Please Keep Kerry Talking.......PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
I usually try and keep to just fun stuff over the weekend, but one of my news sources sent me a link to this story on John Kerry: (I am stunned at the HYPOCRISY!!!!!!!!)
Kerry: Bush Still Hiding His Guard Records
Though he has yet to fulfill his promise to "Meet the Press" host Tim Russert 12 days ago to sign Pentagon Form 180 releasing all his military records, Sen. John Kerry complained this week that President Bush is withholding fitness reports from his days in the National Guard.
"All of my medical records and all of my fitness reports, every fitness report involving each place I served, is public," he insisted to the Boston Globe in little-noticed comments last Sunday.
"Where are George Bush's still? Where are his military records?" Kerry demanded.
The failed presidential candidate continued to maintain that all his records had been released, telling the Globe, "Let me make this clear: My full military record has been made public."The paper didn't press him on a Washington Post report last year, which revealed that more than 90 pages of his own file can't be released until he signs Form 180. The Globe asked only if he would sign it.Kerry said that he would, and repeated the promise to radio host Don Imus on Monday.
Four days later, there's still no report that Kerry has signed the release.
THE HEIGHT OF HYPOCRISY!!!!!!! This man truly lives in a world where he thinks HE is the center, yet in my eyes he is the epitome of a spoiled brat, feeding off of other people’s hard work. He literally lives off the back of TRUE Americans that work hard everyday to CONTRIBUTE to this GREAT COUNTRY. Did anyone else notice that through the ENTIRE campaign, President Bush said REPEATEDLY, “I was honorably discharged.” ANYONE ELSE pick up on that? Bush KNOWS Kerry has a few scary skeletons. This is one of the MOST telling things about the difference in character of these two. Bush REFUSES to ATTACK Kerry’s military record. I know some blind leftist is crying, “But that’s because Bush knows that Kerry actually went to war and Bush got Daddy to keep him safe over here.” WELL BINGO! You are half right. Bush DOES know that Kerry went to the war and he didn’t. As for “Daddy Bush” pulling strings--- go ahead—grasp for ANY straw YOU can. NOTICE the difference? One side is GRASPING for straws! Including someone willing to FORGE documents and a news agency willing to USE them for a HIT PIECE! And THIS from the side that REFUSES to sign one stinking form that would clear it all up!
Also notice that the side that DID sign the form is NOT WAVING AND POINTING FINGERS! Could you imagine if the tables were turned? Kerry’s side would have NEVER stopped raving about Bush not signing the form—and THIS story, Kerry’s OWN WORDS, proves it! It is AFTER THE ELECTION and he is accusing Bush of NOT releasing all his records! For Pete’s sake people! This is DISGUSTINGLY LOW! On top of it, Kerry would cry victim ‘til Ward Churchill was put his hand over his chest and recited the Pledge of Allegiance! ( woooooooops! I mean ‘til the cows came home).
The INSANITY of Kerry’s hypocrisy NEVER ceases to AMAZE me. Keep it up Kerry; it surely makes for some AWESOME LAUGHTER! Your antics and posturing are simply PATHETIC!!!!! This childish behavior is transparent! My 15-year-old son wouldn’t even try to pull this garbage!
Oh my stars and gartersLOL!!!!
Straight Up with Sherri, at 2:53 PM
Your blog really is getting some good juicy stuff there Sherri. Congrats on the continued good work and overall improvements. This blog is becoming one of my favorites with the timely articles and good way it's put together
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
Kerry needs to give it a rest. Bush has been re-elected and nothing is going to change that now. Kerry and Bush both lied about their military history so lets move on to something else more important like bring our troops home.
Anonymous, at 12:23 AM
Nicely put, Sonya.
"Bush has been re-elected and nothing is going to change that now."
The chicken coop must be terribly
Thanks Sherri for keeping things interesting.
Contemporary History, at 10:02 AM
I think Kerry should give us all a break. Bush is the president and even if his Daddy got him out of the military, it really doesn't matter now. We should focus on the more important stuff like bringing this war to a conclusion. Let him talk about the fair tax act or National sales tax.
D00595130 Andrew Zephir
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM
Straight Up with Sherri, at 4:47 PM
Although I am a democrat, I believe Kerry should let it go. What importance is it for the US citizens to know Bush's military training record. He was re-elected into office despite the fact.
Anonymous, at 7:20 PM
Although I am a democrat, I believe Kerry should let it go. What importance is it for the US citizens to know Bush's military training record. He was re-elected into office despite the fact.
Kerry needs to sign the release and leave it alone.
Anonymous, at 7:22 PM
Although I am a democrat, I believe Kerry should let it go. What importance is it for the US citizens to know Bush's military training record. He was re-elected into office despite the fact.
Kerry needs to sign the release and leave it alone.
Anonymous, at 7:23 PM
Your right Kerry lost but Politics are childish we know all these people are corrupt in some way but I think that we need to select leaders who aren't rich and wealthy and select canadates who really care. Even if there broke
Anonymous, at 12:26 PM
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