the full blueprint for a human life...not a dog, not a platypus, but a human. The potential for the full development of this individual is there...all that is needed is a warm, safe environment, the proper nutrients, and time. About nine months usually does the trick. ;-)
I've often said that when someone can point me to whatever magical transformation takes place which converts a fetus into a complete human being with full Constitutional rights, then maybe I'll consider abortion as a viable option for a woman. But not until then. Life, biologically speaking, is a continuum that begins at conception and ends at death. The only way one can get around this is to argue that there are certain circumstances in which it is acceptable to terminate a perfectly healthy, innocent human life. Those are the people who scare me the most. Peter Singer is a good example.
Sloan, at 11:55 PM
Well I do understand your opinion about abortion. And why they made it a law. But there are some cases were I think abortion should be legalized. One would be if I got raped and became with child. I would aborted the child for 1. it is already a painful memory to have to go thru then on top of that carry that man child that is just insane. and 2. If you have a life threatening diease that will harm your infant like AIDS, or STD's I think you should abort the child as well the kid didnot ask to be here then on top of that you just made the childs life much harder because of your lifestyle.
Anonymous, at 12:00 AM
Re: "blueprint for life"
That's a great analogy. Let's talk about the blueprint for my next house. It's all there...all the specifications are in place. Everything needed to build it, everything that will make it unique, is all laid out. But that's not quite the same as saying my house exists, is it? It isn't destined to exist.
Same thing with a zygote. It's not destined to exist. According to your logic, we should be prosecuting those pregnant woman who don't maintain ideal womb conditions for growth into an actual human, and as a consequence the fetus fails to develop (which you'll admit occurs quite frequently).
Anyway, I'm LOL at Sherri's attempt to stimulate traffic on her blog by bringing up one of the most contentious issues of the day. Trouble is, she can't keep doing that for long :)
- Professor Z.
Anonymous, at 1:53 AM
under what circumstances is it reasonable to require a person to carry another life inside oneself? No one ASKED her. SHE participated in behavior that resulted in this. She took the risks. By that reasoning, one could say "is it reasonable to require a person to supply financial support for a child that they wanted to abort or place for adoption?" The answer is- YOU took the risk- now you must face the reality of your decisions. If you are not making wise decisions-- no excuse to murder life. NONE. This isn't a case of alien abductions resulting in carrying a half-breed. These are INNOCENT LIVES! EVEN in the case of rape--- CREATING another VICTIM is NOT THE ANSWER! THIS is a child.
But I thank you for your input Levi. I see the value in protecting life-- From CONCEPTION to DEATH, and yes, I see it as our duty to protect life from those who seek to avoid ACCOUNTABILITY for poor decisions.
If a woman robs a bank and gets caught- judge sentences her to 9 months in jail- she doesn't get to say "It's MY body that would be serving this time."
Straight Up with Sherri, at 7:10 AM
In one sentence you are claiming an "abortion Switzerland." Another sentences you talk about not haivng to take care of the baby once it is here. THen you talk about women's RIGHTS. AGAIN-- WOMEN have the right to choose. THey can choose to engage in risky behavior-- but since when so we get to murder an innocent life in order to avoid accountability, shame, discomfort, or emotional stress? Believe it or not-- in the Middle East and parts of Asia- it is a common practice to MURDER women who are raped. WHY? They claim it is about "family honor." Can you imagine a culture that PUNISHES the VICTIM of a HORRIBLE CRIME? Especially when the punishment is death?? They call these murders "mercy Killings." Saddest part is that many of these girls are actually raped by brothers, uncles,-- YES-- FAMILY MEMBERS! Yet they kill the VICTIM to protect the FAMILY HONOR???? SICK! I honestly don't see the difference between killing the rape victim and killing the unborn child.
As for the foster care thing-- I think someone already addressed this-- and as for me running to take care of these children--- what on earth is that about? If someone robs a bank because they can't pay the rent-- I don't need to be offering to pay the rent to keep them from committing a crime.
SOme of the views of people are ASTOUNDING! THis is the epitome of an example of government medling. How you you be against the government MEDLING in our affairs- and also be FOR the government jumping into your affairs to save you from ACCOUNTABILITY of your own decisions???
As for crying--- Well-- this was what I call a rant-- NOT CRYING-- but I am so gald your brought that up-- because YES-- I DO CRY OVER THE MASS MURDER OF INNOCENT LIVES-- QUite often. I happen to think it is worth crying over. One of my family members BEGGED me to have an abortion when I was pregnant with my son. There are so many moments when I look in his eyes, or just remember certain moments, that I cry at the thought of what I could have done if I was not strong enough to stand up to this person and do what I knew was right-- REGARDLESS of how SCARED I TRULY WAS.
Good question. I honestly think teens should be taught both-- but none of it should be taught without teaching ACCOUNTABILITY!
Yes-- rape is a horrific experience. It shakes the foundation of the belief that you have ANY security and control of one's life. It leaves one grasping for a sign of clarity in the very foundation of what we have taught our FREEDOM is. It challenges every intsinct within us that we are able to protect ourselves from the monsters of the world. Yes- carrying a child conceived as a result of this can be traumatic. But being murdered in the act of rape is even more HOFFIFIC, or meing murdered as the result of being raped. Emotional distress is not an acceptable justification for murder ina ny other scenario-- so why this one? You are murdering an INNOCENT CHILD-- YOUR CHILD! As hard as that may be to accept-- this is the reality. Life sucks sometimes-- but we do not live in a perfect world. Not living in a perfect world is no excuse for creating MORE imperfection! REALITY--- Theory is great--wanting to be merciful to a woman who has been so violated is a great show of compassion. But we can't practice TRUE compassion if we pick and choose who we are compassionate to. Try some of that compassion for the MOST INNOCENT of all. The child. What about protecting his/her rights? Consistency is important when it comes to morality and reality. Otherwise the life you weave becomes tangled in a mess of justifications for poor behavior. Utimately it is ourselves who will suffer from such pick and choose morality. It may be the exact right time to revisit My VICTIM or VICTORY series. Look for this to be coming next week.
Thanks to ALL of you for your input! Each response it appreciated- no matter who agrees or disagrees. It is the discussion and debate that will sharpen each of us in our journey to better ourselves EACH DAY!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 7:43 AM
In response to Professor Z.'s comment "According to your logic, we should be prosecuting those pregnant woman who don't maintain ideal womb conditions for growth into an actual human, and as a consequence the fetus fails to develop." -- I don't know what you think you are a professor of but you obviously need to spend more time as the student before you claim that title! Your logic is severely flawed. Sherri's point was that we need to abolish murderous acts -- no matter who the victim is instead of defending it under some twisted law and calling it "a woman's right". You in some way have related that to the painful, heart-wrenching loss of a baby to a miscarriage. Big difference here, Prof - TOTALLY PREVENTABLE AND COMPLETELY UNAVOIDABLE. Many of the women that have lost a baby to miscarriage mourn that child for the rest of their lives. I find your comparison not only ignorant but also disrespectful to those that have endured this pain.
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM
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Straight Up with Sherri, at 2:02 PM
Thanks for taking the time to post a comment.
After reading your comment I am a little confused about your stand.
you say "abortion is a choice"
I can see throughout your entire comment that you are trying to be NONJUDGEMENTAL. You want to extend mercy to the rape victim. Let me please say-- GREAT! I ALSO EXTEND ALL MERCY TO A VICTIM OF RAPE. What we should never do, is let mercy negate accountablility, reality, mercy to ANOTHER INNOCENT!, and JUSTICE!
Where in your heart do you find mercy for the rape victim- who is STILL ALIVE- but SKIP the same mercy for THE OTHER VICTIM? THE CHILD!
Not wanting to bring a child into a world "where this happens" is just...... OY!
TOO LATE! CHILD IS ALREADY ALIVE! You can't look at your 3 year old and say, "Awwww, life is so mean. You really just shouldn't have to be exposed to such a cruel world. I know, I'll have mercy. I'll save ya the future heart-ache." I think you get my point. LIFE! THIS IS THE POINT! ABORTION IS NOT A CHOICE--- IT IS LITERALLY DESTROYING A LIFE! NOT THE LIFE OF A CHICKEN OR A DOG OR A HAMSTER OR A TUMOR-- IT IS A HUMAN LIFE!!!!!!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 11:56 AM
I agree to a couple of comments made in this article. For example, when she takes about abortion and how it is considered to be murder. I agree that there is a life growing inside a woman. It would be considered murder in the eyes of the law if the unborn child inside the woman were considered human. On the flip side I do believe in abortion if a woman has been raped. She did not choose the situation she was put in so she should not have to suffer the consequences. I also believe that her right to choose was taken from her when she was unwillingly forced to have intercourse. Therefore I do not feel that a woman should be punished for something that she had no control over. If I was a woman, there is no way I would want to be reminded of something that terrible from my past everyday. I would not want my child to grow up and learn that his/her father is a rapist.
tsin D0068
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM
Oh? YEAH-- Ya dont' want your child to KNOW they were conceived of rape, uhuh-- So KIL IT?????
HELLO! Hope you NEVER HAVE KIDS! Hate to tell you-- Kids will have a little PAIN in their lives!
One of my DEAREST frineds happens to have been conceived from rape......
I will do her the favor of NEVER introducing the tow of you!
You may wanna KILL HER!
Your arguements hold NO VALID reason for MURDER!! NONE!
Want to play nicy nice--- to the mother--- but screw the child???? Why? Becuase the child can't cry on your shoulder and tell you ghow much they want to LIVE!?!!??!?!?!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 2:12 AM
I shouldn't try writing in such late hours!!! LOL!!
My typos are UUUGLY!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 2:16 AM
Ok, why don't ya'll consider this?
Personally it makes me sick how women go out get pregnant and abort these babies on a regular basis, just because they don't want to deal with the repercussions of their decisions. Trust me I know women who do this sort of thing. The reason why these women make me so sick is because it would be a miracle from God for me to even have one child. Even scientists say that there is nothing that they can do for me.
All I’m saying is, these women need to sit back and look at what a blessing it is just to be able to reproduce. Children really are blessings to have, more so than they are given credit for. They are the next generation of us. They are the ones who will be taking care of us one day. These babies that are being killed left and right could have grown up to be the very people to invent the cure for AIDS or something as important to human kind.
HUMN410 2271
Anonymous, at 9:47 PM
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