Straight Up with Sherri

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Paradigm of Prestigious Parasites

It is amazing how successful the media is at shaping our perceptions. If you live here in America, you know that the media and Hollywood do NOT mirror our true soul. Yet if you live in Europe or Asia, your perception of America is the one that Hollywood and the media give you. The perception is misleading because Hollywood is so out of touch with reality, and the media is on a mission. Let’s take them one by one, and lay it out there.

Movies and TV have been America’s source of entertainment for decades. When we were young, it was great to get lost in the fantasies. We could “get away” for a little while and journey into a different world, envisioning ourselves in the lead roles; being heroes, warriors, or just simply wishing our family was the Huxtables. Then some young dreamers ventured to make this their world, their career; moving off to New York or Hollywood to take classes, wait tables, and make it to every audition possible.

When they “made it” they were soon swamped with media types sticking microphones in their faces every chance possible. Fascinated with the people behind the character, many of us sat on our couches wondering how they made it, what made them different. We identified with their characters, admired their craft, and found them interesting. Somewhere along the way, these actors and moviemakers started to think that this elevated them into a position of authority. They forgot that our obsession was about them being entertainers, not professional analysts of our political system. Soon, the idea of making movies stopped being about entertaining us, and they somehow began to think it was their job to educate us. They had some moral “mandate” to shape our society and correct our “sins” and “failings” as a society. I am not sure when Hollywood started thinking that their role became that of a pulpit for ideology and propaganda, but as time goes on, they are quickly losing their luster. Now the Hollywood elites sit dumbfounded at the backlash they see in the box office and the voting booths. The lack of success of the movie “Alexander” has become some kind of slam on America being “homophobic!” They marketed this movie as an action filled film about a great warrior and his conquest, and when people showed up to watch, they found big screen pictures of men lusting after other men.

What is so hard for Hollywood to figure out here? We don’t want a 3-hour lecture done with pictures. The message is “shame, shame. You hold this guy Alexander up as some great warrior; did you know he was gay? See how hypocritical you are? You silly people know nothing about real history and just want to keep the parts you like while you throw out the rest of the facts.” Since when do we want visual images of this? I don’t hate butchers, but I sure don’t want to watch visuals of their work. So why, if I am not interested on watching men check each other out, does that make me “homophobic” and hateful or intolerant? Wake up Hollywood. We don’t go to the movies for a lesson or lecture; we go to the movies to get lost in a story that will ultimately make us feel good. It is called ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!

Part two of this is the media. As I mentioned, they are on a mission. They are filled with the hunger to bring us the truth! The problem is that these folks spend so much time chasing after Hollywood and Washington with a microphone, that they are not spending a lot of time in the same world as their audience, so their “truth” is our idea of what happens when someone has too much time and too much money (not too mention they need a muzzle). The most successful reporters are surrounded by interns and “yes” men. They are lost in the perception of self-importance. It is their duty to find truth and bang us over the head with it. The premise of this whole idea is that THEY know better than we do. They are “enlightened.” I guess what makes them so enlightened is that they wear better clothes, dine in better restaurants, and live in bigger houses. Or maybe it is because they have spent so many hours engulfed on conversation on world politics and philosophies while guzzling too many martinis (which is perfectly safe for them since if the limo driver has the night off, their fame and money can certainly fix any problems caused on the way home). I think what really makes them get lost in self-importance is they forgot that Hollywood is using them to get exposure, thus inviting them to their parties; and the media is using Hollywood to get high ratings. So here we have these two groups prostituting themselves to each other, and the rest of us are trying to tune in for entertainment and knowledge on current events. Somehow, the news has become and extension of a Hollywood party conversion by immoral drunks with too much money and no accountability, backed up with pieces of “factual information” ever so twisted to prove their paradigm as reality.

The rest of America is slowly starting to resent the condescending messages. We are tired of being put into little boxes of haters, illiterates, and gun toting morons with a lust for war and destruction. All we want is for them to get back to the role in our lives that put them in our good graces. We created this monster with our willingness to put them on a pedestal, and now we are reaping that creation.

Just food for thought, I heard Glenn Beck put this into perspective very well. We are ALL allotted the same amount of time. No one gets more, or less, than 24 hours in each day. What if we started dictating to the elites, how they should spend their time. What if we told them how important community service was, and if they didn’t agree, they were self-centered. Then WE would decide where they would be spending their time in community service. What if they didn’t get to choose the cause they donated their time to, and WE decided for them. As they seek to tell us how we should think, and how the government knows where our money should be spent better than we do; maybe they would understand how insulting it was if we told them how they needed to spend their time in order to prove that they weren’t just paying lip service to the notion of contributing to the betterment of man-kind. I wonder if they would start to resent us for overstepping our bounds from adoring fans to moral judges. Hey Babs, hey Dan, I know of a single mother that doesn’t want a hand-out or your money, but she sure could use someone to help with meals, laundry, dishes, and caring for the kids while she works to provide them a home! On second thought, I don’t think I want you spending time with my children, on screen, or off.

Monday, November 29, 2004

A Play for Propaganda, or a Play for Peace?

Have you heard the outrage over the story of a Palestinian man "forced" to play his violin at a checkpoint in Israel? You can read an account of this at News.Telegraph. It is amazing that this story is a story at all! So let's get a straight up look at this story.

"A man arrived at the roadblock north of the West Bank city of Nablus carrying a violin case. An officer ordered him to take out the violin and play as part of a security check."

We will start by taking a look at the list of the victims of Palestinian terror attacks since Arafat walked away from the Camp David Peace talks in 2000. The list speaks for itself. Every name on this list is a reason these men working the checkpoints cannot risk failure. The comments of Horit Herman-Peled over this event are purely inflammatory. The substance of his words are drowning in the reality of what the Israeli citizens face at the hands of a people that do not seek peace, but seek only the destruction and annihilation of all Jews. I am not overstating this situation. The fact is that the Palestinian people have established in their own charter that they will not settle for anything less than the complete and total end to Israel as a nation.

Now, let's take a look at the words of Horit, a volunteer for the Israeli human rights group Machsom Watch:

"She said the scene reminded her of images from the Holocaust when Jews were forced to play for Nazi officers to save their lives."

Here are some REAL IMAGES from the Holocaust: (Warning: images may be upsetting)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Then there is this paragraph in the article:

"I am shocked beyond words," said Zahava Galon, a legislator for the Left-wing Yahad party. "On the face of it, it is a bizarre, incomprehensible incident. Yet it is a blatant example of the harsh reality of the Israeli occupation." (the Yahad Party)

If THIS VIDEO is "a blatant example of the harsh reality of the Israeli occupation," then I would love to know what their take on Airport Security in the U.S. for International Flights would be. My point is not to make light of the Israel/Palestine issue. My point is that if we are going to truly seek a peaceful future, it is time we get honest and stop these ridiculous claims that only inflame the situation. This incident in NO WAY mirrors the Holocaust and the treatment of the Jews by Hitler.

Israel has no designs on exterminating the Palestinian people. Israel has shown sincere and bold moves to further the peace process, the summit at Camp David in 2000, is one great example. Arafat, in representing the Palestinian people refused. He knew that peace was against the charter of the PLO. The worst part is that when he returned and called for violence with Israel, the people not only signed up, but they are willing to send their own children to die in order to achieve it, and regard this as heroic! The most telling part of this equation is the way Arafat is held up in such reverence. If these people truly sought peace, and their own state, Arafat would be regarded as the man that denied them this. Comparing a man playing a violin at a checkpoint (CREATED to protect innocent Israeli citizens from the terrorism "forced" upon them), to the treatment of the Nazi's on the Jews is obscene.

Israel seeks peace. Israel seeks an end to the terror attacks on its people. Israel is not the agressor. Hitler's policies against the Jews has NO comparison to a man proving that the violin he carries is not a terror weapon.

Let's start to be responsible in our discussions on this issue. Then, and only then, will we be able to reach peace.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Yesterday's Winners!!!!!!

I honestly was going to just post a picture of the winner, but once I went searching for images I just HAD to share. Here are some pictures I think you will enjoy. John Kerry was the winner, but Michael Moore and Dan Rather were right on his heels. I have named each photo in hopes that you would share any "captions" you come up with!


Daddy Kerry????


Now for Teraaaayza:
okay, I need a better pic- this one is no fun. Anyone have anything better to offer??

Michael Hussein

Dan Rather (NOT):
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww he looks so.........

Do it Dave! Do it! (THWAAAAP!!)

AGAIN! I can't stop seeing RED(states)!!!


Watch out for that....!!!!!

what a, uhhhh, ummmm, unique couple.

SMILE!!! ("say cheese" just seemed toooooo cheesy!)

Isn't she lovely?

Which leads us to:


Meester Chirac:

Hmmmmmmm, I like it!

The BIG "O":

I am biting my tongue on this one.


how pretty





I know, that's MEAN!



Hee hee! I bet that was FUN!

Watch out Bill, I think she wants to play Monica!

The Madonna!

Someone actually said their mom, so I found this:


And someone mentioned their Husband!


Thanks to all that played!!! I hope you all had as much fun with this as I did! Tune it tomorrow!!!!

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Pin the Tail on the Narcissist!

It being a Holiday weekend and yesterday's post being so deep, I wanted to do something a little fun and different today. I usually keep the serious research and writing for the week and lighten up on the weekends anyway.

Today we are going to play Pin the Tail on the Narcissist! This is how it works. First I went to my cyber dictionary (again, I love this world). Then I did a Google search for Narcisstic Personality Disorder. This is what I found. (feel free to click this link and do your own searching too!)

  • Angel Fire: A pattern of grandiosity, excessive need for admiration, entitlement, and lack of empathy are the chief components in the diagnosis of NPD. These behaviors begin in early adulthood. A narcissistic individual is unable to trust others but replies on others to be a mirror which reflects back to him his unrealistic perception of his accomplishments, brilliance, talent, and beauty. A narcissistic individual has a fragile sense of self. To strengthen his sense of self he depends on other's admiration and constant attention. He expects other's to covet his possessions and he is constantly seeking compliments. Thus the narcissist develops numerous, shallow relationships to extract tributes from others.
    Because a narcissistic individual has a shifting morality--always ready to shift values to gain favor--any interaction with a narcissist is difficult.
  • Geo Cities: Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements); believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions); has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations. (There is much more here at this site!)
  • LANGUAGE, WORDS, and LIES: A Narcissists Arsenal: narcissists blame the world, of course, and not themselves for their personal disappointments. Narcissists are threatened and enraged by trivial disagreements, mistakes, and misunderstandings, plus they have evil mouths and will say ANYTHING, so if you continue to live or work with narcissists, expect to have to clean up after them, expect to lose friends over them, expect big trouble sooner or later.
  • 46 Characteristics of a NARCISSIST: (here's just a few)

1. Self-centered. His needs are paramount.
2. No remorse for mistakes or misdeeds.
3 Unreliable, undependable.
4. Does not care about the consequences of his actions.

5. Projects his faults on to others. High blaming behavior; never his fault.

8. Has a good front (persona) to impress and exploit others.

10. People are to be manipulated for his needs.

11. Rationalizes easily. Twists conversation to his gain at other’s expense. If trapped, keeps talking, changes the subject or gets angry.

14. No real values. Mostly situational.

Well, you get the idea. Now it's your turn to play. Just leave a comment and tell us who you think this describes? I have quite a list, and a certain news anchor and senator are at the top! Have FUN!!!! I can't wait to see what ya'll come up with!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2004

Every Day, Every Play

Today I am throwing out all the hard hitting facts, and writing straight from the gut. I will probably never do another post like this one, but with the Holidays among us, I thought this would be appropriate. I want to hang up the politics for a day, and just speak to the fiber of what I think is destroying our society as a whole. It has to do with our priorities. Where we say they are, and where they really are. In particular, I am speaking of parenting. There are many different scenarios of parenting gone wrong, form moms and dads working or staying at home, parents buying lots of things but never spending quality time with their kids, or moms and dads just walking out on their kids. I have made many mistakes in this area, and I am sure I will make many more. But for what it is worth, here's my take on how we actually treat each other, and how we should.

I hear the phrase all the time. “Raising children is the most important job there is.” What I see is a society that has mastered lip service. I know that most Americans truly value this job, yet everything in our society rejects it. Have you ever been in the line at a grocery store, seen a woman with 3 kids acting like monkeys, and as she begins to pay for her food with food stamps, you start to hear the voice of judgment?

Hearts with No Home

Let me tell you about a boy I know, we will call him “Dale.” Dale’s earliest years were much like the years I am going to tell you about, but I am going to begin the story with his year as a 3rd grader. His biological father had left his mother when she became pregnant. He always paid child support, ($38/week), but never visited or called. They had no contact. His father wasn’t a terrible guy. He was a senior in high school and just too young and way too scared to be a father. Dale’s mom was a woman with a free spirit. She was loyal to a fault, and trusted people, always thinking the best of them. She was smart but naïve, hardworking but without focus.

At the start of 3rd grade, Dales mother had just divorced her first husband and now she was shacking up with a guy she had known for a couple of years. Only 3 weeks into the school year, they all 3 moved 450 miles away to live with this guys parents in another state. After a few months there, they moved again into a trailer in a nearby town. One day Dale took the pocket- knife his mom had gotten him for fishing to school with him. When his teacher caught him with it, the “no tolerance” rules on weapons landed him in an alternative school. Luckily the teacher in this new school recognized right away that Dale did not belong there. He was smart, polite and hard working. She did notice however, that Dale had a hard time dealing with his anger and frustration. He would hit himself or bang his head against a wall or the desk. She met with his mom and about this, and Dale made great strides. Dale was quickly back at his old school just in time to move once again.

This new trailer was worse than the first. Dale slept on a couch in his room, he had no bed. He was scared to sleep due to finding snakes in his room that had crawled in through the holes in the trailer. They had no car, no phone, and his mom was now pregnant. When summer had started, a little boy who also lived in the same trailer park invited him Vacation Bible School. It was a great week for him. Mom was more than happy to have a Church van come pick him up and take him off her hands for a couple of hours each night. The following Saturday morning there was a knock on the door. Dale’s mother stumbled to the door kicking beer cans out of the way wondering who on earth was coming at 9:00 in the morning. When she opened the door, she saw an old man with white hair, holding a Bible, wearing a suit and a great big smile. He wanted to come in and talk.

Dale’s mother explained that they had been in bed and asked him to come back in an hour. What an hour that was. They had never cleaned so much, so quickly. The man returned in an hour and came in to talk. Mother, boyfriend, and Pastor Wilbur sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking about Dale. The pastor explained that Dale had accepted Christ as his savior, and wanted to be baptized, but wanted to be sure they had permission. Dale’s mom was excited. She not only gave permission, she wanted to be there.

Don’t be mistaken. Dale’s mom had grown up going to church. She had babysat for the Pastor’s kids, gone on youth trips, and even knew quite a few praise songs. She even still had the leather Bible that was given to her the week before Dale was born. She had come from a good, upper middle class family that lived in a rather affluent neighborhood. She never planned on living the way she was living now. The next morning Dale and his mother went to church together.

The pastor’s sermon was about how we try and clean up our house when company is coming over. We want to be sure our house is fit for company before we allow them in. Dale’s mom thought about her trailer, and how ashamed she was of it. Then the pastor explained that God already knew what our house looked like, and he still wanted to come home with us. Dale watched as his mother’s eyes welled up. “Bring Jesus home with me?” She had gone to church her whole childhood and had never once considered to bringing God home with her. She then began to shine. Her face beamed with joy. She wasn’t ashamed to bring God home with her. She knew that He knew her heart, and He was the ONLY one she trusted to come home with her and not judge her. Her life changed that day.

The rest of the day Dale’s mom didn’t stop smiling. Her boyfriend noticed something was up and started asking questions. She would just smile and say she was just happy. She was more at peace than she had ever been. He decided he wanted whatever it was she had, and started attending church with them. Dale’s mom changed instantly. The foul language she had used just disappeared. She still drank a beer from time to time, but was never drunk any more. In September she was baptized with her boyfriend, and the church gave them a wedding in November.

Dale’s little sister was born in February, and things seemed to be going very well. Soon this would change. His new stepfather just wouldn’t hold down a job and began stealing things. Finally his mother was able to work, and things started to get better. She had started up her own business cleaning offices and homes, and then his stepfather started picking up odd jobs mowing lawns and doing light maintenance work through her company. One day his mother had gotten a call from the Landlord and found out that the rent had not been paid in over 3 months. His stepfather had been keeping the money, and then even stole a check from his mother’s checkbook and forged it. None of the deposits he was supposed to be making were deposited, and the check had bounced. His mother got in the car and drove to a friends house, only to find out that her friend had gotten a call that informed her that the car they were driving had been was stolen.

Dale’s mother was devastated. His grandparents helped them get a u-haul and he, his mother, and his sister went back home and stayed with his grandmother. A month later, Dale’s mom found out she was pregnant again. His mother never lost faith, never stopped attending church, but walked around like a zombie for quite some time. Once Dale’s new sister was born and his mother was able, she started mowing lawns and scrubbing toilets to put her self through school. She kept a 4.0 GPA the whole way through school and was named GOAL Student (Student of the Year) of her school.

Dale has become a light to many. Dale always has all A’s and B’s in school. He never argues or talks back to his mother. He helps with his sisters weather it be baths, meals, or just babysitting. Dale is 15 years old, teaches Sunday school at his church, works, and is involved in community theater. He was on the Advisory Board at his school for Homecoming and even helps with reading bedtime stories to his sisters.

It has been over 3 years since his mother had left his stepfather, and they have seen him or heard form him since. He pays no support and makes no effort to contact them at all.

After his mother’s schooling, finding a job where she can be an effective mother has been difficult. She is determined to a better job at being there for his sisters than she was with him. She makes hard decisions everyday, but her children ALWAYS come first now. This keeps them poor financially, but rich in a home that is joyous and Christ-centered.

I know Dale will be a Godly man despite all the challenges he had to endure. I know this well, for he is my son. He is the greatest blessing and impressive example of grace and mercy I have ever known. I failed him miserably, but God’s hand was always on him. I know my Lord loves me and wanted me to find him, but I also know that Dale’s prayers are why I did. I know I will forever regret the pain my children have suffered by my own poor choices, but I will never put their biggest needs ahead of my wants and pride again. My hardest battle is not judging their fathers, but I know I cannot change them. I also know we are better off without the damage they would cause. Doing it alone is hard, but at least now, with God in our lives, our hearts have a home.

So the next time you are in the grocery line, and you see me there looking tired, and trying to hold back the disapproving glares, ask yourself if you may have seen their father. Maybe he just sold you a car, or you sat next to him at a ball game. If your son arrives to his football game and only half the team has shown up, what will you say to him when he is tired from playing offense and defense and special teams? What will you say if he loses? I hope you will pat him on the back and tell him how proud you are of him. He could’ve gone home too. But he didn’t. He stayed in there, battered and bruised. He did his best. Many parents are doing just that. They are there, every day, ever play.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Invite Lobster to Thanksgiving!

I saw this headline in the news (ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland public school students are free to thank anyone they want while learning about the 17th century celebration of Thanksgiving — as long as it's not God.) , and knew I just had to read the story and set the record straight. So, I started to do some research on the true history of Thanksgiving. I was in search of information about how and why we celebrate Thanksgiving as a National Holiday. I fully expected to find a sweet story about Pilgrims and Indians, feasting on turkey, and giving thanks to the Lord for their abundance in harvest. A mental picture of Native Americans and Pioneers joining hands and singing cumbaya emerged in my head. What I found, will forever change the way we celebrate Thanksgiving in my home.

The first thing I did was pull out my "cyber" dictionary and define the word:

thanks·giv·ing (th ngks-g v ng) (Holiday, Religion) n.
1. An act of giving thanks; an expression of gratitude, especially to God: a hymn of thanksgiving.
2. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day.

Then I defined Thanksgiving again:

Main Entry: thanks·giv·ing Pronunciation: the[ng](k)s-'gi-vi[ng] also 'tha[ng](k)s-"Function: noun1 : the act of giving thanks2 : a prayer expressing gratitude3 a : a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness b capitalized : THANKSGIVING DAY

Then, of course, I defined Thanksgiving Day (see above link in all capitals):

Main Entry: Thanksgiving DayFunction: noun: a day appointed for giving thanks for divine goodness: as a : the fourth Thursday in November observed as a legal holiday in the U.S. b : the second Monday in October observed as a legal holiday in Canada

Once I was done with this, I was off to the history. I found this article written by Richard J. Marbury . I had heard about this last year from Glenn Beck, not this particular article, but the actual content of the article which describes how the Pilgrims were celebrating more than the crops. They were celebrating the success of how putting capitalism into practice over socialism, had actually saved lives and brought them prosperity.

I will explain. The very first Thanksgiving Day feast, held in 1621, was actually a traditional English harvest celebration. They invited the Indians to join them since it was the Indians who had taught them how to plant crops and hunt. It was not called Thanksgiving Day at this time. This was actually a meal that would lead them into a harsh winter. They had lost 46 Pilgrims, out of the original 102, after that first winter (they had landed on Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620). The Governor of their colony, William Bradford, was very harsh in his "History of Plymouth Plantation," sighting that the colonists went hungry for years, because they refused to work in the fields. He shared that they often stole food and that the colony was riddled with "corruption," and with "confusion and discontent." The crops were small because "much was stolen both by night and day, before it became scarce eatable." Bradford tells us that "they began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain a better crop." They began to question their form of economics.

They had been required to submit all profits & benefits gained by trade, working, fishing, or any other means into the "common stock" and in return, all needs were provided by this "common stock." Viola! An early state of socialism. Bradford wrote "young men that are most able and fit for labor and service" didn't like being forced to "spend their time and strength to work for other men's wives and children." Hence, they did not work very hard, and very little food was produced. This lead to the conditions described above.

Bradford decided to change the rules of governing and gave each household their own piece of land and told them they could keep what they produced, or trade it with others and keep their profits. This was the birth of Capitalism in America. It worked! Bradford, pleased with the results, noticed that "instead of famine now God gave them plenty." He also wrote, "the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God." In fact, in 1624, so much food was produced that the colonists were able to begin exporting corn.

This is Governor William Bradford's Thanksgiving Proclamation:

Inasmuch as the great Father has given us this year an abundant harvest of Indian corn, wheat, peas, beans, squashes, and garden vegetables, and has made the forests to abound with game and the sea with fish and clams, and inasmuch as he has protected us from the ravages of the savages, has spared us from pestilence and disease, has granted us freedom to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience.
Now I, your magistrate, do proclaim that all ye Pilgrims, with your wives and ye little ones, do gather at ye meeting house, on ye hill, between the hours of 9 and 12 in the day time, on Thursday, November 29th, of the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and twenty-three and the third year since ye Pilgrims landed on ye Pilgrim Rock, there to listen to ye pastor and render thanksgiving to ye Almighty God for all His blessings.

On October 3, 1789, George Washington gave this proclamation:

WHEREAS, It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor;
WHEREAS, Both the houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted' for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.
And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have show kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Thanksgiving day was celebrated in the United States on different days in different states until Mrs. Sarah Josepha Hale, editor of 'Godey's Lady's Book,' made it her personal mission to make Thanksgiving Day a National Holiday. For more than 30 years she wrote letters to the governors and presidents asking them to do just that. New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom in 1817, and many other states followed suit. But in 1863, with the country greatly divided over the issue of slavery, President Abraham Lincoln saw an opportunity to help unite all of America. This is his Thanksgiving Day proclamation:

The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom.
No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People.
I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the Unites States the Eighty-eighth.

In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving Day to the fourth Thursday.

I rest assured in my original belief that God is most definitely an integral part of the history of Thanksgiving Day, and it was founded on the practice of giving thanks to Him, the Almighty. Teaching our children about Thanksgiving, and it's meaning, I believe leaves us many things to cover.

I will still celebrate this holiday by surrounding myself with family and loved ones. I will still bow my head in prayers of thanks to the almighty God and creator. I will still go around the table, asking all who have blessed me enough to join me, and ask them to share what they are thankful for. What I will add, is the story of that colony at Plymouth Rock. The story of how William Bradford implemented capitalism, and how God blessed it, and saved them from starvation and corruption. I will add a reading of the proclamations of William Bradford, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. I will also add how profound it is that, in 1863, America was divided and at war. Here we are, 141 years later, so much in common with our ancestors then. We will thank our God for the strength, determination, and conviction of not only Abraham Lincoln, but of George W. Bush. If you are having dinner today with family that is divided, or people torn over this war. Please share with them this story. Today is about UNITY. Today is about being the most blessed nation in history. Today, we give thanks to God.

Love him or hate him, he is our President, and he loves America and the freedom we are divinely granted to have.

Remember our brave men and women in harms way across seas and their families left behind. Be thankful for them.

Oh yeah! And don't forget the Lobster! Did you know that the Pilgrims had Lobster at their Thanksgiving? God, I love America!

Why Israel Matters

Please read Part II of this essay written by Barbara Ann Zweifler. The protection of Israel is a vital issue to our country, and a burden on many of our hearts. We must stand tall and strong with our sister in God, no matter what the cost. I hope you enjoy this 2 part series as much as I did!

Why Israel Matters

Traditional American and Western society is based on the Judeo–Christian ethic. Even the most secular Israeli or American has been shaped by a culture that was founded on these principals, and so this is the inherent lens through which we filter world events. European culture has slowly deteriorated over the last century into various forms of liberal secular socialism, inspiring sympathy toward Islamic thinking and hostility toward the traditional Judeo-Christian Westernism displayed almost exclusively today by America and Israel.

Islam is infinitely more compatible with totalitarian ideas than it is with Judeo-Christian ideals, and so the two naturally form an ideological alliance. This is nothing new. Both the Nazis and the Soviets had ideological and material alliances with Islam over half a century before 9/11. What Americans have failed to recognize and accept is that Islam is not the religion of peace, as it is politically correct for us to repeat and assume. Islam is the religion of pieces. It is a religion founded on war and its covenant with its adherents is based on world domination through Jihad.

Israel is on the front lines of our war, and has been, materially speaking, since 1948. Spiritually speaking, Israel has been on the front lines of our war since Abraham stood on one side of the river, and the rest of the world stood on the other. To separate the events in Israel as distinct from America’s war on terror is foolishness. Just as Spain was to Hitler, Israel is to Islam. It is the Aberdeen proving grounds, it’s Guernica – Israel is the place where they test the methods with disposable operatives (the Palestinians) before introducing the most successful terror tactics into wider use.

Understand the language of the enemy. A cease-fire or “hudna” is, to a western ear, a path to peace. Not so for Islam. A hudna is merely a war tactic to be used when they are feeling vulnerable and need time to regroup. There is no such thing as making peace with infidels in the religion of pieces. Only temporary tactical withdrawals with a ten year expiration date.

Don’t kid yourself that this is an exclusively Jewish or Israeli problem. As an American, you must begin to understand that the Jihadis view every American as either a Zionist (Jew) or a Crusader (Christian), both groups infidels, both groups marked for death. There are more Jews living in America than there are in Israel. There are very few Jews left living at all in Europe. France with approximately 60,000 has the largest European Jewish population, and the French Jews have been under severe harassment and attack these past three years to the point where they have been advised not to walk the street with any sign of their Judaism visible to
the public.

This insane Jihadist doctrine is not restricted to foreign interlopers. The signs that the so called anti-war movements in America hoist at their rallies virulently tie Anti-Semitism and Anti-Americanism together in the most vile ways imaginable. These are Americans – mostly highly educated Americans. The propaganda begins in the Universities. Some things are so insane that only educated intellectuals can believe them.

Photographs of these Americans displaying their twisted, propaganda fueled ideologies rarely if ever appear in mainstream news broadcasts. I have rarely seen this phenomenon profiled outside of the internet. One anonymous blogger documents it himself - he attended some rallies and shot some pictures – the following links lead to his photographs, which must be seen to be believed.

Anti-Americanism Communism, Marxism and Socialism Anti-Israel and Pro-Palestinian Activism. Everyone for Palestine: a Photo Essay. ConspiracyTheories About 9/11 Opposition to Bush Palestinian Chic
Idiots: Useful, Useless, and Beyond

Now that you’ve seen just what sort of bile your fellow Americans are buying into, get ready for the kicker. Most of them really believe it. The rest of them are just there to be fashionable, smoke some good pot, or score with a fuzzy legged chick in birkenstocks and a Keffiyah. Is it not common sense at this point to assume that any, all and sundry Jihadists want us destroyed as much as they want Israel annihilated? All they need is access, means and opportunity. It doesn’t even have to be interlopers. Any disgruntled 19 year old named Jamal in Queens or the alienated Queers for Palestine child of a wealthy American progressive family could get it into their heads one day to blow themselves to bits at their corner coffee shops, and leave notes referring to Hamas, Osama or the plight of the poor oppressed Palestinian people.

Realize that the 60’s radicals of yesterday are today’s university professors. Hell no, they wouldn’t go - so they became professional students which eventually morphed them into becoming today’s academic elite. These are the people that are “educating” your children. These are the liberals, the progressives, the post – Vietnam era communists who never met a dictator they didn’t like. John Kerry was one of their comrades, and he now has the opportunity to become president of this country. I shudder when I think of it.

PS- The great pictures you find when you follow the above links belong to Zombie. Zombie not only has her own web site, but she also has been featured at Front Page Magazine. Zombie is well known for her dedication and great adventures in bringing us the visual images that the OLD MEDIA won't. I have added her to the blog roll (this link will take you to her home site), check her out- You won't be disappointed.

In fact- take time to check out all our friends included on the blog roll. There is really some great talent out there. I am very blessed to have found these sources to get the latest updates, and stories that no one else wants to cover. The world is changing folks. The future of news is right here. These are the pioneers of putting TRUTH back into the News.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Why Israel Matters

Today I want to share an essay written by Barbara Ann Zweifler. Barbara is a Jewish woman who lives in New York. She shared this with me, and I wanted to share it with you. I asked her permission and she graciously allowed me to post it. She wrote this as a tribute to Israel's Independence Day and is dated April 22, 2004.

Why Israel Matters

by Barbara Ann Zweifler

Israel is the only nation on earth where the legitimate land spoils of defensive wars are referred to as occupied territory. No one calls Texas occupied territory. We immigrant Americans have less authentic claim to our great land than Israel does. Manifest Destiny pales in comparison to forty centuries and the word of God. Still, I stand ready to defend America against terrorist invaders with a rock and my last breath, if need be. In America, I can sit contented at my computer, confident that this land is mine, and that the world in it’s entirety dares not dispute that without risking grave consequences.

Not so for Israel. Since moments after it’s birth in 1948, the State of Israel has been repeatedly attacked without provocation. Her enemies were and are today intent on destroying her completely, to the last man, woman and child. The Arab’s open declaration of war, which was first uttered against the State of Israel in 1948 and robustly proclaimed to this day is - “We will drive the Jews into the sea…” This is the ultimate grudge match. The Arab rancor against the Jewish people spans the millennia from this day to the Exodus.

Israel defended, countered, and conquered, on every occasion. The God of Abraham delivered them again and again from the hands of the proverbial Egyptians, when in reality, any military expert could have told you that it was virtually impossible for Israel to survive.

And yet their tiny land, the size of New Jersey, is referred to in the year 2004 as occupied territory. The Israelis are portrayed as either militaristic or religious maniacs, and the Palestinian aggressors are marketed as victims of Israeli ppression. College students across America mobilize, proselytize and opine mightily for the Palestinian “cause”, which is sold to them by expert propagandists bent on America’s destruction. Anti-Semitism is rampant in our halls of higher learning, and Muslim groups on campus regularly disrupt, harass, and attempt to intimidate Pro-Israeli and Pro-American speakers, educators and students.

Israel’s plight has more to do with the war you and I are facing in America than you may realize. From the Jihadis point of view, there is absolutely no distinction. We are the Great Satan, Israel is the Little Satan, and Bush is a Zionist Stooge. If the Islamists can only succeed to drive the Jews into the sea, the rest of you will surrender like Frenchmen - because you are nothing without the direction, money, intellect and influence of the Zionist Infidels. Kill the Jews is the doctrine. From our enemies perspective, Israel is the head of the snake, and America is a Jewish country.

There is an explanation for all of this, but you aren’t going to like it. It is dangerous to awaken a sleepwalker they say – and the West is fast asleep, clutching their assumptions and premises, dreaming it will all go away. Complacency is our most insidious enemy. The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing you that he doesn’t exist, and the hardest thing for a person to face is their own shattered premises. And it is here that the explanation must begin.

Tomorrow I will post the second half of Barbara's essay. It is well worth our time, thoughts, and attention. Thank you Barbara for sharing this with us.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Let's Play CURVEball with Chris Matthews!

Okay, here we go.

Picture it. It's Tuesday night, November 16, 2004. President Bush has won re-election, and two weeks later, Chris Matthews can't accept the defeat and begs for an extra inning.

First man at bat- The United States Marines!

Chris winds up, here comes the pitch: (He's throwing the "video of US Marine shoots poor innocent Iraqi" pitch.)
Matthews: Some soldiers would be very careful about something like that, and others are just hot shots?
Translation: Hey, a few of our guys are decent, but the rest are just trigger happy! Yeah, I like that, they are the big mean US military machine. Paid and trained killers. They LIKE it!
Ump's Call: What EXACTLY is Matthews giving priority to? Being careful not to get you and your buddies KILLED, or being careful not to “offend” anyone by killing a TERRORIST turning a place of worship into a command post? LOW and OUTSIDE!

Second Pitch: Why would he presume to go in and shoot somebody as if they were a danger?
Translation: Hey these guys were in Disney land! No danger! They get there jollies off killing!
Ump's Call: AS IF? AS IF? AS IF they were a DANGER? Hey Matthews, put down the mike and grab a clue you MORON! These men are in the middle of guerilla warfare! URBAN STYLE! The most dangerous kind known to man! Oh, and by the way- any terrorist still breathing IS a FREAKIN’ DANGER! Runner- take your base, that pitch nailed you in the....(mid-section...area)!

Second Batter up: Condoleezza Rice!

Matthews winds up: Do you think she (Rice) might become……her own diplomat and say, Mr. President, there‘s a diplomatic solution to this situation? Don‘t rush to judgment like you did with Iraq?
Translation: No cartoon necessary- she’s a puppet right now. I gotta say it as much as I can. Bush rushed to judgement (man I love Dean and Gore), there IS a diplomatic solution to EVERYTHING! Bush is a cowboy, RUSHED to war, RUSHED to war.
Ump's Call: No propaganda here, huh? Dang, this line is sooooo OLD! Stop picking your nose and throw the ball for Pete’s sake!

Second Pitch: Any chance in the world……that Condi Rice will become kind of a Becket figure, a person who is trusted implicitly but then becomes their own person, when given the responsibility of representing the State Department?
Translation: I need to get the Aunt Jemima thing in here again, it sounds sooo good. Any chance she could save the world and get a mind of her own here? Any chance at all???
Ump's Call: Good Grief! How condescending! He somehow dismisses Rice’s impeccable and stellar record, (puts his resume′ to shame) and calls her Aunt Jemima. And THIS from a guy who can’t find enough ways to tout the PARTY LINE of the Michael Moore groupies! Condi, take your base, stop hitting the players with the ball you ninny! Scared of a WOMAN?

Next Batter: Dick Cheney!

Matthews: (Speaking of Stephen Hadley, who is replacing Condi Rice) isn‘t he.... A Cheneyite?
Translation: Anyone who agrees with THIS administration is an eeevil conservative!
Ump's Call: Cheneyite? What grade are you in Matthews? Unsportsman like Conduct-here's your Warning!

Second Pitch: Suppose………we didn‘t back dictators like the Saudi royal family, people like that who are simply selling the oil to keep their fingers filled with rings and girlfriends in London..
Translation: Bush supports dictators if it puts money in Cheney’s pockets! Haliburton! Haliburton! HAAAALLLLIIIBUUURTOOOOOOOON!
Ump's Call: That one was in the dirt! Loose and crazy moonbat talk! I see the scoff mark on your cleets Cheney, take your base!

Who's up next? "W"

Matthews: Suppose we were a good country and an even-handed country, all right? Would that make him any less hostile to us?
Translation: We are eeevil! We are pathetic. It has to be our fault! Osama isn’t a bad guy, we (America and Bush) are the bad guy! C’mon, didn’t we DESERVE 9/11? We drove him to it!
Ump's Call: This is like saying: “If she were really a goooood girl, he never would have kidnapped her and molested her.” The train of thought here is not only INSANE, it's DANGEROUS! That pitch was so crazy- automatic HOMERUN! Dubya gets a GRAND SLAM, and Matthews- YOU'RE OUTTA HERE!

The game's over Matthews. Besides, you can't get a pitch even close to the strike zone! Take your ball and GO HOME!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Support Our Troops

Being a regular at LGF (Little Green Footballs), I have been blessed with finding out about some great stories that our OLD MEDIA refuse to cover. I usually like to keep Sunday as a "light" day, but I am passionate about supporting our troops and felt it necessary to post this link today. Many of you are probably also regulars at LGF, but some of your are not. I just want to do my share in giving support. Please click this link, read the petition, and if you would like to, sign it. This is the LEAST we can do for our brave protectors.

Support The Troops!

Letter From Iraq:

Dear Friends and Family:

I am addressing this letter to you to express a frustration that I know has been voiced time and again, yet is met with little change. It concerns the media coverage of this war and the effect of that coverage on the morale of our troops. As a battalion chaplain I hear the comments and complaints of soldiers who, while performing an incredibly difficult job under hostile and stressful conditions, constantly see their efforts portrayed as futile. NBC's coverage this morning (your Thursday evening, 16 September 2004) is a prime example that I believe shows the gulf that exists between the truth of what is happening here and the deceitful agenda of the mainstream media at home and abroad.

Only 24 hours ago the NBC media crew arrived here and filmed hours of footage with our unit. They were told of numerous projects in which our unit is involved, not only in the area of force protection and Troop Medical Clinic support, but also in humanitarian aide to a local village here in Baghdad. Here is an example of some of the projects to which they were introduced:

1. The reconstruction and furnishing of a clinic

2. Miscellaneous enhancements for a local elementary school and a local day care center

3. Reconstruction of the decimated electrical, sewer and water systems

4. Reparation of exterior walls and gates surrounding the village

5. Rubble and garbage removal projects to clean up the entire village

6. Construction of a protective chain link fence around the local Shi'a Mosque

7. Studies to examine the development of agricultural systems and a garment industry to help the locals provide for themselves

8. The ever-growing clothing and school supplies drive for the children of the village.

In the roughly one minute clip that they drew from their day of filming, what did they show? The First Lieutenant who is the primary driver of these projects was shown with one quote about never believing he would be in Iraq, being a National Guard soldier. This was followed by their interview of another soldier's wife, saying her husband was supposed to have retired this summer, that his responsibility to the military should be over and that he should be home. They showed NOTHING of the great humanitarian efforts that are going on here!

It is coverage like this that is convincing more and more soldiers that the consistent media agenda is to show you, the American people, the futility of our current efforts and how everything is going wrong. There is no apparent attempt to show all the good that is happening that, for those of us who are here, far outweighs the very weak, though spectacular, moments of insurgency. And we see it via satellite, just as you do. In a day of great violence across the country, last Sunday, where the insurgency failed to take one American life, what one film clip was shown over and over? They showed the lone burning Bradley fighting vehicle, with Iraqis dancing on and around it, waving flags of the insurgency. Out of the thousands of troops who made it safely around Baghdad and the country that day, the media focused on one piece of impressive footage and repeated it over and over until the viewer rec eives the message that this is all that went on in Iraq today -an insurgent victory. I also remember how the body count, for two days thereafter, was
printed in ever-increasing increments, never mentioning who the casualties were- giving the impression that they were American casualties.

The despair and depression, as well as the thankfully limited anti-war sentiment, over our country's efforts in Iraq are not based upon all of the facts. They are rather based on what the media has chosen to show - and what they have chosen NOT to show. The media knows that they can always find those willing to complain, grouse, protest and disagree. And they splash those voices all over their screens and pages,drowning out the voices that will tell you, as I am, that there is good going on here. There are things going on here you would be proud of, things that would bring tears to your eyes; like the looks of parents whose children are going to school for the first time in years, equipped with pencils, pens and paper and clothed with clean new clothes. There are essential services being provided to people to whom they were denied under the oppressive regime of Saddam Hussein. There is a trial going on for that man and at least eleven of his evil cronies who, let us remember, killed over 300,000 people under the watchful eye of the United Nations (pun intended) during the 12 years they had responsibility for the health and welfare of this nation (yes, the same, inept organization that is currently ignoring the Darfur, Sudan slaughter of Christians by Islamic fundamentalists). This was the same time that the oil-for-food program monies were being used to line the pockets of Saddam and his friends and build luxurious palaces like the ones our forces now occupy as headquarters all over this nation. And Saddam all the while complained that it was "American Sanctions" that were killing his people. I don't remember a sanction that required a mass grave.

Please know that the media is NOT giving you the right picture, much less the WHOLE picture. They have an agenda, it is clear, and that agenda does not include the current administration claiming success in this endeavor. It is unclear if their sensationalist "reporting" will change if the administration changes. The one thing I know as I watch the morale of the men who are here doing the job is that every time the enemy's paltry attacks are made out by the media to be marker events in Iraq, it becomes a little harder for soldiers to see value in even the greatest things we are doing. Your care packages, your letters and your constant prayers are the only things that remind us that the majority of thoughtful Americans are truly behind this effort and that what we are doing has great value. Don't let that go. Keep supporting your troops, not just in word, but in action. Rem ember this: You cannot support the troops AND denigrate the war effort. It is a logical and a practical inconsistency. While the soldier fights the enemy, he needs those behind him to offer support to his back, not daggers. The news media is one of the greatest threats to this war. Just ask a terrorist. Every time he can do something desperate and spectacular and have the effect with one man blowing himself up in a crowd that an entire U.S. Brigade has in securing a city, the media has thrown terror the victory. It is not the side that wins the most ground anymore that is victorious,but the one that can satiate the blood-hungry media. We have given them the stories they need to show how much we are truly doing. The question then must turn to why they have a fascination with making the villain the victor. If we win this war, it may not be much of a story for them, but if we lose it...

Your troops are doing amazing things here - things many of them are not even trained to do, like a medical platoon leader doing public works projects! I hope that either the media start showing the REAL stories here or that you will show your contempt of their deceitfulness with your complaints and, ultimately, with your vote. Don't watch the news media that thrives on the death of American soldiers to bump their ratings! And remember your troops. Support of victory is support of your troops.

Sincerely, CH (CPT) Chris Bassett Baghdad, Iraq,

I am well aware of the typo in this letter, but I kept in in there. This is the way I received it, and I kept it in to preserve the integrity of the letter I have been so blessed and honored to receive.

God Bless our Troops!

God Bless America!

This One is for Pete From NC

This one is for Pete from NC Posted by Hello

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Stick to the Real Issues and STOP the COLLATERAL DAMAGE!

We have to be able to have honest and sincere discussion and debates in order to protect America from ALL enemies, Enemies abroad and Enemies within. These discussions, however, should not leave our citizens in the wake of collateral damage. I have two great examples of what I mean.

  • Iraqi War: When the President made a case to the American people and to the UN for going to war with Iraq, he had several reasons. The one reason that most people remembered was the WMD. This is understandable; WMD is quite a fear factor for people, especially in the aftermath of 9/11. I am not going to list all the other reasons President Bush gave at this point, that’s for another post. I will focus on this one to make my point, since this is the one that everyone seems to be arguing over. We were told that our intelligence (the best in the world except maybe for Israel), showed Saddam to be a serious threat to the US. This is where it gets complicated, because we have to cover another reason for war. The other reason being Saddam’s ties to terrorists. For some, the suspicion of WMD’s was enough reason, and for others, it was not. For some, the ties to terrorism were enough, and for others, it was not. For most, it was the picture painted by the both of these put together. Now, we can debate this all day long (or year, or four years, whatever). The point is this- at the time we were discussing war, and making the decision, this is what the majority believed. Now, we have not found WMD’s. (at least not large stockpiles as we were told) We will forever debate the legitimacy of the accusation of Saddam’s ties to terrorism. It is very valid to back up and re-evaluate our intelligence. We certainly need to take a look at the intelligence information, how it was gained, and analyze how we got it and where it came from. Doing this is not only valid and reasonable, but also darn right necessary. Even if the information was wrong, however, this does not make America immoral or evil. It does not make the President a liar. EVERYTHING we knew at the time needs to be taken into consideration. The only thing that the President can be blamed for, is not having the right people gathering and vetting the intelligence. Broadening the scope into accusing the President of lying and tricking us, is not only counter productive in protecting America, it is downright dangerous! Trying to portray Bush as a cowboy in efforts to win an election is SHAMEFUL! This has cost lives! And for what? So the Democrats can gain POWER? It is perplexing, at best, to realize that no one considered what the collateral damage would be? Do we really want people representing us and guiding our policies that have no regard for the body count they create because a vie for power is more important? How hypocritical to call President Bush a cowboy! PROTECTING AMERICA should ALWAYS come ABOVE POLITICAL ASPIRATIONS! The ONLY candidate I have seen in the last 15 years to do this IS PRESIDENT BUSH! He has taken great risks to his political career and popularity in order to make hard decisions; and ultimately, he always put our protection ahead of himself. Senator Kerry did not create this tactic, but he exacerbated it, with the help of the media, in order to gain politically. He opted to put his own self-interests above the American people. He had NO BONES about pitting Americans against each other, or feeding the terrorists tools for recruitment. The enemy knows how to play on America’s emotions. And so does Kerry, after all, he and the media did this same thing almost 30 yrs ago. Amazingly enough, neither time did Kerry have the original idea himself, he took a poll (analyzed the political climate), and jumped on the wagon, only to end up driving it! (he stole the keys from Jane Fonda and Howard Dean)
  • Marines in Comabat: Our most recent example of the same thing is our US Marine, now being vilified for shooting terrorist as he tried to play possum. Again, let’s put this into context! With ALL the information this marine had at the time, he didn’t take a poll in order to protect his little hide from being “unpopular.” He chose to protect his Band of Brothers. We can debate all day long weather or not the terrorist “intended” harm. The point and the focus should not be on vilifying an American Hero. Just like not finding WMD, we had EVERY reason to believe Saddam HAD WMD’s. HE MADE it that way. Same, exact scenario. This terrorist was part of a group that is basted in dirty tricks aimed at killing Americans. The other wounded man made all kinds of efforts to show he was not a threat, waving his hands in the air, pulling off his blanket to show he wasn’t hiding anything, etc. The man that was shot was trying to trick us, and given ALL the facts this marine had about the enemy he was fighting, he made a VERY VALID decision. Instead of showing the American people what kind of treacherous conditions these soldiers face every minute of every day, Sykes decides to try and make a political point. He gives no consideration for the collateral damage! And of course, the “OLD MEDIA,” dutifully falls in line, follows the party objectives, and tries to carry the focus away form the REAL issue!

The real issue is how do we protect America from an enemy unlike any other we have ever faced. Well, I say:

  • Job one- Know who they are, what motivates them, and how they operate.
  • Job two- Attack each tactic with a strategy that will shut them down and stop them as quickly as possible.
  • Job three- Recognize those people and those groups whom are willing to further their own selfish agenda by any means necessary, including sacrificing innocent people and the chance for peace.
  • Job four- Take them down. Take down the enemy. Take down the terrorists with force. Take down the enemies abroad by resisting any of their attempts to make America and Israel vulnerable to terror. Take down the enemies within by forcing them to stick to the valid issues, calling them on the carpet for their duplicitous actions causing collateral damage. And if they won’t stop it, take them down by voting with your wallet, and exposing their twisted spin on everything they touch or speak of.

Do not let the death of over 3,000 citizens be in vain. Do not let the soldiers and their sacrifices be belittled by self-righteous ideologues that could care less about anything other than their own narcissistic agendas.


Friday, November 19, 2004

What Does RACISM Have to do with FISHING?

That's it! I'm HOT! HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT! Most of you who have visited before know that I only post once a day, well today is the exception. Every post here has been well thought out, and researched. (except the FUN ones! See: CELEBRATION TIME! and Just for Laughs!) This post is pure adrenaline!

I read all about the racist cartoons that surfaced this week. At first I was mortified. Being a woman, I guess my knee-jerk reaction was imagining how Condoleezza and Colin must feel. I also realize that this is just "more of the same" from the liberal pity party turned tar and feather, and by now, they know the true colors of the Left and are use to it. I honestly figured it would just have to ride out.

Now, I have had enough, and am calling them to the carpet. In a story at Wisconsin State Journal we have some disturbing fanfare!

An unrepentant Sly explained why he called the nominee to be secretary of
state, Condoleezza Rice, an "Aunt Jemima" and outgoing Secretary of State Colin
Powell an "Uncle Tom" on the radio Wednesday.
Sly, the on-air name for John
Sylvester, told WTDY-AM (1670) morning show listeners that Rice, who is black,
bought her way into the White House with obedience to President Bush.
not apologizing for what I said," Sylvester said Thursday in an interview. "I
stand by it.
"I was aiming that directly at a black person that is letting
himself (and herself) be used by an administration that has been extremely
hostile to minorities," he said.
"Being subservient and being a black role
model are two different things. I think (Rice) has not only been bad for the
country and for national security, but I think she's been a bad black role
"I don't think being subservient to white people and not blowing the
whistle on their misdoings is a good role model at all."
Sylvester said his
comments were not a ratings ploy. "People know who I am. I don't need to get
"I did call her the Aunt Jemima of the administration because I
think not only have they used her race as a trophy, but I think her price of
admission to the White House has been complete obedience to the white power
structure in the White House," Sylvester said. "(And) I called (Powell) Uncle
Tom. Frankly I think they bought his silence."

For those of you who have not seen the cartoons:

If you know anything about Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice, you know they are both impeccable role models for ALL of us.

Here are some comments about this from Gino (a black man who called Rush):

You know, I can't say how back I am taken at the New York Times and the article, the cartoon. I'm waiting for
black leadership to stand up and say "Hey, you know what? This is wrong." I'm
waiting to hear Jesse Jackson; I'm waiting to hear from the leaders of the
Nation of Islam; I'm waiting to hear from Jesse Jackson, Jr.; I'm waiting to
hear from Al Sharpton, but I'm waiting to hear from them. But you know what I'm
going to hear, Rush? I'm going to hear silence. Do you know why? It's not,
"Well, I'm up for the black man." They're more Democratic than they are black.
That's the only way I can put it. They are more Democratic than they are black,
and I have to say –
Where I come from, I'm from, like I said, from the inner
city, raised in the projects 20 years of my life. I had to make some
adjustments, and because I tried to make some adjustments. I was ridiculed. I
was turned off.

And here's Tony :

CALLER: Yeah, Rush. It's a pleasure to listen. Basically, I'm an inner city
young black male from Indianapolis, and I'm going to tell you, you know, I don't
totally agree with Bush and Condoleezza Rice, but I would say that I would
debate Condoleezza Rice on the issues, and I would respect her doctorate. I
respect her experience, and you know what? I think it's crap that these guys
will resort to these tactics when 30 years of breaking out cartoons, these
racially motivated cartoons. I'm not the staunchest supporter of the Bush
campaign and, you know, and I'm not a strong supporter of Kerry, either. He was
-- he was, who knows what was wrong with him --

but I'm gonna tell
you no heart how you feel about this issue, the debate has to be on the issue,
and I'll tell you what: I'm hot right now. I'm hot. This is unbelievable.
You brought some points up. The lady in Glen Burnie, Maryland, she was a
hundred percent right. The welfare system was put in place to destroy the black
families. You know, you get a benefit when you drive the black man out the home.
You know, the benefit is for the black man being gone. The benefit is for there
not being cohesion in the family. All this stuff set into place, and I thank God
that right now it's like a time of enlightenment where the truth is coming out,
where people are finally seeing the truth, and people are making decisions. I
know a lot of black people who voted for Bush just for the simple fact -- and
I've been a Democrat my whole life -- but for the simple fact the Democratic
Party has gone off the deep end.
They've totally lost their mind, and the
only restraint is to pull back and vote for the Republican Party where there was
some kind of semblance of morals.

It is infuriating at best to watch Liberals do this. They claim to want to help minorities, but truth be known, successful minorities scare them! Without racism and oppression, certain black "leaders" are out of a job! Liberals can't stop singing about social programs and giving everyone the label of victim. Feeling victimized never inspired me to pull up my boot straps! There is a thing known as righteous indignation, now THAT will get me moving!

I don't need to describe and explain the whole system to make my point. All I need is a well known, and often shared quote (with a little bit of improv). So, what does racism have to do with fishing? You give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day (and OWN him for life- as he returns for his daily portion). Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime (and he'll never forget what you did for him, as HE teaches others to fish too) I am glad to see the left become the "Emperor with no Clothes!"


PART V: Our Greatest Weapon

Well folks, this is where I hang my tush out there for serious attacks. I am perfectly prepared for the name calling to ensue. I am not donning a helmet and flack jacket in defense. I am proudly standing tall, looking forward to the persecution and railing against my thoughts on how we protect America. The truth hurts sometimes. I can always deal with the truth. I may not always like it, but at least I can deal with it.

The Counter Attack:

  • Support our troops! We certainly should all be flying the flag from our home, maybe even driving around with a magnet or bumper sticker in support of our men and women sacrificing their all for America. We must also let our voice be heard. Don't let your dollars support the hypocrits who claim to support our troops, while slamming them in efforts of gaining some self-serving notoriety. Email, call, or write your ELECTED officials that work FOR YOU and let them know that anything BUT full support of our troops is unacceptable. This includes their protection from physical harm, legal attacks, and media slander, but does not stop there. We demand any measure able to give them the best medical care and support of their families back home as well. Easy, huh?
  • Buy American! I don't want no stinking French wine. We have domestic wines, and heck, being a beer drinker- forget Canada and Germany, Australia can put out a decent beer for those that like imports.
  • Defend, protect and support our President and his friends. Blair, Sharon, and Howard are great and true allies.
  • Treat the Old Media with impunity. Hold them to standards of honesty, integrity, and accountability. Email them, call them, whatever you can do. Support news sources that are working FOR America, not FOR a political ideology.

Now this is where we need to truly be vigilant. We need to examine the domestic policies, and weed out the trash sending us into a nation we will not recognize. The best way to protect our nation and our Constitution is to embrace the very foundation of what has made our young nation so great.

  • This is Moses, placed front and center with the 10 Commandments, on the east entrance to the Supreme Court Building.

(WOW! Looky there, he's holding the 10 Commandments!)

  • Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts would overstep their authority and instead of interpreting the law would begin making law....An oligarchy....The rule of few over many-

(Hmmmmmm.. Over 200 years later, we are worried about the same thing.) Time to STOP IT!

  • James Madison is quoted, "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

(Amazing the insight these men had!)
  • The American Bible Society was started by an act of Congress (that's not an easy task!) and John Adams (our second president), served as its first leader.

(That stop sign that annoys us so, means "Thou shalt not KILL!")

Some other facts:
  • There are Bible verses etched in stone all over the Federal Buildings and Monuments in Washington, D.C.
  • Fifty-two of the 55 founders of the Constitution were members of the established orthodox churches in the colonies-
    Congregationalist-7Deist-1Dutch Reformed-2Episcopalian-26Lutheran-1Methodist-2Presbyterian-11Quaker-3Roman Catholic-2
  • The very first Supreme Court Justice, John Jay, said, "Americans should select and prefer Christians as their rulers."

Even if you are not a believer, these are facts. They cannot be ignored or dismissed. I understand this may be a challenge to embrace, but your challenge is actually quite simple. Your challenge is to merely preserve the principles and foundation of our country. The difficult challenge is that of the believers:

  • Be ready to deal with attacks in a Christ-like manner. This is not easy by any means. As a government, we must seek righteousness and justice, but in a personal manner, extra grace will be required.
  • Do not answer violence with violence. If your place of worship is vandalized, be prepared to control your anger. There is a fine line between justice and vengeance. We seek justice in honor of God's word, but vengeance is the Lord's.
  • Love the sinner, hate the sin.
  • Work hard to embrace ALL sinners, for each of us are sinners. Offer forgiveness as you would have forgiveness given to you.

After watching the activities in the Netherlands, I am concerned that the pitch of division in the US is at a dangerous level. Some people are so full of anger and venom, just losing all logical control of their tongues and actions. There has been anger on BOTH sides. I fear those that have maintained a dignified level of control in dealing with diverse ideology are close to a boiling point. I admit it. At times, when I hear of the things happening in Iraq, a weak moment of evil thoughts slam into my heart and mind. It would take one, just one, instance of a church or temple being bombed, and innocents being hurt or killed, and we could easily be hurled into violent tit-for-tat. We could find ourselves justifying the very terroristic activities we hate. Do you have the strength of Israel? The restraint practiced by Israel is amazing! I sometimes wish they would just mop up the mess and get it over with. Reason, however, tells me better. Before action of any kind, we need to think out the actions that will follow. Will these actions contribute to the real problem? I honestly have more faith in my Jewish brothers and sisters to show more constraint than I do my Christian brothers and sisters. ( I know I will receive grief for THAT statement )

Bottom line is this. Do not sit idly by, talking and not acting. When it comes to politics, culture, legal matters, education, etc., for Pete's sake, practice what you preach! Cling to all you know to be good with every fiber within you. Hating will never further God's will. Actions taken in anger will never produce good fruit. DO NOT BE WEAK! But remember, not all strength is found within a fist. The deepest strength comes from within.

Our greatest weapon in defending America against ALL enemies is seeking justice not vengeance, faith in our forefathers and their wisdom, a sincere and aggressive protection of our Constitution, and most of all HOPE.

Defend our heritage. Never settle for this-

Thursday, November 18, 2004


PART IV: More Than Osama

The most obvious enemy is Osama bin Laden and the Muslim extremists. Most of us lump Osama into the same group as Hamas and Hezbulla. They are certainly deserving of being in the same class when it comes to the label of terrorists, but we need to take note of one thing before we are able to recognize some of our other enemies. Originally, Osama's reasons for the 9/11 attacks were aimed at getting US troops out of Saudi Arabia. He needed this goal accomplished in order to reach his ultimate goal of overthrowing the Saudi government. In Osama's pre-election video, Osama cited a different reason. "The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorised and displaced........And that day, it was confirmed to me that oppression and the intentional killing of innocent women and children is a deliberate American policy. Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance."

Two things to note here. Osama cashed in on the plight of destroying Israel. There is no doubt in my mind that Osama has always embraced the destruction of Israel, but his true intention for attacking America was more self-centered, more about HIS power. He has learned however, that the best and easiest way to destroy America and gain support was to take a different posture. He is exploiting the Palestinian "victim" status to further his own goal. This is actually what has been taking place in the Arab world all along. Giving the Palestinians a "state" of their own would only destroy the true goal of the Arab world, which is to destroy Israel. If their sincere plight was to give Palestine a state of their own, they would already have one. They have had at least two chances.

It is important to understand these facts. There is a definite distinction between Palestine having a state of their own and the annihilation of Israel. There is a distinction between the hijacking of Islam in order to further the destruction of Israel, and the goal of Osama to take over Saudi Arabia by getting the US to withdrawal troops from the Middle East. Once we understand this distinction, we are better able to realize how the enemy is bigger than just terrorism. Osama knows how to destroy America from within (economically and culturally). Once we see the forms of attack we then can recognize the intentions of the other enemies we face.

The countries involved with the efforts by the UN to vilify America have yet a different agenda. This brings us to the enemies that seek our fall for the purpose of furthering their power. Resistance to outing Saddam was more about money and power than sincerely believing Saddam was no threat. The Oil for Food scandal is a prime example. Most of Europe is stuck in an ideological hypocrisy that is stunning. They accuse the US of being "greedy," Haliburton being the milestone of furthering the idea that Bush is in this for oil and getting his buddies rich, and we are accused of being intolerant. The facts show that it is the UN who is greedy, getting their buddies (and themselves) rich, and the terrorists killing women for not dressing correctly are those who are truly intolerant. Countries in Europe are also torn between keeping the large populations of Muslims in their midst happy, and following the agreements passed by the UN to keep promises made to Israel. The US stands in the way of the UN in many ways. We defy their quest to have authority over our own constitution, and will never abandon Israel.

America is much more tolerant of all cultures than the world media portrays. We in America, even the Red Staters are NOT homophobes. We do not wish harm, hatred, or ill will to gays, blacks, Muslims, Jews, etc.. Most of America just wants to preserve the foundation upon which we were built. America is not interested in Imperialism, occupation, or Colonization. We are interested in Human Rights and spreading freedom; admittedly, we are interested in this for reasons of National Security and Peace.

Our "unintentional" enemies are those like Spain. The people of Spain are less interested in being an enemy, and more interested in keeping their people safe. What they do not understand, is that once the countries committed to destroying terrorism are weakened, their good will and appeasement will still leave them vulnerable. There are also countries who truly believe that the "cause" of the terrorists and Osama are truly a fight against oppression, rather than realizing that is actually them who seek to oppress.

In summary. The enemy has many faces, and many different goals. We must separate the dangers of violence from the dangers of economic and cultural attacks so that we may fight each attack differently. We need to accept what is worth fighting for and what is worth fighting against. We must differentiate between common goals, and separate goals. For example; giving Palestinians their own state is a worthy cause, but giving them all of Israel is not. Just as treating homosexuals with dignity, respect, and authentic acceptance is a worthy cause, but destroying the foundation of families is not. (in my humble opinion)

Every player in this battle has their own agenda. We must be aware of this agenda, and the means being used to reach it. If you feel overwhelmed by all this information, don't feel bad, it is a lot to swallow. The good news is that the path to victory is not very difficult. The road to defeating the enemy is not equivalent to walking through a mine field.

Tomorrow I will outline what I feel is the best way to defend ourselves. You may be shocked at how utterly simple it is.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


PART III: The Attack From Within

The most obvious attack against America are the terror attacks, such as 9/11 and the USS Cole. We have a President dedicated to crushing the terrorists, and this is vital to survival. Hesitation, fear, and anxiety to the strategy of confronting terror will only lead to more terror with more demands.

The key to weakening America is to undermine the very things that have made America a powerful nation. America has been founded on the ideals of a just and faithful nation. Our forefathers fought against Great Britain, their own motherland, because they recognized the tools that Great Britain used to control us as a colony and limit our freedoms. The pioneers of our country understood the meaning of "The Land of Opportunity." Notice the key word here is opportunity. Recently, we have started to adopt the notion of "the land of ENTITLEMENT. This mind set will only lead to a welfare state (socialism/communism), instead of preserving the very philosophy that lead us to greatness.

If you read the Communist Goals yesterday, the picture is clear.

The enemy fronts:

Education: (these are numbered in correlation to the original list entered into the Congressional Record in 1963.)

  • 17) Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism, and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in text books.
  • 18) Gain control of all student newspapers
  • 19) Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
  • 28) Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state"
  • 29) Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  • 30) Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".
  • 31) Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big picture:" Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
  • 41) Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Some of these have aready been accomplished, and the rest are rampantly taking hold on American psyche. Much of this has been allowed to happen because we were not aware of the plan of attack!

Media: (again, numbered accordingly)

  • 20) Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
  • 21) Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.
  • 25) Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography, and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
  • 26) Present Homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy".
  • 42) Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special interest groups should rise up and make a "united force" to solve economic, political, or social problems.


  • 22) Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings", substitute shapeless, awkward, and meaningless forms.
  • 23) Control art critics and directors of art museums. " Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art".
  • 27) Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch"
  • 36) Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
  • 37) Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
  • 39) Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
  • 40) Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

Legal System:

  • 16) Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
  • 12) Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
  • 24) Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
  • 33) Eliminate all laws or procedures, which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.
  • 38) Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.
  • 14) Continue giving Russia access to the US Patent Office.


  • 15) Capture one or both of the political parties in the US.
  • 10) Allow all Soviet Satellites individual representation in the UN.
  • 35) Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  • 29) Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  • 7) Grant recognition of Red China, and admission of Red China to the UN.
  • 1) US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war
  • 2) US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
  • 3) Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the US would be a demonstration of "moral strength".
  • 4) Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  • 5) Extension of long term loans to Russia and Soviet Satellites.
  • 6) Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
  • 9) Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the US has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

Some of these "Goals" may actually repeat itself and overlap into more than one area, but I think the point is made. The battle ground is wide and vast. It will take awareness, vigilance and resolve to defeat the attempt to bring us down from within. As one of the most subtle examples, look at the first item listed (#16) under the Legal System heading. The first thing that came to my mind was the Boy Scouts of America. The Boy Scouts is one of the most docile, yet AMERICAN organizations we have, yet they are being vilified and attacked by the ACLU (with the help of the media) relentlessly. Do the Boy Scouts pose a threat to American Civil Liberties? Good grief! In efforts to be "politically correct" we sit idly by, not wanting to "offend" anyone, and just let it happen.

Take time today and let this sink in. When you watch the news or read the paper, start noticing the wording of stories, and the choices made on which stories to cover. Somehow, the media feels the need to crucify a young marine before all the facts are in (or refuse to present ALL the facts), while contributing a few (softly spoken) sentences of mention to the kidnapping and murder of Margaret Hassan. The enemy knew that Britain was not going to suddenly pull out of Iraq over her being held hostage. The media knew this too. What they both understand is that the citizens will be horrified and outraged. If the media covers it extensively, they know our rage will boil over, and we will begin screaming to "take the gloves off." But, if they cover it without any sensationalism, and then bring on pundits to talk about how "we created" these monsters, eventually we will begin to just get sick of the violence, and we will do anything to stop it. We will start to believe that it is our fault (or Bush's fault) these people act like this. They are victims, driven to extremes in a desperate effort to protect their country, and their "freedom of religion." What the media keeps forgetting to mention, is that their barbaric behavior is a result of years of hate teaching by their "state-run education system" and their "religion" is willing to execute women for NOT DRESSING RIGHT!

Tomorrow we will take a look at the enemies abroad along with their motives, and tactics.

Let me leave you with this question. Are we headed on the right track? It is a trick question for someone with an agenda, so let me break it into several questions. Are we headed on the right track in Domestic Policy? Education? Media? Culture? Legal System? Politics?