Straight Up with Sherri

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Schindlers Appeal To Full 11th Circuit Court

Terri Schiavo's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler have appealed to the full 11th Circuit Court in Atlanta to hear the case of their daughter.
According to Fox News, "The Schindlers have filed a petition with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for an "expedited hearing" by the entire court to decide whether it agrees with a previous decision made by a three-judge panel not to reinstate the tube."

Right Wing Nut Job


  • From Fox News report:

    If the Senate passes Webster's bill, it would have to take a second vote requiring two-thirds approval to immediately sent it to the House. Otherwise, the House would have to wait until Thursday to consider the measure. The full House is not scheduled to meet Thursday, but it could be called into session if necessary.

    So it looks like 4 hurdles right there: 1) Compromise bill being agreed upon, 2) Senate passing bill (simple majority?) 3) Senate sending bill to house immediately (2/3 approval) and 4) House still being in session (they leave within hours) or being called back into session

    It is risky wasting time on full 12-judge appeal, unless they had inside word that SCOTUS would again refuse to hear the case. Remember that all prior refusals came before the Schiavo bill was ratified.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:22 PM  

  • Hyscience posted that Jeb said that if the Floa. Senate comes together and agrees to help Terri that he'll take her into custody and feed her. Has anyone heard anything on this? The Senate was to convene at 1 p.m.
    Marine Momma

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:11 PM  

  • Its' not going to happen. Every court has ruled against Terri,and they don't think the Florida legislature will pass any law in time. That is the real enemy now, time. Its' not on Terris' side.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:09 PM  

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