Straight Up with Sherri

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Howard Dean and The Declaration of Independence?

Okay, Clements has won my affection, but TOM OWNS MY HEART!


Please be sure to visit his sight and read ALL his work! TOM ROCKS!

If Howard Dean Were to Update the Declaration of Independence

If Howard Dean were to update the Declaration of Independence, this is what he might say:

When the founding fathers of this country decided to sever ties with King George III, who ruled over them as though they were rented mules, they made the heroic decision to declare their independence. They were heroic even though they were rich white Christians.

They declared independence because an imperial power across the Atlantic had no right telling them what to do or how high their taxes should be. No, these rights should only be exercised by a carefully selected group of American elites, usually Democrats, who have the proper educations and IQ’s to make decisions for everyone else.

And just as the founders risked all to sign the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, it’s high time we declare our own independence from the injuries and usurpations inflicted on us by King George W Bush.


As we take back America from the monolithic party of white Christians, we hold these truths to be self-evident:

That all women and men are created equal and, therefore, it is the role of carefully selected government appointees and servants, usually Democrats, to ensure that some people are given special preferences and others placed at a disadvantage in order that equality is properly manifested.

That it is not some “Creator” that provides all men and women with unalienable rights -- why must the religious right always push religion where it doesn’t belong -- but that this work should be managed by a handful of carefully selected government appointees and servants with the proper education and IQ’s, who are usually Democrats.

Among these inalienable rights are life (except in those cases where carefully selected judges decide otherwise), liberty (but only in those areas where the government allows it) and the pursuit of happiness (hey, if it feels right for you, go for it, but we better not catch you praying on public property).

Furthermore, to secure these rights, our government must be comprised of carefully selected appointees and servants with the proper education and IQ’s, usually Democrats, who are more capable at securing these rights than the governed, who, after all, were dumb enough to elect Bush.


To that end, I now issue some of the many grievances Democrats have regarding King George:

He is a rich white Christian, and his party suppressed the vote of anyone who wasn’t white and Christian, which is how he won.

He has promoted his “ownership society” which basically restricts taxation and regulation not so that all women and men may accumulate wealth by owning homes and stocks and managing their own Social Security accounts, but so that the wealthy shall be free to grow wealthier.

He has inflicted his imperialist ambitions on an innocent country. He did so not to advance the war on terrorism, as he has claimed, or to secure America from attacks using powerful weapons that might have ended up in the wrong hands. It was not to set forth a spark of freedom in the Middle East, with hopes it will take root and grow.

No, he has exploited the tragedy of 911 for the sole purpose of attaining riches and power. And it is therefore the duty of every American to endlessly criticize and weaken this president during a time of war, even if such rhetoric emboldens our enemies and causes more bloodshed, because that is one of the few shots Democrats have to win back the Congress during the mid-term elections.

And so on this important day, July 4, 2005, I, Howard Dean, chairman of the great Democratic party, ask my fellow Americans to declare their independence from the injurious policies of King George. I ask you to throw your support behind Democrats across the land, who have the proper education and IQ to decide important matters for you. And I am so excited for you to declare your independence, there is but one more thing to say.


(Tom Purcell’s e-mail address is Tom; his Web address is
Tom Purcell

How About a CHAIN of Hotels?

Can someone please tell me if Clements is married? I think I'm in love!!!

Clements thinks there is room for a CHAIN of Hotels. After all, Souter isn't the ONLY ONE that supports GOVERNMENT ripping land from American citizens.

  • Justice John Paul Stevens
  • Justice Stephen Breyer
  • Justice Anthony Kennedy
  • Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I say we drop the tradition of leaving mints on the pillows in these hotels, and leave tea bags instead!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I hope you all LOVE this story as much as I did!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005


Yes, there are UN- American, Americans. Can you imagine? Using FREE SPEECH to Denounce FREEDOM OF SPEECH? Yup, MORONS!

Ward "the Wacko" Churchill has a way of making my points FOR ME!


Another Right Bites The Dust

As I had expected, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) today ruled in the cases of two Kentucky Courthouses that any display of religion is no longer to be permitted on "public" property. Couple that with last Thursday's ruling that all property is "public property" and you have effectively a total ban on religion. As I had said on Friday, "We have lost our rights to life and to liberty and now it's property." There really isn't anything left, folks, except our guns! And I'm sure they will be the next target.

Associate Justice David H. Souter, writing for the majority, says, "The touchstone for our analysis is the principle that the First Amendment mandates government neutrality between religion and religion, and between religion and nonreligion."

It says no such thing! He just made that up. What it says is that Congress cannot establish an "official" state religion. That's all. Religion is so ingrained into the fundamental fabric of our society, that to remove it is to destroy the United States. They know this, but one must recognize that the destruction of this Great Nation is the ultimate goal of four of these rouges in black robes (Ginsburg, Souter, Stevens, and Breyer). O'Connor who concurred and Kennedy who dissented in this issue are just aimless, value-void judicial flotsam. Rhenquist, Scalia (my favorite - the most strict Constitutional interpreter), and Thomas at least believe that God gave the people rights and that the government is subservient to the people.

Lest you get to thinking that the government wants total control of everything, let me proffer a second opinion that was released today (you do realize that there is a reason these are called opinions and not divine decrees). In FCC v. Brand X, SCOTUS overturned a lower court ruling that required cable operators to open up their high-speed Internet lines to rivals. On the surface, this might seem fair enough, but what it does is to apply a different standard to internet access (and content access) to the internet than it does to telephone services. Smaller independent providers, such as Earthlink, are now in line to be squeezed out by massive content providers such as AOL. Keep in mind that these large communications conglomerates are also the most politically active. By eliminating the little guys and empowering the "big buddies" completes the cycle of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance law that removed freedom of speech from the Constitution (and SCOTUS also upheld as being terrific!).

Today is a really bad day for the people of the United States - and a really great day for Satan!
Let me interject a plea here to oppose limits on your free speech - tell your politicians to reject efforts aimed at a Constitutional ban on flag burning. SCOTUS would surely interpret that to include any and all criticism of the government!

By the way, I'm not the only one freaking out. Here is a great editorial by Tom Ambrose!

addendum: I missed this one last Friday. It seems that Justice Anthony Kennedy told a group of attorneys last Friday (June 24, 2005) that judges should be a select group and protected from criticism. It is happening right in your own back yard!

Right Wing Nut Job

Friday, June 24, 2005


Where do I start?


Gitmo. Sounds like a LOVELY RESORT.

Senator TURBAN- Call my brother a NAZI AGAIN- PLEASE! Remind me why LIBERALS DRIVE ME NUTZ!

The War in Iraq. Send Saddam PLENTY of Doritos. Let's send him more cigars too. In fact, I say we let Monica DELIVER THEM, Bubba Bill can some along too.

Hillary. Can the antichrist be a woman?

Terri. May God rest her soul, and may Michael ROAST. The "epitaph" PROVES that this has been ALL about HIM- never about Terri. SICK! THE MAN IS SICK!

Special Thanks. Thanks to ALL of you who have not abondoned Straight Up- ESPECIALLY Right Wing Nut Job! He is an ANGEL in my life! I HAVE MISSED ALL YOU TERRIBLY!

Where was I? Well, working 2 jobs, MOM broke one ankle and sprained another. I have been helping to care for her. I LOVE HER DEARLY! It has been an AWESOME BLESSING to CARE for her. I praise God I have my mother in my life to care for. I have also been helping some friends of mine make significant changes in their lives- so they have a better future for them and their families.

I am tempted to include some typos- just to prove to you all that it is REALLY ME!

Hope I left enough fire to get some chat started.

Again, thank you so much for bearing with me this past month.

Steal From The Poor - Give To The Rich

One aspect of the tremendous beauty of the United States Constitution is its incredibly simple language. In a similar manner, the first ten Amendments (that are an insoluble part of the Constitution, implicitly part of its ratification), known as the Bill of Rights, are really easy to read and understand. That is, unless you happen to be an activist jurist who doesn't believe in the Constitution and instead wishes to unilaterally and tyrannically impose Socialism on the people of this great nation. (It takes the equivalent of a third-grade reading level to grasp it completely.)

Consider the Fifth Amendment and its simple way of explaining personal property rights: nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Now, I know it's not just me, because the phrase "public use" is pretty darn explicit and not open to any interpretation. Either some item of property is being used by the public, or it is not. Nowhere does this Constitution give one or more governmental tyrant the power or authority to take anything away from party 'A' in order to give it to party 'B'. No matter what! Under highly regulated processes, a jury may do that, but never the government.

So what's with the Supreme Court of the United States? Well, they've been cruising toward socialist oligarchy for some time now. Long ago, they forgot that all "rights" come from God. They don't seem to understand that only people have rights, individually, never collectively. And they have no power whatsoever to either legislate or mandate legislation. Read it for yourself - it's all there in Articles One through Three; and it's really simple.

So yesterday's ruling on the legalized theft of property with collusion by the government came as little surprise to me. With several hard-core socialist operatives on the bench whose ultimate objective it is to overthrow the people of the United States, it makes perfect sense. Notwithstanding the efforts of James Madison and the Federalists who encouraged the establishment of a Constitution that would empower the government to be responsible for "common good" of society, they lost. In the end, it was decided that the government should never be trusted with such power. Had the Federalists had their way, this Nation would have collapsed almost immediately!

Back to the subject in the 21st century. It's a rare day that I agree strongly with Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor; but in this case, I do. "Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random," she wrote. "The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms."

In case you have not had the pleasure of appreciating my views in the past: I don't like big government, I don't like big business, and I don't like big education. But I do like you. What we have here is the orchestrated authorization of power politics. We have lost our rights to life and to liberty and now it's property.

Lastly, what surprised me about it? I would not have expected Justice O'Connor to be so adamant about it, nor would I expect Justices Kennedy and Stevens to buy into the idea of granting so much power to local governments. None of the others surprised me; not because of division of governmental power, but because of Socialist - Individualist ideologies. Maybe the biggest surprise was who wrote each of the opinions. That caught me totally off-guard.

Right Wing Nut Job

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Are We There Yet? Partie Deux.

(Hat tip to levi from queens)

We are getting closer to the truth on John Kerry's promise to sign SF-180 and release his military records.

I will give the Junior Senator from Massachusetts a D- for effort, but he still deserves an F for integrity. The waffle-man has actually signed and submitted, not just one copy, but at least three! Yeah, right! He has authorized the release of "a single one time copy of the complete military service record and medical record of John F. Kerry." This is great. It is exactly what we had asked for. But wait, there's a catch. It's that pesky little item in SECTION II labeled PURPOSE. Herein lies the rub: "To provide, on a one time basis, a complete copy of Senator Kerry's military record to a reporter of the {Kerry goon squad}"

The three copies are identical but for filling in the name of the particular goon squad member:
Boston Globe (Michael Kranish)
Associated Press (Glen Johnson)
Los Angeles Times (Steve Braun)

If you wish to view the three SF-180 documents, they are available (pdf) at Power Line.

Okay, for a second, let's review the promise John Kerry made to America when speaking with Tim Russert on Meet the Press (January 30, 2005):

MR. RUSSERT: Many people who’ve been criticizing you have said: Senator, if you would just do one thing and that is sign Form 180, which would allow historians and journalists complete access to all your military records. Thus far, you have gotten the records, released them through your campaign. They say you should not be the filter. Sign Form 180 and let the historians…

SEN. KERRY: I’d be happy to put the records out. We put all the records out that I had been sent by the military. Then at the last moment, they sent some more stuff, which had some things that weren’t even relevant to the record. So when we get–I’m going to sit down with them and make sure that they are clear and I am clear as to what is in the record and what isn’t in the record and we’ll put it out. I have no problem with that.

MR. RUSSERT: Would you sign Form 180?

SEN. KERRY: But everything, Tim…

MR. RUSSERT: Would you sign Form 180?

SEN. KERRY: Yes, I will.

Now, really, Mr. Kerry; aren't you being a bit disingenuous? Or would sneaky be a better adjective? Letting these three organizations have access to your records is not releasing them. It's more like telling your mother a secret. We still know nothing and probably never will. So, no! You have not RELEASED your records! For now, the banner stays.

Is there hope? That's a definite maybe! Perhaps Mr. Kerry will loosen up? Probably not. The Globe and Times - no way! However, I have found Glen Johnson to be a pretty even handed reporter. Will he share the secrets with the rest of us? Come on, Glen, time to spread the news.

Right Wing Nut Job

Friday, June 17, 2005

It's Who Says What

I read the Terri Schiavo autopsy report the day it came out. I was largely unimpressed. As I had said in an earlier editorial, the results were a forgone conclusion. It would be easy for me to get emotionally charged about this, but for some reason, I am not.

I believe that Dr. Jon Thogmartin actually did a better job than I have expected. For this, I laud his work and offer my humble apology for having less faith in him than he deserves. In my opinion, the greatest mistake he did make was accepting the medical report of only one of the trial witness physicians as fact, while totally disregarding the rest. He should have either accepted all or disregarded all.

The real interest to me is less in what the Chief Medical Examiner says than what others have deduced from the nebulous document. There is so much speculation about what is and is not said by Dr. Thogmartin. He actually says very little and that is not surprising. Most of what he attests to is what was not present: evidence. For example, Terri did not have a heart attack and that she did not have a potassium imbalance due to bulimia. She may or may not have had a problem due to caffeine excess. There were no signs of physical trauma, but even Dr. Thogmartin states that wouldn't be evident 15 years after the fact. He claims she was blind, but there is living evidence that supports the contention she was not. I guess blind is a matter of degree. Some have speculated that the autopsy suggests that Terri was cognizant and aware of everything being done to her during her murder; others disagree. Dueling pathologists!

One of my favorite overall editorials was written by Fr. Rob on Blogs for Terri. This is certainly worth the time to read.

Mark Fuhrman will be coming out with his own investigative book about Terri Schiavo (scheduled for release on June 28). There are many, including Governor Jeb Bush, who are calling for additional investigation. Some of this is sincere; some is grandstanding on both sides of the issue. The amount of "I told you so" is depressing to me. The search for truth seems to be lost.

It is clear to me that we will not know the real story of Terri Schiavo until Judgment Day.

Right Wing Nut Job

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Democrat Party And The Culture Of Death

As a prelude to this editorial, let me categorically declare that I recognize that not all Democrats embrace the Culture of Death. In a similar fashion, I know that all Republicans do not embrace the Culture of Life.

I was reading an op-ed piece by Evan Sayet published by, entitled Republican Party the Pro-choice Party. The essence of his opinion is that the Democrats are really not pro-choice as they claim to be, but rather pro-abortion. He further goes on to explain this position: that the Democrat Party conspires to prevent any choice from being allowed to women; that any measures designed to provide information or assistance in "choice" are systematically destroyed.

Then Mr. Sayet does something even more spectacular. He explains why! In an effort to hold on to any vestige of power, the Democrat Party has aligned itself with two adamantly Pro-abortion groups:

Most prominent among these groups is the radical feminist movement, which sees its argument that there is no difference between a man and a woman except what society has thrust upon them exposed as pure folly each time a pregnant woman walks down the street.

Similarly the radical homosexual movement, which seeks to sell the concept that there is no difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality, sees the product of the union of man and woman – something they cannot create themselves – as overwhelming evidence that their claims are patently ludicrous.

This is a highly charged essay that is certainly worth reading in its entirety.

Right Wing Nut Job

What Is A Hero?

Sherri and I have a common friend we had met on a different blogsite. He had apparently issued a plea for assistance and we had chosen to oblige. As it turns out, this plea was not from him. However, my response remains the same.

Let me begin by repeating the hoax that was purported to be his story:

My father, a hero of Iwo Jima, died a hero at the World Trade Center. At the age of 79 he ran into the burning buildings to rescue people. He never came out. I have told this story but people aren't listening. They feel that because his name isn't on any of the lists that I am lying. I swear to the Lord God and the Baby Jesus I am Telling The Truth. I need HELP to get the record straight. Please blog about this.

Thank You and May The Lord Continue To Bless This Country.


Why is this important? To me, it represents a question of heroism. What is a hero? I believe that we are driven by our values. When a situation arises that causes one to perform dangerous deeds, the response is automatic. There is little consideration of risks or rewards. It is not for the engraving on a marble monument that the father of Realwest sacrificed his life - it is for his inherent values. Is it important whether this truly happened as Realwest describes it? Not really. I personally believed the story, but that is actually immaterial. The lessons that it teaches me are the same as with any legend; truth is perhaps less important than the moral of the epic.

Why is this pertinent to Straight Up With Sherri? Because the causes that are embraced here are much the same. It is not for glory or recognition that we do this, but as a response to conditions where we may be able to do something to help. It is a passion that drives Sherri and filters through to her groupies, minions, and trolls.

To Sherri and to the father of Realwest, I say, "God Bless You".

Right Wing Nut Job

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Are We There Yet?

Okay, I read the junk from the Boston Globe. John Kerry is just being sneaky again! He has not issued the release Form SF-180. Johnny Boy thinks he can collude with his hometown newspaper and we will all take down our banners? Do you want the real story? Read it here in WorldNetDaily.

The banner stays until the Junior Senator from Massachusetts gets it right!

Right Wing Nut Job

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

"No Such Thing as Pro-Life with Exceptions.."

Planned Parenthood fights order in fraud probe

Planned Parenthood is on the defensive in Indiana after a pro-life group's undercover work led to a state fraud investigation and a judge's decision ordering the agency to turn over medical records for abortions done on girls under the age of 14.

Mark Crutcher, author of a
new handbook that aims to re-energize and equip the pro-life movement, sparked the Indiana probe and others like it across the nation with a well-documented survey revealing virtually all Planned Parenthood affiliates fail to report clear cases of statutory rape to authorities.

Girls under age 14 are presumed to be victims of rape, but Planned Parenthood argues that compliance with the underage reporting law would breach the doctor-patient confidentiality agreement.

Nevertheless, Crutcher, president of Texas-based
Life Dynamics, insists Planned Parenthood understands the law, noting his group has a tape recording of the abortion provider's top two national attorneys admitting that child-abuse reporting laws override confidentiality requirements in every state.

Planned Parenthood is preparing an appeal of the May 30 ruling by Judge Kenneth H. Johnson of Marion Superior Court, who said in his 23-page decision, "The great public interest in the reporting, investigation and prosecution of child abuse trumps even the patient's interest in privileged communication with her physician, because in the end, both the patient and the state are benefited by the disclosure."

Betty Cockrum, CEO of Planned Parenthood of Indiana, told the New York Times she's fighting the ruling to protect the 100,000 patients who went to the 40 Indiana health centers last year.

"It's surprising and disappointing," Cockrum said. "Patients beyond Planned Parenthood's are looking at this decision with some anxiety. People believe their medical records are sacred."

A similar case is pending in Kansas before the state Supreme Court.

In addition to the Planned Parenthood probe, Crutcher's Life Dynamics brought about the 1999 congressional hearings on the
sale of aborted baby parts. His unique 1996 book, "Lime 5: Exploited by Choice," documented that women are being sexually assaulted, mutilated and killed inside legal abortion clinics in numbers never before been made public.

Staying on message

In his latest book, "
On Message: Understanding and Communicating the Pro-Life Position," Crutcher provides succinct responses to 90 arguments commonly posed by abortion-rights activists.

He believes the handbook comes at a time of unprecedented opportunity for the pro-life cause.

But Crutcher contends that since the Supreme Court's landmark Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 overturning all state laws banning abortion, the movement has strayed from the simple message that life begins at conception and, therefore, must be protected from that moment.

"If you go back to the early years of the movement, the message was, 'We must stop abortion, period,'" Crutcher explained in a WorldNetDaily interview. "But over that period, we've drifted, we've compromised, allowing abortion for this reason or that reason."

He contends there is no such position as "pro-life with exceptions."

In his introduction, he asserts the "exceptions" arguments can be exposed as fraudulent by simply paraphrasing them -- such as in the case of rape, saying, "I am pro-life, but I think it should be legal to butcher babies who were conceived in rape."

The arguments in the book, presented in an easy-to-read format, are vital, Crutcher believes, because the pro-life struggle is a grass-roots campaign that will be won by people talking to their co-workers, relatives, friends and neighbors.

"We've got to stay on our message, the fundamental pro-life view," he said. "I've just seen so many instances where people who call themselves pro-life are so far away from the pro-life position that it means nothing."

One reason he wrote the book is because of a new generation of activists.

"We have all these polls showing we have an enormous influx of young people coming into the pro-life movement," he said. "It's incumbent on those of us who have been around for a while to educate these people."

But the book has been helpful even to pro-life advocates active for many years.

A 20-year veteran of the movement, noted Crutcher, said she got the book for her daughter but decided to read it first to make sure it contained nothing inappropriate for young people.

The woman didn't anticipate learning anything, he said, but after reading it, commented, "I was astonished at what I didn't know, and I was astonished to see what were very simple no-nonsense answers to questions."

Topics include contraception, women's rights, "back-alley abortions," sex education, constitutional rights and overpopulation.

Media 'lockhold'

Crutcher believes the abortion-rights movement has been able to gain ground because of its "lockhold" on the American media.

"The mainstream media has been a giant newsletter for the pro-abortion lobby," he said.

But Crutcher also belives pro-lifers have been misguided in their strategies.

"People have said erroneously, if we can soften the pro-life edge a little bit, we'll make it more palitable," he explained. "But all you've done is confuse people."

The genius of the pro-abortion movement, he says, is they have been unwilling to compromise.

"If a state proposes the most innocuous, meaningless restriction on abortion, these people fight it like it's a complete ban," Crutcher said.

In contrast, the pro-life side has been willing to compromise by allowing exceptions, such as the health of the mother and fetal deformity.

"In the process, what we did was confuse the American people," said Crutcher. "If we had stuck to our guns, to say absolutely no abortion during the nine months of pregnancy, I think we would have won this a long time ago."


Thursday, June 02, 2005


49ers owners apologize for offensive training tape

While pundits from coast to coast dished about a San Francisco 49ers training video featuring lesbian porn and racist humor, the team owners issued an apology this afternoon and the players tried to focus on the business of playing football.

The video, put together by the team's former public relations manager as a primer for how players should deal with the media, is "offensive in every manner," team owners Denise and John York said in a statement.

"We deeply regret that anyone from our organization would produce such senseless, inexcusable material," the statement said. "Policies are being put into place to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again."

After today's practice session at the team's facility in Santa Clara, some members of the 49ers offered their own takes on the video.

"This is not what this organization is about," said coach Mike Nolan, who wasn't with the 49ers when the tape was shown to players last summer.

Nolan said he hadn't viewed the tape, but that judging by a written summary, it was "tasteless." Quarterback Ken Dorsey referred to the tape as a "third rail."

Defensive end Andre Carter defended public relations manager Kirk Reynolds, who is no longer with the team.

"He's been awesome with on-the-field issues and off-the-field issues," Carter said. "There was no harm done; it was basically just for us as players. I'm sure when the tape went out, it offended some people. But that was not that person's intention."

Safety Tony Parrish likened the bawdy content of the video to that featured on "Chappelle's Show" of cable TV.

"Is the video insensitive? Yes," Parrish said. "But what type of video is it? It's a public relations video. How a not-to type video. ... Knowing the context in which it was done, I don't think it was as bad as everyone is making."

Linebacker Julian Peterson, who appears in the video as a panhandler, voiced a similar view.

"It wasn't meant to harm anybody or be any kind of negative message at all," he said. "It was supposed to be an in-house thing. I know Kirk personally. I know he has not addressed anybody with racial slurs. ... I'm just so upset this got out the way it did."

Greg Aiello, spokesman for the National Football League, said he was not aware of any other team-produced videos on media relations.

"The standard approach is to use our video and supplement it with comments by the PR directors, head coach, etc.," he said.

FOR THE LOVE OF PETE! IT IS A FOOTBALL LOCKER ROOM! I certainly feel the tape is STUPID! I wouldn't choose to watch such a video. I find the video OFFENSIVE, but SO WHAT! At LEAST they didn't try to release the video to the public and call it a DOCUMENTARY! SHEESHK! I wonder- if they had shot video portraying President Bush as an ape or a gay lover- would they have called it ART instead of claiming outrage!?!?!

FINALLY- Charges Brought Against School Boys and Principal in Columbus, Ohio.

Here we are in JUNE, and FINALLY the police have brought charges in a sexual attack against a handicapped girl that took place back in MARCH! We have covered this story before. I AM STILL OUTRAGED THAT NO CHARGES HAVE BEEN BROUGHT AGAINST THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS, LET ALONE THAT THEY HAVE MERELY BEEN TRANSFERRED AND KEEP THEIR JOBS! Sounds too much like the Catholic Church remedy for problems. Just press your finger to your lips, "SHHHHHHH"- and move the problems to another group of victims.

Ex-Principal, Students Charged In School Sexual Assault

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Two students were charged Wednesday with sexually assaulting a mentally disabled girl in a high school auditorium. The former principal was charged with failing to notify police.

The case generated criticism because school officials did not immediately report the allegations to police and said they feared negative media attention if they did.

The 16-year-old girl told a teacher at Mifflin High School that she had been dragged into the auditorium March 9 and forced to perform oral sex on at least two boys as other students watched and one boy videotaped, according to investigators.

Two boys, Brandyn Hobbs, 15, and Timothy C. Armistead, 16, were charged with juvenile counts of rape, sexual battery and kidnapping.

Regina Crenshaw, who was removed as principal because of the incident, was charged with failing to call police. If convicted, she could get anything from probation to 30 days in jail.

Crenshaw said Wednesday she did not break the law because the girl's father called police and the school district's policy on when to call authorities is contradictory.

"I did not expect any criminal charges to be put on me. This came as a total surprise, total shock," she said.

Authorities said an assistant principal at the school warned the girl's father not to call 911 because he did not want to alert the news media. The girl's father ignored the request.

The district has moved to fire Crenshaw and a hearing before an independent mediator is set for Thursday. Three assistant principals at the school were suspended and reassigned.

Superintendent Gene Harris said the district will continue to train staff on proper procedures,
but said attention should be paid to what students did -- not just what adults didn't do.

Gary Shroyer, attorney for the girl's father, said his client was pleased with the criminal charges.

Yes- the MENTALITY of our SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS is QUITE CHILDISH! Pay no attention to the COMPLETE INEPT AND CALLOUS ATTITUDES OF THE PEOPLE HIRED TO OVERSEE YOUR CHILDREN ALL DAY! The school district in MY area is JUST AS UNINTERESTED in addressing school faculty failures. One day I will have to share the story of how MY DISTRICT handles issues. LOVELY! JUST LOVELY!

Teacher Gives Boy Candy for LICKING HER TOES!

Mom Upset Over Toe-licking Incident

A Carroll County mother is accusing one of the teachers at her son's elementary school of having inappropriate physical contact with her son, having him lick the teacher's toes in exchange for candy.

The mother says she discovered what happened on Friday, when she saw a note, bearing the teacher's name in the signature, written in her 10-year-old son’s school yearbook.

“I saw a note from a teacher, saying, ‘Good luck next year. Don't lick anyone else's toes. You're silly. Love, Mrs. Kilpatrick,’” said Denise Strozier, the student’s mother. “So, I'm, like, okay. What is this about licking somebody's toes?”

She says her son, a student at Temple Elementary School, then described inappropriate physical contact this past February with teacher Jody Kilpatrick in front of a dozen other children.

“He said that [the teacher] says, ‘Well, everybody else has candy. And if you lick my toes, you can have some candy,’ And I said, ‘Are you sure that's what you [heard?]’” Strozier said. “He said, ‘Yes, ma'am, all my friends were there and I licked her toes, and I got candy.’”

Strozier says one of her son's friends also wrote in his yearbook a note similar to what she says the teacher wrote.

Strozier called the principal to complain, and she said the initial response from the school was simply to offer Strozier and her son a replacement yearbook, but only if she returned the one with the teacher's writing in it.

Strozier said the teacher apologized to her over the phone, but the mother wants the teacher fired.

“If she'll let my son lick her toes, who's to say she won't do something worse? So, if she doesn't have better judgment, she doesn't need to be there,” she said.

A spokesman for the superintendent and the school board said they had only recently become aware of the incident and were investigating.

Late Tuesday afternoon, the Carroll County sheriff's office confirmed that it has just launched an investigation of the mother's complaint as well.

WHERE DO I START?!? First of all, I LOVE how the writer of this story makes it clear that the teacher is "accused" of inappropriate physical contact. OY! Second, the "initial" response from the school is to REPLACE THE YEAR BOOK?!?! So, the concern here being that the YEARBOOK has been devalued? NO! I think the principal wanted to get possession of the EVIDENCE!

The MOST INFURIATING part of this story is that in order to get action taken against teachers and/or administrators, parents need to go to LAW ENFORCEMENT!?!?!?! FOR PETE'S SAKE!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Nixon or Deep Throat: Who's Worse?

I am too young to remember Nixon, and frankly never cared. My only real knowledge of the Watergate fiasco comes from a scene in the movie "Forest Gump." I never even knew that the term Watergate came from a the name of a hotel. Again- I really didn't care. So, when this "big news" hit- I was yawning. All I knew about Nixon was SCANDAL. I had no knowledge on ANYTHING else about his Presidency. NONE.

Today I found this story. Yeah- Nixon is still a stain, but all in all- I don't think he is the WORST character in this entire story. I don't think Felt is the real "villian" either. Sadly, the REAL scum in this whole story seems to be the media- and even worse- Felt's family. SHAME ON THEM! As more unfolds in this story, it will become clear why I see it this way, but for today- enjoy this piece by Ben Stein.

Deep Throat and Genocide

Re: The "news" that former FBI agent Mark Felt broke the law, broke his code of ethics, broke his oath and was the main source for Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward's articles that helped depose Richard Nixon, a few thoughts.

Can anyone even remember now what Nixon did that was so terrible? He ended the war in Vietnam, brought home the POW's, ended the war in the Mideast, opened relations with China, started the first nuclear weapons reduction treaty, saved Eretz Israel's life, started the Environmental Protection Administration. Does anyone remember what he did that was bad?

Oh, now I remember. He lied. He was a politician who lied. How remarkable. He lied to protect his subordinates who were covering up a ridiculous burglary that no one to this date has any clue about its purpose. He lied so he could stay in office and keep his agenda of peace going. That was his crime. He was a peacemaker and he wanted to make a world where there was a generation of peace. And he succeeded.

That is his legacy. He was a peacemaker. He was a lying, conniving, covering up peacemaker. He was not a lying, conniving drug addict like JFK, a lying, conniving war starter like LBJ, a lying, conniving seducer like Clinton -- a lying, conniving peacemaker. That is Nixon's kharma.

When his enemies brought him down, and they had been laying for him since he proved that Alger Hiss was a traitor, since Alger Hiss was their fair-haired boy, this is what they bought for themselves in the Kharma Supermarket that is life:

1.) The defeat of the South Vietnamese government with decades of death and hardship for the people of Vietnam.

2.) The assumption of power in Cambodia by the bloodiest government of all time, the Khmer Rouge, who killed a third of their own people, often by making children beat their own parents to death. No one doubts RN would never have let this happen.

So, this is the great boast of the enemies of Richard Nixon, including Mark Felt: they made the conditions necessary for the Cambodian genocide. If there is such a thing as kharma, if there is such a thing as justice in this life of the next, Mark Felt has bought himself the worst future of any man on this earth. And Bob Woodward is right behind him, with Ben Bradlee bringing up the rear. Out of their smug arrogance and contempt, they hatched the worst nightmare imaginable: genocide. I hope they are happy now -- because their future looks pretty bleak to me.

Our Kids are FINE?!?

Girl stabs 11-year-old friend to death

A NINE-YEAR-OLD girl was being held in a New York juvenile detention centre today after allegedly stabbing her friend to death with a kitchen knife in an argument over a rubber ball.

Police officials said the girl, whose name was not released because of her age, was believed to be the youngest ever suspect in a killing in New York City, and it was not immediately clear how the case would proceed.

The girl was playing at home in Brooklyn on Sunday with her 11-year-old friend, Queen Washington, when the two girls got into an argument over a ball, a police spokesman cited family relatives as saying.

By the time the suspect's mother returned from an errand, her daughter had plunged a steak knife into Washington's chest, police said.

The victim was declared dead on arrival at hospital.

Cases involving children younger than 14 are usually dealt with in special family court.